What's New THURSDAY?

Nancy B
on 10/21/09 5:47 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Good morning, everyone!

Looks like I got carried away on the "What are you eating" post and I cannot copy and paste it to this one...lol.

But as I posted there, my life is rather hectic. I'm also busy writing the 5000 sentences for the literacy video game that is being produced..the govt funding has been awarded and delivered now...yayy!

Now that I have my two new certificates, I'm starting a new course of study now....HYPNOTHERAPY.   Another intense course but well worth it to be able to help others.  It's not the usual 3 weekend course offered everywhere but a six month intense and very rigourous course.

I've been asked to return to Quebec to do my "Mandala & De-stressing Workshops" but, at this point, I cannot afford the time nor the money.  And Mother's safety and health is my top priority.  

And to complicate things, her HEALTH card needs to be renewed by her birthday, next month.  How am I supposed to get her into the city, and into a huge crowded waiting room to wait for hours and deal with the photo and applications?  I'm sure that department must also deal with other seniors who are bedridden and such, so maybe they will have a solution for me..Each trip out now wears her down more and more. She never got a notice letter...now I realize that her letter would have gone to her former address (her home in the city before she came here) and the new owners never sent the letter forward to us...grr...they do have our names and phone numbers for such a reason..it's an offical govt document, gee whiz.  Well, I shall find a way to get this done with as little harm to Mother as possible.

At the end of next week, I begin my trips out of town to that special medical clinic where the doctor specializes in obesity...I've been referred there by my WLS surgeon since my body refuses to drop further. To be referred to this clinic is anazing  and not everyone gets in so I am very fortunate.  I will be having many tests including metabolism, hormonal issues and stress tests..oh joy! And I have to go there three times a week..it's over an hour each way. I already dread the winter driving over the SkyWays.

I am also starting my swimming routine then as well...again, I'm aiming for three times a week...just need to get past my fear of being seen in my bathing suit. I will get my act together and do it.

Well, I'm headed back to bed, maybe this time I can sleep longer.  Play nice!

Nancy B

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
on 10/21/09 6:36 pm
Good morning Nancy and OFF friends,

Nancy, looks like you're the early bird this morning - lol - you beat Margo and George - lol - your hypnotherapy course sounds very interesting.  I'm sure you will help others with this skill.

I'm up early to get started on stats and hopefully finish up early.  Lots to do today in preparation for the trip tomorrow morning to the NY conference.  Piano lesson is scheduled for today since I'll be out of town tomorrow, which is my normal day.  Have to clean out the ****atiels' cage and the African Grey's cage so it's nice and clean for the hubby to take care of them this weekend.  I still haven't packed, so I'll get that done today as well except for the last minute items.

Have a wonderful day everyone!



Margo M.
on 10/21/09 7:42 pm - Elyria, OH
debbie-are you driving or flying? take an extra "tote" bag for your samples etc!!! when i went to the LA conference in 2004; we had to make a saturday nite shopping trip to target to get me a second suitcase to get stuff home on the plane!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/21/09 8:53 pm

Thanks for letting me know this!  This is going to be so much fun!  I am meeting four other girls from the PA forum and riding up with them.  I have to drive two hours north to meet her; she is driving her van, and then we'll be picking the others up along the way.  I'm hoping to take lots of pictures, so I hope I can upload them when I get back.

Have a great day!



on 10/21/09 10:37 pm
That seems like just yesterday......
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Margo M.
on 10/22/09 7:35 am - Elyria, OH
wi**** were darlene!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Margo M.
on 10/21/09 7:50 pm - Elyria, OH
nancy-hugs to you on the mother thing about her card--you will find a way ; i am confident!!! they should have some kindof travelling camera and computer that could go around to facilities to do such thing....oh don't get me started!!!

the whole situation as so many of you are watching your parents decline and the health care/medicare/social security system (here in the us) just tears at me--and then to think that in a bit WE will be those parents....my mom is only 14 years my senior so it's hard to think of her as aging but i am seeing some decline....my dad is such a grumpy old man i dunno how he is doing....

on my way home yesterday; i stopped at wally's for scrips-took forever-they were swamped-anyhow- after that i drive a different rte than my everyday trip home from work...as i'm driving i see a bird on the road, presuming a buzzard--my surprise when i got close-it was a gorgeous eagle!!!! white head and tail and all!!! oh he was beautiful as he took flight so i wouldn't hit him!!!!

between that sight and the falling star; i had a good day!!!

tho at work was not so good-not workrelated--it's more stresses catching up and i think i have found a temporary fix /resolution...lemme work on the plan a bit before i divulge...

came home to a birthday invite for my granddaughter's second-and a darling picture!! i wish my kids wouldn't spend the money on these professional pics but i do treasure them! on the same hand; i wish my other son were able to do the pics cuz i miss not having them of his girls!!! did that make sense????

well- it's thursday already and i love that fact!! have a few things to research so i'll check back in later...
hugs and prayers.................

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/21/09 8:55 pm

What a beautiful site to see the eagle and the falling star!  Good luck is heading your way! 



Jan C.
on 10/21/09 11:28 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Margo sounds like God was sending you a message or affrimation one or the other......



on 10/21/09 8:58 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

Yesterday was my first chemo.  It was a piece of cake!  But it was reduced strength, and only the 1st.  I was able to get my anti-nausea meds filled, but WM had to order the Treceva and that won't be in until today.  I was supposed to begin that with the chemo.  Not looking forward to it because it is gonna cause acne and diarhea.  Oh happy day!

Our grandson fell on his pitching hand (trying to grab their run away dog).  Only DR. appointment our DIL could get was when my chemo was over.  So a friend came to pick me up and take me home (I could have driven myself, but who knew for sure).  The grandson has a spiral fracture and is out of baseball for 6-8 weeks.  All those pitching clinics she paid for will have to be rescheduled.

Tomorrow I meet with my oncology surgeon for a follow-up and then the radiation doctor to discuss that schedule.  He will coordinate with the chemo lady.  I imagine part of it will depend upon the availablity of a room for me in the Hope House.

My weight was up to 146 which made the chemo doctor very happy.  I asked her about vitamins and she said NOT to take any during chemo, it alters the affect.  I'm glad someone suggested I ask. If anyone has any other questions I should be asking any of my doctor's, please let me know.  Hundreds of heads are better that one!

I FINALLY got the **** from Mom's insurance company, so I can send it BACK to the same insurance company.  Different department, it's all about pre-existing conditions.  Seems to me common sense would have prevailed, we could have saved months, if they had just checked with the folks 'down the hall' as I suggested back in JUNE!

Today I need to go to the PO, to both the base and WM for prescriptions, to the Commisary for groceries and to WM for long pants for my trip to Oregon.  We leave IN A WEEK and I am nowhere close to even thinking about it!  So much to do, so little time!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


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