What's new Monday?
Eileen, glad you enjoyed the party and are making the best of it for the moment!
It was great reading and catching up on what's going on in your lives, good to see Cindy post yesterday, as well as the Karen's and I look forward to more of the Jonathan and Jordan saga!
Well I had a pretty decent weekend all in all, Tony came down and Friday and sleeping Friday night was rough, as Dillinger seems to be a bigger bed hog then ever. . . then Saturday, got up and it was raining so I decided to make some Cinnamon Raisin French toast with Pepperidge Farm's Whole Wheat (yay!) version of the bread, and we decided to see what movie to go to, seeing as the weather was not going to allow for much else and we went to see Couples Retreat, it was a cute movie, I really do like Vince Vaughn, he seems like a nice guy. We went to dinner at Outback, where I was able to eat most of my 6 oz steak (that is the weight b4 cooking), but I think part of the reason was I chose to not have any salad or bread before my dinner, I did get to have a few bites of the sweet potato (yummy!) and we did bring some home for Dillinger ;) Yesterday was just a hangout day, when Tony left, which he did early as he was going to spend time with his Mom who is in a rehab/nursing facility right now, I did some cooking and walla here I am on Monday . . .
My day started with my left hip in some serious pain, it's hurt before, but never as badly as this morning, it's like the back portion of the left hip, guess I need to see a doctor about it, but don't know which kind of doctor I need to see? Add to that I had an ocular migraine, which if you've never had one, is a very severe pain and flashing lights, but generally only lasts me an hour at most, so I wound up leaving a little later than usual for work because I can't see well enough when that occurs to drive. Took tylenol and my hip feels a little better, the headache is gone. Otherwise, all is good, tonight is bowling night and I got out my old ball from like 20 some years ago, cleaned it and my wristband up and am as ready as I can be (might have to have the holes drilled a bit), but otherwise it feels just right weight wise. . .
That's my plans and I hope that you all have a wonderful day and that whatever life's challenges you face, you have the strength to get through them!
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I love the Pepperidge Farm whole wheat cinnamon raisin toast ... yum! I bought a loaf of it the other week so I could get a special deal at Meijer (if you bought a loaf of bread and five cans of Campbell's soup, you got $5 off next time you shopped ... and I shop there every week). It's yummy bread, I love it.
Sorry your hip is hurting you ... it might not actually be your hip, but your lower back. Sometimes the nerves from the back radiate into your hip (I always thought I had bad hips like my dad and found out it was my back).
My cousin Patty (Aunt Bernice's daughter) has ocular migraines ... once she actually lost vision for awhile. I fortunately have never had one of those, just regular migraines ... bad enough! It runs in our family ... dad, Aunt Bernice, Patty ... probably Patty's kids, too ... I think the fibromyalgia runs in the family, too.
Hi Eileen and all my OFF friends,
As usual, I can't get on until afternoon. Yesterday was a gorgeous day for taking the Tiger Cub Scouts to the local Pumpkin Patch. We went on a hay ride, through the corn maze (lost two of them for about 5 minutes), picked out pumpkins and had a hot chocolate and cookies tailgate party at my car. The ghost shaped marshmallows were a big hit.
Then hubby and I were off to my nephew's goodbye party. He reports to Great Lakes Naval boot camp on Weds. He is a great kid and thinking of making it a career. He's going into the Nuclear program. I hope all works out for him and he stays safe.
Saturday was a bust, rained all day. But I got our laundry done. We got the air conditioners into the basement and I sorted all the clutter and mail that accumulates on my peninsula counter. I splurged and bought myself a used Cricut Paper Cutting machine so I sat down Saturday night and read the instruction manual. I've promised to make leaf name tags and placecards for my hubby's Aunts Thanksgiving Party. She's invited 49 people. It will be at a restaurant after Thanksgiving.
Tonight is the Cub Scout Pack's Halloween Party. I'm going as Merriweather, one of the fairy godmothers from Sleeping Beauty. I've got treat bags for the boys - no candy, just prizes. They get enough candy at the party.
Tomorrow I send a box to the grands with a Halloween Story Book and lots of neat prizes and snacks.
Hugs and good wishes to all,