You guys are just the best
Yes I never come in from home but I decided to tonight and I am glad I did, you made my day. I have been so very swamped at work I can usually only peek in for a quick read. I have been in kind of a funk lately. I had a wonderful time at my training to become a Infant Massage Instructor. I still need to get my training plan made up.
OK, now I am going to tell you something odd. Since my Ex ran off with my money and the boyfriend ran my credit card into oblivion, car died and I can't replace it I just haven't known how I am going to get out of this mess. I had a dream that I had rectal cancer, I woke up from that dream in a panic of I had to sell most of my belongings so I could move into the place where my mom lives, that way my kids would not be stuck having to clean out my house and I would be living in the building where I work, no more taking the bus. Oh and I ws told that I would be in good health until the cancer went through my colon, then I would get a high fever and have 2-3 days before I died. I had from 3 weeks to 2 months, so I had to hurry. This was just a dream, but when I woke up,, for 3 days I had this panic feeling that I had to sell things and get ready to move. I went to my training and was back to my normal relative calm. THEN.. there was a E-mail at work about an volunteer opening in my moms building for a night manager ! No pay, but, free apartment, telephone, and hea****er and electric. All I would have to do is walk the building, locking up at 10 PM. and of course answer any emergency calls. I would be a walk down the hall from my day job, I would have to sell a LOT and be moved in by the first week in November, I decided the "cancer" was my financial mess. In a year I would have all my finances back in order. This was my dream !! This position was MINE. I know the building, the people, I have all the trainings and security checks from my job and there was only one other applicant. Application was in Wednesday, Interview on Thursday, decision to be made on Friday. I got a letter on Saturday saying after a hard decision,I did not get the position. I was unconsolable, what had I said wrong???? Long story short, I found out they gave the position to a gal who already works there,she was having problems with her adult kids who lived with her and she had just sold her house. Of course they gave it to her,it was already decided. I know all these gals,why didn't they tell me? They just had to post the position, the decion was already made!! I just don't understand the dream and how it all worked together, and then fell apart..sigh
Any way, Thank-you so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes,they mean the world to me, don't know if the family has anything planned for tomorrow, we shall see..Love ya
OK, now I am going to tell you something odd. Since my Ex ran off with my money and the boyfriend ran my credit card into oblivion, car died and I can't replace it I just haven't known how I am going to get out of this mess. I had a dream that I had rectal cancer, I woke up from that dream in a panic of I had to sell most of my belongings so I could move into the place where my mom lives, that way my kids would not be stuck having to clean out my house and I would be living in the building where I work, no more taking the bus. Oh and I ws told that I would be in good health until the cancer went through my colon, then I would get a high fever and have 2-3 days before I died. I had from 3 weeks to 2 months, so I had to hurry. This was just a dream, but when I woke up,, for 3 days I had this panic feeling that I had to sell things and get ready to move. I went to my training and was back to my normal relative calm. THEN.. there was a E-mail at work about an volunteer opening in my moms building for a night manager ! No pay, but, free apartment, telephone, and hea****er and electric. All I would have to do is walk the building, locking up at 10 PM. and of course answer any emergency calls. I would be a walk down the hall from my day job, I would have to sell a LOT and be moved in by the first week in November, I decided the "cancer" was my financial mess. In a year I would have all my finances back in order. This was my dream !! This position was MINE. I know the building, the people, I have all the trainings and security checks from my job and there was only one other applicant. Application was in Wednesday, Interview on Thursday, decision to be made on Friday. I got a letter on Saturday saying after a hard decision,I did not get the position. I was unconsolable, what had I said wrong???? Long story short, I found out they gave the position to a gal who already works there,she was having problems with her adult kids who lived with her and she had just sold her house. Of course they gave it to her,it was already decided. I know all these gals,why didn't they tell me? They just had to post the position, the decion was already made!! I just don't understand the dream and how it all worked together, and then fell apart..sigh
Any way, Thank-you so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes,they mean the world to me, don't know if the family has anything planned for tomorrow, we shall see..Love ya

Jean, I've been going through my own turmoil lately, so forgive me for not saying happy birthday to you. Sorry you are having financial difficulties. Believe me, I am the queen of financial problems, so I understand. Sorry you didn't get the volunteer manager job. Sounds like they had it given to the one person but under EEOC guidelines had to advertise it.
Maybe your dream is about something else entirely. I don't know.
My life is a mess too ... maybe you were dreaming about me. Just kiddin'
Try to have a happy birthday.
Maybe your dream is about something else entirely. I don't know.
My life is a mess too ... maybe you were dreaming about me. Just kiddin'
Try to have a happy birthday.