Tuesday What's New revue
I start my part time job today. I will be working a few evenings and some weekends at Michael's. I want to save up for surgery on my "bat wings". So, wish me luck. I am not sure how it is going to work out getting up at 4 am and then working until 10ish some nights. I like my sleep.
Have a good Tuesday and stay warm.
Hi OFF family! Happy Tuesday.
It's nothing out of the norm for work today, just busy.
Going to gym with Juli after work and do the therapy pool working with weights and sit-ups. Then on to the hot-tub and sauna for our reward.
Tomorrow I will do 2 hours of spin class. I like both instructors and the hour is over before you know it. My thighs are firming up big time with all the spin classes.
Went for a walk outside during break. It's kinda nice out there! We are not at peak colors yet on the trees but in 2 weeks watch out world!
Good morning, ya'll.
Today I meet with Dr. Awomolo who will be in charge of my chemo. I am quite anxious to find out EXACTLY what path I will be taking. I am praying she will agree that there is no reason to begin until I get back from Oregon on November 10th.
I am trying to get my weight up to 155 before the chemo begins. It is very hard! I NEVER thought I would say that! After 2 years of practicing band rules, trying to eat healthy, and limiting calories, it is hard to make this large change. I want to put the weight back on, but I don't want to do it eating junk. Plus I have gotten back on my elliptical, which will burn more calories. I am only able to do about 5 minutes at a time right now, but I do more every day, and I do that 5 minutes 4 times a day.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Wishing that you get the news you want!
Have a wonderful day!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning Off
Chilly start to the day here in Michigan but a pretty day, Guess that means another walk in the woods looking for pretty leaves since I found some more picture frames the girls like to use for their leaf pictures. They have decided gramma and grampa and aunt carol need leaf pictures since Angel Mary liked hers.
Still have my hopes high that my interview to marrow is the job I am supposed to have. I am good with seniors. I have been offered the same job at the care facility where my mom is if only I didn't live 21/2 hrs away.
Have a good day everyone
prayers going up for everyone!!!
Had a wonderful time in Chicago, did a lot of walking. The public transportation is great there. Thank goodness my DIL knew the bus and rail routes so we didn't look so much like tourists. The graduation was wonderful. I was bursting with pride. No one from 'her side' of the family was there to celebrate with her. What a bunch of deadbeats. We went to the Cheesecake factory for dinner and dessert afterwards. The food was outstanding. I tried a bite of DH chicken marsala and it was to die for. I also got a piece of cheesecake, low carb made w/splenda. Of course I didn't eat the whole piece in one sitting, but it was marvelous. When I figure out how to attach a picture I'll come back and insert one. I tried cntrl C and Ctrl V but it didn't work.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Chicago. Where did your DIL graduate from? Our daughter graduated from the University of Chicago back in 2007. She LOVES Chicago. She just moved to New York to attend Columbia University in their MSW program. I have a feeling after she graduates in 2011, she'll be moving back to Chicago. Of course, I'm happy since she's only four hours away from home now - lol - but I'm proud that she has her own wings and independence - so proud - and when our children are healthy and happy, there is nothing more rewarding!
What part of Chicago did you visit? When I visited last in August, I stayed in Lincoln Park. It's a busy, busy city!
Congratulations on your DIL's graduation! I'm sure you were bursting with pride!!!