Tuesday What's New revue
I grew up in the Chicago area and worked downtown for nearly two years when I got out of college before I finally got a job on a newspaper (which is what I really wanted to do ... but being able to type nearly 100 wpm helped pay the bills until that job came along ...people weren't hiring reporters when I got out of college). Chicago is a great city, lots to do, the public transportation is great, the museums are wonderful, but there's lots of traffic and people. I have lived since then in small towns and midsized cities (Grand Rapids) and really can't stand big crowds anymore. When I go home, I stick to Franklin Park and the suburbs where my family lives (although I did go to a Sox game two summers ago with a friend, her treat, and we took the "L" there ... we had a great time, although it was hard on my body).
Glad you enjoyed the Second City ... we should go together sometime.
good morning OFF family!!!
WOW!!! congrats connie on the news of nic!!! that IS exciting news to see first thing this morning!!!! also on your granddaughter!!! :-)
george glad you are getting a new dog...i hope they find one for you that matches just what you are looking for!!!
welcome to the new people that just joined our family!!
well this morning i saw a nice huge 6 point buck in the playground area on the side of my building. first time i saw a deer on this side of the fence!! last one i saw it was on the other side and its a huge area that has some big ponds.
warming up today and tomorrow. today 65 and tomorrow 71 they say...wooohoooo but then the rain hits...yuck. i hate rain unless its at night while i am sleeping...lol
health inspecter is making the rounds this week so its clean clean clean the food court...i did my share yesterday and i am off today and tomorrow so its up to the rest to keep it clean now...hopefully they WILL!!!
called repair on my tv that is giving me problems not turning on right away. sometimes it take an hour or longer to come on and its making me mad. they will call me 24-48 hours to set up an appointment...huh???? can't figure that one out....
still waiting for the maintenance guy to come fix the burner on the stove too...i guess its just a wait and see what happens day....or week or whatever...sighs
well time to go make some more flowers and i just might start hooking them together see how it will look....if i can figure it out hooking it...lol been years since i did that!!!
have a great day and remember to smile!!!! ;-)
Glad to see you all here this morning, so far, it seems everyone is in relatively good spirits and that is good to hear. . .
George glad to hear Mary is feeling better and you've decided to find a new friend for Pride to hang with. . .
Well, last night I joined a bowling league and thank gawd it's a handicap league, because when I told Tony what my first game score was, he could not stop laughing. . . I am embarassed to say it was absolutely the worse game I've ever bowled in my life, but I will say I have not bowled in at least 15 years, possibly more, but it took me a couple of games to figure exactly what I was doing wrong and start to correct it, enough that my last game was a whopping 105 (lol), considering the last time I was on a league and my average was 136, I have a bit of practicing to do, so I'm sure you all wanna have the same laugh as Tony, I bowled, drum roll please. . .
39, 93 and 105

I don't think I would have been quite as embarassed, except that the team we played against had scores in the 100s and one gal was a ringer if you ask me, but hey, it's a handicap league and you certainly don't want the first three weeks to be your best. . . ;)
This morning I went for my bloodwork, as next week I meet with my surgeon for my 2 year check up. Can't wait to see what my bloodwork reveals, though I am pretty good at taking my vitamins.
Anyway, I'm here at work and now that I took a break to check in on my favorite WLS community, I better get back to work. . .
Wishing you all a wonderful day.
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
when my kids were little i joined a league- had a blast but still was no good!! my average would equal 89...
enjoy the comraderie and the exercise of it!!! don'y worry your score- you'll probly do better that way!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
It's nearly 11:30 a.m. ... I got up sometime near 9 a.m. when the phone rang. I went to bed early enough. Wow, the drugs at the pain doc really knocked me out yesterday. I was so tired. I'm glad I took the day off. I will have to schedule that off again, now that I'm working some Saturdays anyway, I'll just let my boss know when my next treatment is so he gives me Monday off. It's sure a lot easier than trying to tough it out at work. When I got home from lunch, I was so stuffed (and I didn't think I ate that much, but obviously I must have, or something was stuck), I felt like I was going to throw up. I tried all the usual tricks to get it go down (the back massager, deep breaths, hot liquid, etc.). Nothing was working ... at one point, I felt something move downward, but not enough. Then I thought I was going to throw up, so I assumed the position ... but nothing happened. At that point, I just went to bed. I was tired anyway. I took an hour nap, and when I got up, I felt fine. I guess I just needed to lie down.
So the rest of the day was just being lazy. I watched the baseball games, a little of the football but not much because the baseball games were on (Go Angels! I was so glad they beat the Yankees!). Two very exciting games ... one good outcome, one not so good outcome (I didn't want the Phillies to win again!).
Talked to the pain doc about my left knee giving out ... he doesn't think it's the back but the knee and suggested I talk to the ortho doc about that. I see him again in January, just after I see the pain doc again.
Not much else going on around here. Back to work today; Wednesday I'm going in early because we have open enrollment insurance meetings, and things are changing again, so I want to attend the meeting ... the only afternoon meeting is 3-4:30 p.m. (why can't they have these later for the night shift people?). So I'm going to start my shift early so I don't have to stay as late ... however, that means I have one less day of night shift pay.
I didn't see the post about George getting another dog, but I'm glad he is. I know I got Scooter only two weeks after Kittle died, which was much sooner than I had planned, but he was offered to me by my apartment complex owner (Scooter lived in the office), and at the time, Cinnamon was in a deep depression. I had hoped getting a companion would help Cinnamon ... eventually it did, but it took awhile. First, Scooter hid, then when he did come, he terrorized Cinnamon, but finally, they become friends. When Cinnamon died, Scooter didn't become depressed. But I decided he couldn't become an "only" child ... he would probably like it better, but I thought he needed companions when I wasn't home.
Well, have a good day.
Well, I just took the plunge. I called a local business, run by two women, to have someone come over to give me an estimate on yet more work I want done on the house. I have to have a door re-set, and two new doors put in, and some work done in my laundry room so the little maple tree whirlygigs don't keep getting in through the ceiling. Every time I open one of the cupboards a few fall inside. Guess that means it's not very weather-proof, huh?
I swore not too long ago that I was done spending money on updating the house. But I figure if I'm going to work an extra year, I may as well take advantage of the extra money. I'm still not sure what the work plans will be after next April. I was originally planning to retire April 30, 2010. With the new job, who knows?
It's pretty outside here today. As long as I stay inside. Sunny and breezy. But cool. I just wish all the trees would lose their leaves so I can do a final cleanup. I hate the thought of summer being over, but I want to get on with it and not have to think about outside cleanup for 6 months or so. Kind of bittersweet, you know?
Nothing else planned for today. Kitchen cleanup, then work. My life is boring.
Everyone have a good day.
Next week I go in for my post-op check and I'm happy to say, I've had no problems thus far. I hope my weight there will reflect how well I'm doing. Still haven't gotten into the exercise, but it's in the plan...
Yesterday was not as productive as I wanted. Didn't get to laundry or to yard clean up for winter. But my sister came over and we went through some clothes. That was worth a lot!
Have a good day everyone.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...