OT Unemployment issues - lost 1/2 mths pay.......
In July he was to report to a workshop - mandatory. He did not write the date down correctly so he called and rescheduled for the next workshop for the following week. Went to the workshop - did the work and we thought - done.
Then we received a notice that he owes them for the week of the missed workshop. We wrote them back telling them in detail what had happened and that he did indeed go to the workshop. NO - a judge would be calling him to get more details.
He talked to the judge all of 15 min. She said a ruling will be made the same week. We received a notice 2 days after the call - denied. He has to pay $463 for missing the date of the workshop.
Apparently the only reason to miss is illness or interview - not human error. AND - it's not about the workshop at all - it's about the date.
I was in tears. I am beside myself with 'what next'.
Well - what next hit. Apparently right before I went into surgery I tried to make sure all the bills would be paid and I would not have to worry while I recovered. I accidently deleted the monthly house payment! OMG - I have never missed a house payment. But worse - we got a call while I was recovering and I asked my hubby who it was - he said Band of America - sounded like they were soliciting - I said - you know they hold our mortgage. He turned white(r). Yep, they were calling to tell me I missed a payment. 4 days later they called again - this time he gave me the phone and we figured out what happened.
I am waiting for the good news folks.
Hubby was to get a job with Harding Security - but they have done nothing but call him off and on for 4 mths now each time taking him to another level of the interview.
Thanks for letting me vent.
If anybody has an unemployment trick up their cyber sleeve let me know. The good news - I will be eating much less for Thanksgiving anyway...........
Mary - Vashon
Mary, I have no tricks, just sympathy. I will pray that everything gets back to normal and that your hubby gets a new (and better) job.
Unfortunately we all have to live with the bureaucracy. They have their own rules and they don't deviate. No sympathy, no common sense.
I feel so sorry for all of my OH friends that are having to go through being laid off, having hours cut, having huge medical bills and little or no insurance and having to struggle to make ends meet. I pray this economy gets better soon, cause it can't get much worse!
You have to play the games of the unemployment agencies....Not sure how WA is but I know how CA is and they have NO SENSE OF HUMOR.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
Sense of humor is not what I ask - a sense of human is more like it. I get red tape and letter of the law - but what I don't get is where is the balance?! To place more weight on the date and not the workshop was beyond us. To lie was not even considered - until now of course but it's too late.
I don't think we can go back and say - oh - made a mistake - forgot to report I had an interview scheduled. That's a pretty big miss and might place 'eyes' on him for every detail or worse - they could take away his entire payment.
This is a hard lesson. The good news - ok - maybe in an odd way - but the good news is.....since my surgery I now eat far less. I do not buy breakfast/lunch or coffee out anymore. I figure I am saving well over $300 a month!!! So - with a bit more fancy planning I think I can turn this around.
Today - I am feeling better - can you tell :D
Sorry for your woes, I'm thinking that with all the many people on the unemployment rolls these days, they've taken a hard line on things. Sorry you and your husband are having to deal with this and having been on the roll earlier in this year, all I can say is getting a new job is a full time job in and of itself.
As for being late, Banks these days are pretty forgiving, especially when you present them with the money that you overlooked paying and you don't have any history of paying late. However, if you think there is any chance that you will need help in the future, talk to them now, as that is what friends of mine who are in the RE/Mortgage industry told me when I lost my job, I chose to put it off until my severance package was almost done, but by that time I had a new job and so it never had to be dealt with.
Take care of yourself. Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland