What's new Wednesday?
We are having our pine trees cut this fall. They are very old & keep falling down. We have alot of hardwoods out there & I can't wait for them to grow. The colors are almost done for the year, so now we hunker down for the snow. Not my favorite time of year!!!!
Grammy, I will be thinking about you today.
Hope you all have a great day.
Sorry to hear that some of you have problems. I will be thinking about you. It is hard taking care of a parent who is ill. You feel helpless. I think that is one of the biggest things.
I hope your chemo and everything goes well grammylew. I will be thinking about you too.
Today, I am going to see my surgeon. I lost a few more pounds and weighed 188 this morning. I can't remember being under 200 in years. Probably since Jr high school. A loooooonnnggg time ago. lol.
I know I have lost in inches too because my clothes are baggy.
Hope all is well and everyone take care the best you can
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

It is rainy and cold and I wish I could stay in bed under the covers today!!
I have to leave soon for meetings down in the Twin Cities. New clients to meet and do intakes with. Hope to be back in St Cloud by 2:00PM.
Nothing else new with me. My meeting with Dwayne never happened last night. We ran into friends and never did get to talk by ourselves.....maybe tonight!!
Many prayers to those in need...the list gets longer all the time.
Have a great day everyone. Share an smile with a stranger...it might be just what they need!!
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Taking a moment to pop in. Work has finally gotten to me. I'm taking a sick day - actually playing hookie! Not really sick enough to stay home, slight sore throat, cough... No, not the flu, probably related to the A/C work that is ongoing at work. Anyway, I have a full day planned: Need to pick out bathroom counter so we can wrap up that project; clean out closet, catch up with laundry; go to the Dept of Transportation to add money to my toll tag account and get a book of ferry passes for George; sort through linen closet and pull out older towels and washclothes to pack for cabin in two weeks - do the same with the kitchen towels; plan menu for long weekend at cabin... Darn, maybe I should have gone to work!
Sat. night George's place of employment had it's first Gala (fund raising event) since Katrina! Really had a great time. Very dressy occasion - several of the area's finer restaurants had tables set up for food tastine. I did pretty good. I'd take a bite and pass my plate to George to finish! There were a few things that actually were wls friendly like the whole roasted leg of beef, the roasted pig, and the shrimp salad. The chocolate fountain wasn't the best station to stop at, but I did have some delicious blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries - yes, I tried a little of the chocolate - George finished that too!
I'd really rather spend the entire day here with you guys, but I'd better get something accomplished while I'm off. We're in our prime fishing season, so not much is getting done on the weekends.
Have a great day, Debbie

busy here at work, getting lots of calls from the volunteer's in regards to the H1N1 vaccine. It will be available for them for free but we have to wait our turn. Scary stuff out there but thankfully it's not hitting our seniors, sometimes getting older is a positive! Well I enjoy getting older, but where is "my wiser" authority? LOL
Will be busy this afternoon with interviews for people wanting to volunteer.
Hubby hopefully going to get his eyes checked today, he needs new glasses.
I'm going to the gym after work, will do 2 spin classes in a row. I need to exercise, yesterday was an "eating day" for me. I stayed up late and ended up eating a piece of pizza just before I went to bed...pouchy was hungry! I know...I should have had a V-8 (hitting myself up aside my hard head)!
Take care my friends, saying prayers for all those in need, especially Grammylew.
Pat...hope your foot will start doing better. Big hugs to you my friend!
I am doing well. Just working and going home tired. My knee continues to bother me and I'm sick of walking with a cane. I've been having trouble hoisting my left leg (the one with the total knee replacement) into the car. It really bothers me that the leg still hurts so - the replacement was in November.
Anyway, other than that, I'm doing well. Next week I go to the Bariatric Clinic for my post-op consult. It was the earliest they could get me in - a month after surgery! Good thing everything is going well.
So for today, I packed healthy options (my turkey chili and some roast turkey breast deli meat), and am drinking my protein.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
morning eileen and OFF family!!!
well its a nice warmer day today for a change!!! SUPPOSED TO GET UP TO 72...YIPPEEE!!!!! slept with the window open a couple inches to get some fresh air in here...heard the acorns dropping all night though...got hit in the head with one yesterday while at dianes. OUCH!!! hurt like the dickens too!!!
been trying to find some mark martin (nascar) apparel for rick for christmas but so far no luck. when i do find something its a 2X and he sure doesn't need that big of size!!!! maybe a medium but he wants a large...sighs....
going to super kmart today to look around. they have a good sale on pork chops 99 cents a pound. i am so tired of eating beef...seems like its all we eat anymore...i need chicken also. so maybe we will get some leg quarters also on sale for 59 cents a pound.
made more flowers for the afghan last night. fingers are getting callouses on them...lol nope didn't start hooking it yet...i keep putting it off but soon i WILL get that started i promise.
watched wrong turn 2 last night...omg!!!! and now on dvd they have wrong turn 3 out...going to rent that one today....lol love to be scared watching movies like that...lol
well time to hit the shower and get moving to kmart see what we find there for bargins...have a great day everyone!!!
SMILE!!! ;-)