Sunday WHAT'S NEW ??

karen C.
on 10/25/09 11:32 am - Kennewick, WA
Julia, I usually go back the day after and read What's New again to catch those I've missed. It's my best way of staying in touch with all of you!

Karen C

on 10/25/09 2:27 am - Alexander, AR
Good morning, Cindy and my OFF friends,

So good to see you this morning, Cindy. Please don't be such a stranger and post more.

It's going to be a nice day here in Central AR. We've had over 70 inches of rain this year, so when the sun is shining we're all happy!  Before the SILs came, I bought some mums and pansies to put in the flower bed, but not having a lot of time, I just placed them and mounded the mulch around the pots. So, today I'll put them in the ground so they will be happier too. Maybe I'll go to the garden center and see about a border.

I have a pot of beans going on the stove and plan to make a loaf of beer bread to go with it. Nice dinner for a crisp fall day. The guys are going to see Zombieland while Tess and I work on holiday SaintBella. I'm hoping to get Gary to take some pics of them to get posted onto Etsy this week. Gotta get this stuff going! 

Okay, that's it for me. So glad to see Karen C back safe and sound from Italy, but we're missing our other Karen....Maui Karen, where are you?
Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the day. Love and hugs to all!



Karen S.
on 10/25/09 3:16 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha my special OFF family......Cindy, so nice to see you again. I feel badly about not posting like I used to. And my dear Susan wrote and asked if everything was OK. It is! My life has sort of exploded lately, and having had a good reaction to the prozac, I am actually out there living again! Ha!

My work schedule has stepped up, too. While I used to test newborn babies' hearing on just Tues. mornings, I am now testing three days a week....Mon, Tues and Friday. And, then, on Wednesdays they want me to permanently cover for our receptionist, and I"m thinking long and hard about that. I AM retired.....but my neighbor sent me an e-mail after I told her my schedule for next week saying "I thought you were retired!

I'm grateful for the work actually because everything is so expensive in Hawaii...this helps me make ends meet.

It is just 7:00 a.m. and another glorious day is beginning with not a breeze (unusual), the ocean is smooth smooth, and soon the Sunday outrigger canoes will be gliding past. I am going to go through my closet yet again and take a bunch of stuff to Savers...where I'm sure I'll buy a lot of stuff, too. They have 99 cent day, and everything with a certain color is 99 cents! I found some white cotton pants from a fancy schmancy label for 99 cents. It still had the price tag on it....originally $140.00!!!!! That could make my day!! My week!! LOL

My two furry friends, Nicki and Poki, are sprawled out in the hallway where the sun is making a nice sauna bath for them. I'm glad Poki is enjoying the sun instead of tap tap tapping my leg for a "let me up." She needs her morning back scratch and massage. I get a dirty look if I turn to the computer and type something!

So many of you are struggling through unemployment, bad health of family members or yourself, and money issues. I feel for all of you, and have had times when this was the only place I felt I could come and dump and know that I would be heard. This is a powerful source of love, friendship and support. Have a wonderful Sunday⁄

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 10/25/09 5:26 am - Interlochen, MI
Hello OFF friends.  I've been gone for a while.  Did ya miss me???  I'll be home this week, then back down state for another week or so.  This is getting old, this back and forth stuff.
Mr. Rooter is here because my kitchen sink was gurgling, or percolating everytime the toilet was flushed.  He checked out everything and the toilet started filling up to the top, almost over flowing.  We went out and checked the septic tank (I couldn't remember when it was last pumped out)  It's not full and doesn't need pumping so they deduced it's the drain field that's clogged.  'Dave' has been out there for over three hours now, digging up the front yard.  They're going to go into each field and spray high speed water thru it to clean it out.  Then they put in something like a probiotic that has bacteria in it to help clean everything out.  So, when he gets done I'll be $3,600 poorer.  Another guy just pulled up to help him with some stuff on a trailer.  Well, I decided I was hungry, so I took a container of corn/creamed corn out of the fridge and popped it into the microwave and turned it on.  I heard some popping and crackling so I opened the door of the microwave and found it smoking.  Now my microwave has taken a crap.  Things come in 3's, what's next??
I've missed reading the posts, but a weeks worth of posts are a lot to go back and read.  I think I'll just try to pick up on things from here on out.  My son and pg DIL were up this weekend.  I got to feel little Joshua move in Jessica's belly.  What a treat.  We're having the baby shower next Sunday and I've got the two games ready to go.  I'm not really ready for this shower like I was for the wedding shower, but I'm sure it'll go off without a hitch...or maybe that's the #3 thing to go wrong???  Yikes, I hope not.
I've not been eating absolutely correctly lately, so I'm going to get back on FitDay and log in my foods again.  My labs were pretty good, but I have to try to get in more protein.  The only way I'll be able to do that is with powder drinks.  I just don't know how people can get in 100 gms of protein a day without doing drinks.
Well, I guess I've been long winded enough for today.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 10/25/09 8:53 am
Well it is now Sunday evening. I have had quite a day.  I made breakfast for my new foster boy, of scrambled eggs, fried apples, bacon, and pancakes. They taught us in our classes for foster children, that some children come from homes that may not have much to eat, and we shouldn't be surprised if we find food under the children's beds or hidden anywhere. They will hoard food to make sure they have some in the future.

Jordan wasn't going to hid this food anywhere but in his belly. Two eggs, gone. two pancakes, gone. Five fried apples, of which I may have eaten one, gone. Three pieces of the precooked bacon (4 slices, 60 calories), gone. Two glasses of orange juice, gone. He ate like I did when I grew up with 3 sisters and 3 brothers. The one that eats the fastest, gets the most.

When Social Services ask me to take him, I was told he was 10 years old,  had the body of a 15 year old and the mind of a 5 year old. That boy put all 4 of my children to shame when it comes to eating. He did finally notice my tread mill in the living room and asked if he could get on. I thought as much as he is eating, go for it, so both of us use the tread mill daily.

Lunch, grilled pork tenderloin, mashed potato's, (four small potato's)  green beans,(one can) and cooked carrots. I ate 1/2 cup of the beans, a few carrots, one heaping tablespoon of potato's, two slices of pork. He had 5 slices of pork, and cleaned the rest of the bowls.

You haven't seen anything yet. We made cupcakes this afternoon. Have you ever seen a 10 year old boy crack 3 eggs for the first time in his life? His two thumbs crushed through the first side of the egg, right on through the other side. He got no better with the next two. After all three, he ran his finger (clean fingers) through the gooey broken eggs and retrieved all the shells. He measured everything except the oil.

When he got to the mixer, I held my breath, but he didn't do bad. I could imagine cake flour and batter everywhere. Putting the batter in the cupcake shells was another adventure, but not as breath taking as putting the icing and the sprinkles on as the finishing touch. He did have icing everywhere. Some on Jordan, some on the cupcakes. When we were finished and he had his first bite, I told him if they were no good, he could complain to the cook, and I received the best response ever, with a huge smile. he said that he made them. Yea!!!

We have had a great day today, and he is out of school tomorrow, so we are going to go to some homes and rake leaves. Any of you dear ladies live near western Ky?

You fools asked for it, so I will keep you up to date on the ongoing saga of John and Jordan.
Don't blame me. I voted for Sarah......

on 10/25/09 9:00 am - Alexander, AR
John,  what a wonderful end to my day, reading your description of your day with Jordan. How lucky you both are to have each other!

I wouldn't say you were "trying" to find a life, sounds to me like a life has found YOU.

You just keep on telling us your tales, they're wonderful!



Judy G.
on 10/25/09 9:11 am - Galion, OH

HI JOHN!!!! WELCOME to OFF!!!!!!

sounds like you have a new life and a joy to have around!!! hope things continue to go well for you both!!!! CONGRATS!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/25/09 9:47 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi John!
Thanks for sharing your heartwarming post.  I so enjoyed reading it.

Your tag line says something like you are "trying to get a life" .....after reading your story I'd say you and Jordan have a pretty wonderful life.  I wish I share the joy of cooking with a child..   You've got me in the mood for doing some baking....think that's how I'll spend my day tomorrow. 

Thanks again for sharing.  I enjoyed your story very much!!


on 10/25/09 9:57 am - Manteca, CA
Hi John- welcome back anytime! I'm guessing that your Jordan attends special education classes, so if you ever have questions concerning IEPs I'm your "Go To" girl.  I'm so glad that your new life is so full!
Julia (in California)
on 10/25/09 10:23 am
Julia, yes he is in special ed, and I am learning about IEP's and it is over my head now, but I had a meeting last Wednesday with his teacher (two of them), his school principal, his school counselor, his case worker, and my boss. My bos**** the roof when she saw his IEP.

She said it was totally unacceptable and somebody at that school had better get on the ball. We are having problems, but we are getting them straighten out.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't know enough right now, about it to ask an intelligent question....John
Don't blame me. I voted for Sarah......

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