What's new Wednesday?
I have problems with remembering names and words escape me, as do my thoughts if I get interrupted, some of this was pre-surgery, so I think some is age related stuff, others I'll find out when my labs come back, at my 2 year appointment next week, however I'm thinking, if B-12 is something we can take and excess just gets flushed out naturally, I'm going to start taking it daily . . . just a thought.
However, if needed, antidepressants are not a horrible alternative if it will help you and with the long cold chill of winter, who knows better than you what you need. . .
Hugs, L
I have problems with remembering names and words escape me, as do my thoughts if I get interrupted, some of this was pre-surgery, so I think some is age related stuff, others I'll find out when my labs come back, at my 2 year appointment next week, however I'm thinking, if B-12 is something we can take and excess just gets flushed out naturally, I'm going to start taking it daily . . . just a thought.
However, if needed, antidepressants are not a horrible alternative if it will help you and with the long cold chill of winter, who knows better than you what you need. . .
Hugs, L

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I take my B12's faithfully but we don't absorb like most folks.
Stress has been way too high lately and depression has been my nemesis since I was a teenager. I am tired of trying to find an antidepressant which doesn't make me feel worse than I do without them.
What I need is to run away and leave all the stress behind for a couple of days. No demands, no obligations, nobody expecting anything from me. All by myself with a good book and a heating pad. Ouch - that sounded selfish and harsh.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that these may be big signs of depression. Or as Tom says, "Drama Queen".
I take my B12's faithfully but we don't absorb like most folks.
Stress has been way too high lately and depression has been my nemesis since I was a teenager. I am tired of trying to find an antidepressant which doesn't make me feel worse than I do without them.
What I need is to run away and leave all the stress behind for a couple of days. No demands, no obligations, nobody expecting anything from me. All by myself with a good book and a heating pad. Ouch - that sounded selfish and harsh.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that these may be big signs of depression. Or as Tom says, "Drama Queen".
Well if you need a couple of days of just chillaxing with a good book and pretty much by yourself, with the exception of a rather large fur buddy, you are welcome to come on down to my part of the country. I leave in the mornings at 7:45 and not home until 6, my housemate works most Wed, Thr and Fri's so you'd have the house all to yourself a good deal of the time and it's a nice peaceful area, but then again, I know you are just wishful thinking that there are reasons for you having your stress, but still there is always room at my Maple Shade home if you need a little get away. . . Dillinger makes a fine heating pad, he likes to lay right up against most anyone who is in his vicinity. . .
Hugs, L
Hugs, L

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland