Wednesday afternoon i was on my way to the bank and video store...i was stopped at the entrance/exit of the apartment complex...i looked both ways and saw NOTHING coming at all so i proceded to go out onto the street...OMG i hit a young woman on her bike!!!!!!!!!! i NEVER saw her til it was to late!!!! i wasn't going fast but fast enough to shove her into the street and bend her handle bars crooked and the front tire of her bike is bent...but she is ok...alittle bruised on the legs and a scrape on her elbow...i rushed out of my car and asked her numerous times if she was ok and did she want me to call for help...she said no she was fine. i called rick to come fix her bike for her and he came to do that. i again kept asking her if she was ok and did she want me to call anyone or me take her home,,,she again said she was fine. i gave her my phone number and insurance and told her i would call her in a day or so to see how she was doing. she said she would be fine. she did give me her number though. so anyhow after a few hours i get a phone call...its the police!!! i was told i was at fault...yeah i knew that already but then she went in front of my car knowing she should be aware i might start moving...she admitted that to me...but she didn't want me to call anyone....so she calls the police on me...i went to get the report today but it wasn't ready yet...odd...officer told me it would be ready at noon YESTERDAY....they will call me when it is ready. i am scared to death of what might happen now...
today while i am at work they announce over the PA would the owner of an oldsmobile aurora lic # *** **** please come to the service desk...i said OMG thats MY car!!! i go up to the service desk and this man says he hit my car!!!!! i freak out....what more can happen to me??? he says it isn't bad only a few white scrapes on the front bumper drivers side...he told me he already called his insurance and he gave me his agents name and number and also his name and number. he leaves then comes back in and tells me he rubbed it and the white is coming off....i finally get my break and go out to look at it...its from the headlight down to bottom of the bumper and along the fender. i am not going to let this guy try to talk me out of getting it fixed...my car is in great shape so why would i let this go?? (no damage from hitting the woman/bike) i called rick to let him know what happened and he agrees with me to get it fixed. now for the strange thing...this happened at the exact same time as when i hit that woman!!!!!!!!! i am being paranoid now...i am afraid to drive my car at the time these both happened....sighs....
i am ashamed of myself for not seeing this woman!!!!! where was my head??? i honest to GOD did NOT see her!!!! i looked both ways before moving out to the street....again I DID NOT SEE HER!!! i am sitting here thinking and tryine to see it all over again and i still do NOT see this woman at all!!!! she came out of nowhere!!!!!
thanks for letting me post about this freak accident and i will keep you all posted as what happens next. :-(
Oh Judy, what a horrible experience! I'm glad that both of you are ok. It must be hard to wait to see what the police report will say. I remember nearly hitting someone on a bike once - he seemed to come out of nowhere, just like your bike rider!
And then, to have someone hit you the next day! At least he reported it and didn't just slink away and leave you with a damaged car.
Deep breaths and take care. It will all work out.
on 10/23/09 11:02 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm so sorry to hear about these stressful events. I can hardly imagine how you must be feeling. It must be very scary. I'm so glad that the bike rider and you were not seriously hurt.
I am an avid bike rider....I ride almost every day for 70-90 mins. I ride through my development and then around the local Target parking lot so I'm always watching for cars. To minimize my interaction with drivers I go out pretty early in the morning but still have to be careful....especially in the neighborhood...... I feel it is MY responsibility to watch for all traffic and to ride defensively. I never take for granted that someone in a car will see me. I always give the cars (especially in the parking lots) the right of way.
I'm telling you this only to try to help you take some of the guilt you are feeling off your shoulders. Where was the bike riders head? Maybe her helmet was on too tight!
I hope you can get a copy of the report tomorrow so you don't sit and worry all weekend.
Thinking of you

I know that sometimes bike riders come out from no where. I am betting that is what happened to you. It is the bikers responsibility to keep watch too. Some people think of ways to get things too...and I also wonder if that is why she said not to call the police and then goes home and does it herself.
Just take it easy and don't forget to breathe. In through your nose and out through your mouth. When you are feeling stressed just do that...it will help to calm you down. It really works.
Keep us posted on how things are going and I will be keeping you in my prayers. I am sending love and hugs to you, dear one.
Hope everything works out for you. You know I am saying a prayer that you will not be held at fault.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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