Sunday WHAT'S NEW ??

Cindy P.
on 10/24/09 3:29 pm
Can't believe no one has started the Sunday What's New thread yet. Everyone must be tied up doing something else or maybe already in bed.

I know I don't post much (rarely) but I read OFF every day. My heart is with you all. And, good vibes are being sent your way.

Hope you have a great Sunday and enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Cindy P.
Pat R.
on 10/24/09 9:15 pm - Sturgis, MI
Nice to see you here, are missed!

Happy Sunday morning off FRIENDS.   Enjoy your day with friends and family -- if you're alone,  get out of the house and at least take a does a body good!!

Off to Church and Bible Class soon, first my bowl of W/C oatmeal.

Have a blessed day!

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 10/24/09 11:06 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning ya'll.

Another 'do nothing' day.  Which is OK cause I don't have much energy for doin' anything!

I do plan on going through my yarn and books and finding a nice time consuming crochet project to work on while I am too tired to do much else.

Everyone have a fantabulous day! 

Grammylew in Jax


Brenda R.
on 10/24/09 11:08 pm - Portage, IN
Good Sunday morning to all my OFF family. It is nice to see you starting the thread today, Cindy.

I had a looong day yesterday with a retreat for church. I had to be in the church parking lot at 6:30 in the morning and then we went for about an hours drive. We went to Lindenwood and that is just the most serene and beautiful place that I have ever been. I had been waiting for the retreat since the last on we were on there about a couple of years ago. Just a much needed day of peace and serenity. Just what I needed and was so glad that I got to go.

I have to get ready for church really soon. I read the thread from yesterday to try to get caught up. I did a bit and so I feel like I didn't miss yesterday even though I did. ha ha 

Unemployment is saying that they paid Bill for his first week and maybe they did but he hasn't gotten his card yet. I have no idea where it is. Bill is going to have to find out what they did with it. According to the rules he was suppose to have gotten that before they started paying him. Heck I have no idea what the heck is happening. This is Bill's first time for unemployment too. Now they no longer send a check they put it on a Visa card and from what I hear they sometimes make mistakes on the amount that they deposit too. I have heard that more than once so we much keep a watch on that. We had them take out the taxes on the unemployment checks too so we are getting less...Bill keeps forgetting that and he says that he is suppose to get more than he is getting then I have to remind him about the taxes and then he says "Oh that's right.".  I just wish this nightmare wasn't happening but it is and I am grateful that the unemployment is there for everyone. But you sure can tell it is government....mistakes that we all know the government NEVER least according to them anyway. They never make mistakes they just make errors. Alrighty then...

I best get going. I have to get ready for church. I wish that I could still be in bed but I woke up earlier than I needed to...probably because I went to bed earlier than usual! I was so darn tired last night I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and enjoy the fall of the year..before we know it it is going to be the winter of the year. It is coming way faster than it should!!!!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Cindy P.
on 10/25/09 2:02 am

My hubby is also collecting unemployment. His benefits get posted to a visa card. His card is valid for 12 months. When we got it, they provided a phone number to call to check to see if weekly benefits have been posted to the card. He has been collecting on and off (had some part time jobs in the last 12 months) for nearly a year now and we haven't had a problem.

Since Bill hasn't received his visa card, I'd call unemployment ASAP and report it as "missing". Just a thought.

Laureen S.
on 10/26/09 1:54 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Can you switch it over to direct deposit, that's what I did and it was there right on time every week. . .  no guessing, no worrying about losing or a card misplaced. . .  it was in my bank account.  Just a thought. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Jo W.
on 10/24/09 11:27 pm - Owosso, MI
Morning Off.  I am looking at a beautiful red and yellow scene out my puter room window. only problem is soon the red and yellow will be replaced with white and I  don't want the white anytime soon!
Quiet day here  kids are catching colds again so I'm  keeping them away from  Steve and dosing them with oj and chicken noodle soup and hoping for the best.  I have to go see mom to marrow .  I have to get up there.  Might have to take angel  Mary to watch the little ones while I visit mom.   I am already  taking cold preventives and they help for a while and Ill take the extra precaution of wearing a mask in the nursing home.   I just need to get there . 
You all have a great Sunday and  a real week upcoming 
I continue prayer for all of you
Margo M.
on 10/24/09 11:45 pm - Elyria, OH
hi cindy! thx for starting us--make sure julia sees that you checked in!!j/k!!!

fitful sleep nite- didn't go to bed til midnite then up at 6-into the recliner for a few hours-michael got up and took his night time pills instead of daytime so he is asleep again.
i really hate when he does that--i am going to simply have to put the proper ones out each time--this gets real old.

we're making decisions abbout some stuff and it isn't easy...about moving and packing and our stuff and our bills and

i am headed to the shower and to the store- i think i need some alone time and wander-also need to find a birthday gift for my soon to be 2 year old granddaughter(next sunday is her day and party)

hugs and prayers to all

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/25/09 12:18 am - manchester, NJ
good morning everyone

good to see you posting cindy.

thanks to everyone for their good wishes for my mom the other day.

each day is a new experience., friday she was a mess, and yesterday
her friend said she was pretty with it.  my sister and I are headed over
there this morning, so im hoping for another good day.

hope everyone has a great sunday, its sunny in jersey, but cool right now

hugs to all in need, jacki




karen C.
on 10/25/09 12:37 am - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Cindy and friends,

I'm feeling a bit closer to "normal" (whatever that is for me!) Took 2 Tylenol PM to try to get some sleep. That works for me but I just hate taking them every night. However, waking up every 2 hours all night long doesn't make for much rest!

Finally got my pictures from Italy loaded onto my computer. I'll set up an on line album to share them soon. As usual I took tons of pictures and many just need to be deleted!

Quiet weekend around here. Cleaning up the garden area, one last lawn mowing, putting away patio furniture etc. I am so not a winter person. Don't really mind the cold as our winters are usually mild but I absolutely DETEST the short dark, rather grey days that tend to be what we have around here. I just want to hibernate. Maybe it's a good thing that I don't sleep well. Otherwise, I'd be in bed, head covered until March!

I'm going to make myself a blank calendar for the next few months and "pencil" in activities. That way I'll have things to look forward to and the weeks won't disappear with nothing done.  I'm talking things like a movie, sewing, library visits, genealogy research, some volunteer activities, lunch with a friend, exercise at the gym, fishing with Mike (reading and walking for me), taking Maggie for daily walks, those kinds of things.

I "think" about doing them but often find the days passing by without much being done! I'm on my second cup of coffee, already read the paper, time to get a shower and get in gear.

You all have a nice day wherever you are.

Karen C

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