Sunday WHAT'S NEW ??
Good for you for taking on this bundle of energy.
I wont say that Ky is as beautiful as the mountains of east Tenn, but you don't find us making moonshine, running from revenuers, gettin drunk all the time and falling off the side of a hill and, and, and, wait a minute!!! Maybe you do.
Come on over to western Ky, we have beauty also....John
i am so in awe of you teaching him to bake!!! so many ppl won't becuz of the mess, etc.."easier to do it myself" attitudes--i love it--this young man will have awesome memories of his time (however long or short) with you--AND he will learn to fend for himself and take care of himself in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you deserve a huge hug!!!!!
i hope that you are journalling for him--use these posts too!!!!!!!!!
and the treadmill! that's great that he sees value in working off those calories!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Hi cindy and OFF...
well i am doing better i guess but still feeling like my head is up my behind!!! almost forgot to pay my car payment thats due the 31st and also repaying state of michigan the tax money they claim i shouldn't have gotton from them!!!! how could i forget to pay those bills???? stress!!! or should i say STRESS?? jan mentioned things happen in 3's...well i pray that the 3rd thing doesn't happen to me!!!! what more can i deal with right now??
yeah unemployment sucks big time!!! rick has jumped through so many hoops its not right!!! they tell him he can make so much money and still collect unemployment...he reports it and then what happens?? they mess it up so we do with out for weeks and weeks!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR just wish he would get a call from a place that is full time and pays good so he can quit his job he has now and move on to better times!!!!
not much else to report out of work at 215 and glad it was time to get out of there before i told some peoples BRATS off!!!!! man they were out in full force today!!!! what is wrong with parents heads that they can't keep an eye on their kids???? sighs
well going to post on my post from the other night so people don't think i am not listening to their advice....or ignoring them.
glad to see new people and others that have been missing posting again...
oh!! i talked to my sister tonight and she was so glad i called her!!!! she is so depressed and missing her dog she had to put to sleep several months ago....the new pup just isn't cutting it she said...this one she can't talk to like she did to her sammy....i feel bad for her...she said she goes for her appointment about kidney transp[lant the 1st week of november. so that is good.
ok off to my post now...have a good night....HUGS
I've had a busy week end. My daughter and I took my granddaughter to a Halloween party last night at the fire hall..she had a great time. I'm finally getting some energy back after my gall bladder surgery. Back to school tomorrow and I'm thrilled to go back. Sitting at home can get boring.
John..I've got to say you're on the right track with that young man..and life has sure found you a new niche that fits you like a glove. EnJoy it!!
Today was a little to hem some new pants I bought...I can now fit into a decent size, but even the petite pants are too long...What can I say I 'm just a little thing now!!!
Hope everyone is doing well..have a great evening and a better week.
Blessings to all...and keep smiling..