What is New, Its Friday October 23, 2009

on 10/22/09 4:41 pm - Bradenton, FL
Two things come to my tired mind at 0230 in the morning today.
1 is this. Yesterday at 1030pm I stopped at Mcdonalds and baught a homless person a hamburger, fries and a coke. Actually I baught it for me. I was driving home and I saw a homeless person sprawled out on the bench in front of the bowling alley. He was homeless pushing a walmart cart full of cans in bags, dirty clothes in bags and was guarding it with his life. I stopped and handed him the bag and said have a good night.

2 is do we take life for granted? This gives you someting to think about.

Prayers to all who need them.

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Margo M.
on 10/22/09 8:24 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning, sweetheart! yes; we DO take life for granted--and how quickly it can change-lemme tell you my yestrday story...

when i left work; i was thinking of running two errands on the way home- would have maybe taken 30-45 minutes extra-tops...decided against-went to post office and straight home--opened the garage door and pulled the car in (michael was riding the lawnmower and almost done). closed the garage door -i'm talking to my mom on the phone-i smelled something sweet or plastice-nah sweet-burning. opened the back foor to see if he had stuff on the burn pile down in back-nah!opened the kitchen door to a wall of white smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!! walked to the stove to turn it off and with towels, lifted the offending pan off the left front (big)burner. whatever is inside is molten ash and red coal like fire ---i carried that out the front door to put it where it would cool, went back in and grabbed the fan out of our room to open the front door for air-opened a few other doors after i took chico(he's the one with the bad lungs) to  the front entry way (shoulda put him in the car )--oh! roxie is in our room in the smoke just lying there on the bed looking at me like wtf?--so i ran out to get michael off the mower -he took ruby and chico to the basement - i took roxie down and tied her there and we opened the rest of the house---after a few hours(thank goodness we had 70* and breezy for awhile then it coole dway down) it smells pretty good but there are two areas where you can smell smoke-
he had made 2 gallons of applesauce and from the apples he smooshed, he was cooking down jelly--and went out to ut the grass for two hours................................now- this is the second fire (or potential fire) in our house in 2 months-and we have the house for sale...not to mention the animals--and usually roxie is tied in teh kitchen where she would have been more overcome- and chico was in a direct line....

i am almost afraid to go to work today folks.....and i have a sore throat but i know it's from the smoke. dang it.......

we had a conversation on the deck about something we had discussed the nite before that i thought was settled and suddenly it's like nothing ever changed- i don't understand anymore-and i am about to give up the fight!

ok- back to life.....i musta dumped from dinner i made pancakes with mulberries-and so by 715 i was out on the couch-got up about an hour later and put on jammies and went to bed- needless to say when michael woke at 3 to potty i was wide awke--went to the recliner at 330 and took my alram--fell back to sleep-dreaming about a kitchen fire and a bunch of children- anyhow- i woke myself up talking to these children--not once but twice!! and i don't usually talk in my sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hug your loved ones and know that i am hugging you and sending prayers......

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Margo M.
on 10/22/09 8:52 pm - Elyria, OH
i need to clarify something- yesterday was not a "fire"-tho it would have been had i not gotten home soon...the pan was almost melted to teh burner and i hada hard time lifting it off0 but we did not have fire-just a huge mass of white smoke....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Pat R.
on 10/22/09 9:00 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning Carla and Margo:
Been up since before 6 a.m......

Good grief Margo, I'm glad you were directed to go home when you did......See, God really is in charge!  Hopefully, there won't be a repeat of that incident.

Carla, what a caring thing to do.....I'm proud of you.

Well, the news at the orthopedic surgeon is that my foot is NOT improving like it should  (I knew that).  So next Wednesday I go to a neurologist for a nerve study.....Who knows after that.....\\

We are to get drenching rains all day today -- I have to get to work, and then have a hair cut appt. at 2 p.m.    Hopefully, I won't drown.

Time to get on the recumbent bike.....Have a great Friday!

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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Eileen Briesch
on 10/23/09 2:36 am - Evansville, IN

Good grief, you sure are having problems with your foot. I hope your ortho doc is paying for the neurologist, since he has admitted making the mistake (and if he isn't, he should ... I know you have Medicare, but still ...).

We are having drenching rains and bone-chilling temps too ... what a day for Aunt Bernice's funeral. Glad I'm not there. I chose to remember her sitting on her back porch, feeding the stray cat she took in (she never took it in the house, but that cat would come on the porch and look for her, and she would feed it and give i****er and pet it; she was a softy for stray animals ... kind of like Margie, maybe why I loved her so).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 10/22/09 9:12 pm - Alexander, AR
Carla, you're a good person. I'd much rather give a homeless person something to eat or drink than money. So many times they use it for drugs or alcohol when it's food they really need. Besides, YOU didn't need that fast food, did you?

Margo, how fortunate you were to get home when you did! Go**** could have been so much worse! Do you have much to clean up, or is it mostly the smoke smell?

Yesterday we did the photo shoot for the AR Life Magazine and what fun it was. We had two beautiful models to work with, one blond the other brunette. A few of the local jewelers brought in pieces to photograph....over 100K of it! One was a 30K bracelet!  Looks like one of the pics will be on the cover!  My first cover photo....WHOOOOOHOOOOTT  The photographer said he'll send me the links, so I'll try to figure out how to post it to my profile when they come.

Off to work, hope everyone has a wonderful day. Hugs and smoochies to all!



annette R.
on 10/22/09 10:29 pm - ithaca, NY
What fun. I am sure you made the models more beautiful. You are a scissor wizard.Wizard

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 10/22/09 10:40 pm - Alexander, AR



on 10/22/09 9:35 pm

I'm glad my day yesterday was boring......  Margo, what a blessing you went home when you did.

Yes, we do take life for granted.  I should post my happenings in the last year about my sister.  And the quality of life.. wow it has been quite an eye opener.

My body woke me up this morning.  Not sure what I ate before bed but my blood sugar dropped.  Now I need to get it normal so I can go back to bed... sigh

Brenda R.
on 10/22/09 10:06 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning to you my dear Carla and OFF family. Just think...today is Friday.

That was a wonderful thing that you did for the homeless man, Carla. We need to do that more often. You don't see a lot of homeless around here...there is a more than most people think though. A lot think there is none but a few years ago just down the road from us one got killed...no one ever found out who did it. When the church had the free supper we found that most of the homeless live under the interstate bridges. But the thing is...I just don't see them. Not sure why though.

Margo, that had to be frightening when you walked in the house yesterday. Is the smell hard to get rid of? I would kind of think it might be but I don't know for sure. I do understand what you are saying though. God was looking out for you with directing you home.

I haven't had Kayden since Wednesday...he is going to his Great Grandma's. I miss him but Bill said yesterday that he doesn't miss him. He said that he loves him like crazy but he is liking not having him for a few days. ha ha  I was talking to Pastor's wife last night and she said Pastor says the same thing about their 10 month old grandson. It must be a man thing...with both of them it is the yelling and crying.

It is raining like cats and dogs. It has been for the last couple of days. I am so sick of rain....it is truly rain rain go away...but don't come again another day. There are no spring flowers to come up anymore so I guess the only thing is at least it isn't snow. For every inch of rain we would get 7 inches of snow...so we would be buried in snow!

I better get going. We are going to get a oil change in Bill's car this morning and then see if it passes the emissions test...keep your fingers crossed for the poor old car.

Know that I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a great day and stay warm and cozy. That is the best way to be....and don't forget to smile!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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