Tuesday Happenings
Connie, she had a carepage. It's not kept up like Nics. If I find it I will send it to you. Her dad is in Afghanistan right now & her mom never wanted her to have one. She is doing great so far. I am so happy to hear Nic is doing well. He really is an inspiration to me!
By the way, Morgan will be 7 on halloween! Thank God for miracles!
By the way, Morgan will be 7 on halloween! Thank God for miracles!
Good morning Millie and OFF friends,
I can hear it raining outside, but it's dark still and I cannot see outside yet. That's okay, I've been playing catch up from being away over the weekend.
I'm having a difficult time uploading pictures to the forum. If anyone would like to see the pictures from the OH NY Conference, I can be found on Facebook where I have posted the pictures.
It's under Debra Spine Lewandowski. Marcia and I can't seem to locate each other on FB by search, which is really strange. I hope you all get to see the pictures.....we had a BALL. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to attend the conference.
I think I may be down to 199.8, but before I yell with glee, I'm in ONEderland, I want to be absolutely certain - lol - the WOO HOO, though is on the tip of my tongue!!!!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
I can hear it raining outside, but it's dark still and I cannot see outside yet. That's okay, I've been playing catch up from being away over the weekend.
I'm having a difficult time uploading pictures to the forum. If anyone would like to see the pictures from the OH NY Conference, I can be found on Facebook where I have posted the pictures.
It's under Debra Spine Lewandowski. Marcia and I can't seem to locate each other on FB by search, which is really strange. I hope you all get to see the pictures.....we had a BALL. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to attend the conference.
I think I may be down to 199.8, but before I yell with glee, I'm in ONEderland, I want to be absolutely certain - lol - the WOO HOO, though is on the tip of my tongue!!!!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
HI everyone and Good morning too!
Nothing new here except I didn't go to art class last night. My art teacher called and they were taking her husband to the ER. The doctor thought he had a blood clot in his lung. He is very ill with his lungs and heart and has even been put on a transplant list. I hope everything is well with him. He is such a nice man. My art teacher will be lost without him. Any extra prayers would be appreciated I am sure.
Going to spend some time outside today. I wasted my time in the house yesterday. Just got started cleaning things and never stopped. Missed all the sunshine. Darn it.
I hope all is well with everyone. I guess for me no news is good news. lol
Take care
Mary G
Nothing new here except I didn't go to art class last night. My art teacher called and they were taking her husband to the ER. The doctor thought he had a blood clot in his lung. He is very ill with his lungs and heart and has even been put on a transplant list. I hope everything is well with him. He is such a nice man. My art teacher will be lost without him. Any extra prayers would be appreciated I am sure.
Going to spend some time outside today. I wasted my time in the house yesterday. Just got started cleaning things and never stopped. Missed all the sunshine. Darn it.
I hope all is well with everyone. I guess for me no news is good news. lol
Take care
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Another gray morning. Rained lightly but I don't mind. It is good for the mums. They are blooming and looking beautiful. Yesterday it rained off and on and was chilly. I didin't have the heat on so when I got home from work I started a fire and lit some autumn smelly type candles. Then I wanted some good "winter" food. So I explored the pantry and freezer and came up with enough ingredients for some chicken vegetable soup. It was thick and delicious. I actually wrote down how I made it because it was so good. I brought some in for lunch today. Yum
I am actually looking forward to Halloween. We don't get many trick or treaters. Probably no more than 5 but this year I have a costume. At work a bunch of people dress up and I did occasionally. But being so heavy the last so many yrs, I never had a good one so I seldom did. We always decorate our hall and offices. it is nutty because it is such an odd holiday. But we have fun. It is like a warm up for Christmas.
I'm at work this morning, because I have the nerve study done tomorrow morning in K'zoo. I worked on leaves yesterday afternoon ....they are so thick I only got them part way across the yard toward the curb....tried using a rake, but made my shoulder hurt, so ended up using the blower --- the top ones moved well, but underneath they were wet and hard to blow....spent 45 minutes out there and was pooped! Hope this afternoon if it's decent, I can get them the rest of the way to the curb.
Doing a "Banker's Edge" training test this morning....always fun -- NOT.
Have a good day all,
Pat r.
Doing a "Banker's Edge" training test this morning....always fun -- NOT.
Have a good day all,
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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