What's new Monday?
Hello my OFF family:
I was dozing during the long Yankees' eighth inning, but now I'm wide awake and my knee and my back are hurtin' something fierce. So I thought I'd start the thread. I see what's new is our president is a member of OH (I didn't see it, but I read about it). Isn't that nice? I'm glad he supports obesity help. I got an e-mail the other from my senator, Debbie Stabenow, saying she supported the fight against obesity (I had written an e-mail about some research or public support to fight obesity in the schools ... can't remember what it was; it was something that was posted on this board, though).
Anyway, the Yankees won ... well, no big surprise. Really hate the Yankees. I probably won't see much of the World Series since I work Tuesday through Saturday at night. Oh well ... don't plan on DVR'ing either.
Our copy desk "sausage-fest" yesterday was fun ... lots of sausage left over; my cake was a hit, although only half was eaten when I was ready to leave, and I didn't want to leave my pan. The steak brats I brought were really good ... I'll have to go get some more of those someday. Everyone who had one liked them. It was fun socializing with my coworkers and see the "buyout bunch" ... those who have left via buyouts. And I got to meet two of the people joining us from Muskegon.
Since we all work different shifts now, we don't get to see each other anymore. And now that I'm in sports and in a different department entirely, well, I feel I'm not part of the group.
That was a topic of conversation, but all I would say was "no comment," because my boss was there and I didn't want to start crying about it or get in trouble over anything I said. I told a couple of people if they wanted to know how I felt, they could take me out for a beer. But that was about it. I'm keep mum in the office.
Anyway, I'm going to put some ice on my knee and back and see if that helps. Already took a second painkiller because the first one three hours ago didn't do anything. It's been hurting all day ... all this rain hasn't helped me at all.
Have a good day.
Friday night we picked up Flyte's remains.
Saturday morning, I took Mary to the Dallas Zoo. Those people in the area know that isn't that big a deal, because the Fort Worth Zoo is much better. But the Rangers gave me free tickets to the Dallas Zoo. After that we went home and napped. Then went to babysit my son's kids so he and Oleta could go out for dinner and a movie. After that I went home and got ready to go to work for 5 hours. Got home and napped for another 3 hours.
Sunday morning we went to church at First Dallas Baptist. Kirk Cameron (of Growing Pains) preached. He was really pretty good. He started off explaining that he saw stars in too many eyes around the congregation, so we had to get rid of "Seaver Fever" so he could preach. He had us sing the theme song while he got into character. Then he proceeded to do a one man show for about three minutes in the Mike Seaver character. And he nailed it. Then he said now that we have cured Seaver Fever, now you can listen to my message.
Then home to watch football, sometimes on the inside of my eyelids. Now work. And another week starts.
Hello, everyone!
I've been reading daily but just too drained lately to post and alot of my fatigue simply comes from the same issues, touring the assisted living facilities for Mom...(I have to choose three options) ...she trusts my judgement and I'm determined to choose a special place where I think she will be happy...and trust me, that is NOT easy...lol.
So I've made arrangements for Mother to be re-assessed again.. but that's all part of due process, I'm told, and started an application for Mother to get a wheelchair. Hopefully, she qualifies for the Assistive Devices Programme which usually pays about 75% of the costs.
I'm still up because I cannot sleep...All of Sunday was spent mentoring my young ladies...I was called in to do an emergency healing for a young woman who was suffering an ectopic pregnancy, then two LifePath Groups- 2-4pm (LifePath group 2) and again at 6-8pm (LifePath group 3). Naturally they never end on time because as young women are want to do, chat time continues even as I ease them out the door...lol.
I felt drained, emotionally and physically, after these sessions but there were some wonderful breakthoughs and healing tears.. I am so proud of my six young women. They are working hard, being open and honest, to move forward. By the time we leave the office, they become so energized and excited that they seem to hate to leave. I didn't get home til 9:30 pm and by then, all I could do was to force myself to eat a cup of homemade soup for my protein and just sit on the couch with my aching legs up on the stool with Katie and LilyRose demanding attention.
Monday - I get to stay home til 4pm...during this time, I will get household stuff done and also work on the literacy video game sentences that must get done this week! The funding is in now and the production is rapidly progressing..woohoo! Everyone involved is so excited! Then I go up to the Falls to visit Mother and take her a few things including reading material..then after dinner with her and getting her back to her room, I head to my LifePath Group #1 til 10 pm.
I know that the rest of the week will be hectic..everyday, meetings/appointments/commitments. I've been playing nursemaid to some young outside semi-feral kittens about 6 weeks old. They have a cold so Derek brings them in each day and I wash their tiny little furry faces and tend to them since they have a first-time mother who doesn't seem to know quite what to do about keeping them clean. I have a great home for them when they get over their colds. I will bathe them, groom them and take them to live together inside now that we have them socialized, litter-trained and eating solid food.
I won a door prize the other night at a Fun & Finance Event for women...last time I won a $200.00 gift basket from The Body Shop..don't know if they have stores in the US but here in Canada, they offer high quality, natural lotions, soaps and such things. I gave that to my DIL for Christmas because I knew that she would appreciate it.
This year I won a huge black/orange and white balloon arrangement worth $60.00...done up like lil ghosts on a wrought iron stand to put on your porch for Holloween. Since we live in an isolated area of the countryside and get NO ONE trick or treating out here, I will take this arrangement along tonight to my LifePath Group #1 and give it to a couple in the group for their young children to enjoy.
The leaves here are suddenly changing colours, it's grape harvest time..all except those protective-netted vines for ice wine harvest in Dec/Jan...so my silver Buick LeSabre is covered with purple bird poop....ahh the joy of country living!
Well I'm headed back to bed now...by now JB will have my side all warmed up..the trick will be to nudge him back to his side and to get LilyRose to move over and let me in. She is 15 pounds now and when I try to pick her up, she droops at both ends, like a ragdoll cat, and becomes dead weight...she almost just slides out of my grip. Maybe I have to sleep in the mat by the bed tonight!
Prayers, hugs, swinging chickens and healing vibrations to all needing them.
Nancy B
Hi Nancy,
I just wanted to say Hi. I had been wondering how you are doing.
I know what you are going through with touring AL facilities for your Mom. I went through it personally with my Mom a few years ago and also worked as the Director of 2 of the better AL facilities here in Houston after my Mom died so worked with the adult children of prospective residents daily.
Are you going to take the 6 kittens into your home or somewhere else? Whoever gets 6 all at once will have a challenge to keep up.
Karen Martin

there-did that sound convincing?????????? gosh i still hate mondays!!!!!!!!!!
i spent a few hours wandering some stores- got most of the birthday gift for alaina...a phone call from her daddy told me that his grampa is in hospital-not good news....talked to my SIL at length while standing in the laundry soap aisle of wally's...brought her uptodate on michael, the "fire" and our move plans which are changing....i really can't stand to see ppl wandering stores yakking on cells but i found it helped me to talk freely while i was out!
when i got home, mster was "in a mood" which didn't sit well after i worked so hard to de -stress...we eventually spent (a few hours) time in the back yard taking down the two overhead dog runs and the porch swing and my granddaughters' swing--the yard looks empty now withh the swings down...they gave it a wonderful "home" look-now empty! and the dog runs were put up for Trinity and she was stronger than brodyboy! so we had a tuff go--not to mention one end of the yard swing was quite precariously "out there" so michael tied two ladders together to reach..oh my heart ....anyhow- done! progress toward moving and done while there is no snow or ice to contend with--he sees no value in doing it now--and he is NOT the procrastinator i am!!!!!!!! roxie hate sthe confinement of her shorter (on the ground) run....she'll adjust!
lazed around afterwards...
and now time to pay the piper--i'm glad my job is brainless cuz today i think i will be on auto pilot!!
hugs and prayers.................
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good Monday morning, ya'll.
Today will involve a trip to WalMart to pick up an RX and a few things for our trip to Oregon. Not sure why the doc doesn't just write the RX for the entire time I'm doing chemo, instead of having me fill it every week. My DH is sure it's because some people wouldn't follow the instructions. You have to take one pill the day of chemo, and one each day for the next three days, then none til you do chemo again. I don't think that's too complicated.
I got the suitcases out and open on the spare bed. That is great progress! I can start throwing stuff in as I go by them. We have to have warmer clothes for the 'cold country'.
The girls seem to have my caregiver schedule all worked out for my radiation. This is gonna throw a monkey wrench into Christmas. I'm gonna have to have everything done, cards, presents, mailing, etc. before Thanksgiving I think! And I don't think I'll do much decorating this year. I usually host the friends/neighbor Christmas Party, but that will be someone elses responsibilty this year. I'll miss the fun and the gift exchange. Oh well, can't be helped. Next year I'll be back in the swing of things.
The Ducks won, the Beavers lost and the Yankees won. I think we're happy about that, but I'm not sure.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

on 10/25/09 11:01 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I dozed off during the ballgame too but woke up just in time to see the final out. I find it amazing that this is ARod's first world series. As a NY'er I'm a die hard METs fan but since they are not in the game I am hoping for the Yankees to win. I'll have to eat a little crow this morning when I call to congratulate my sister and a good friend....they are both serious Yankee fans.
Kind of a gray Monday morning outside but I'm determined to make it a sunny day inside.
Well gotta get cracking, lots to do.
Hope you all have a great day!
Take care, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
on 10/26/09 5:43 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I have an entire orange outfit and bag I carry when I go to the ballpark. Of course now that I've lost all this weight I'll have to get a new outfit...LOL
I never used to root for the Yankees if the Mets were out..........but started to in recent years. One of my other sisters tells me that I should now me cheering for the Florida team since moving but I can't get into Tampa. I'm with you, I like the National League better.
Can't wait for spring training to see how the Met's look next season.