It's Monday - and I am here and Carla is not LOL - What's New?

Margo M.
on 10/19/09 10:41 am - Elyria, OH
connie- what awesome news!!!! you have to be in gramma heaven tonite between nic's great results and kyleigh being home!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Connie D.
on 10/19/09 11:49 pm are right...I am still floating on the clouds!!!

Thanks ya...connie d
George T.
on 10/19/09 1:29 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Praise God.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Connie D.
on 10/19/09 11:50 pm
He was the first one I thanked!!!!!

Hugs....connie d
Jo W.
on 10/19/09 2:35 am - Owosso, MI
Morning off  or early afternoon! '
We had a blast this weekend on our girls  weekend out.  My  little charges were spoiled rotten!!  everyone up there  (14 of us)   bought them something!!  One cousin doesn't like kids so I was careful to keep them back a bit,  She was distant but definitely not unkind!!    We walked along Lake Michigan for miles!!   My newest one  has decided when its time for her "new family"   she is going to live with Aunt Carol!     My sis is so good to my troubled kids!!   My whole family tries to back me up.
I have another job interview this week, activity director in a extended care facility.  Hope this is the one.  I do volunteer at the activities at my mom's facility  and I know how much the residents enjoy the stuff they do  some is pretty goofy  but that's OK its something to do and they enjoy it.  I know my mom won' be with us long but I'd like to help others enjoy last years of life.  
My mom told me yesterday that she just wants to go home.  Not home to her little house here but to her heavenly home,  shes just so tired,   Life is too much effort anymore but she keeps doing all the activities she can.   It hurts so much for her to say she wants to die.  I just told her when it was time to just go peacefully and to tell my daddy that mom had raised him some good kids and wed all be there to see them both soon.  That made her feel so much better about her death wish.    I then cried all the way home.  My little ones  couldn't figure out why their Joey was so sad.   Its impossible to explain death and missing the people after they have died to a 3 &4 year old.     Oh  well life will go on.   That is just the way life is.  and my mom has had a very good run  a good life of many small accomplishments.  Enough of this sadness  life will still be good.  
 Hope everyone has a good day  and a great week,
Brenda R.
on 10/19/09 6:55 am - Portage, IN
Good afternoon to all my OFFer's. It is earlier today than it was last night when I got on here.
It was easier with Kayden today. Carol came and got him about 12:30 this afternoon. She talked some but not about the problems. She seemed to be a bit standoffish to Kayden but there was some caring there. I am not sure why she decided to get him today...but she did and that is the important thing. Sunday at church 3 or 4 women told me that Bill and I will be raising that baby. I told that to Bill and he told me that if we have to we have to. He said that someone had to and if it was us then so be it. I agree with him. At least we would know that he isn't going to be raised by the insane nuts on Linda's side of the family. They are nuts...and should be committed! Shawn came and brought him this morning and just left him in the car seat. He was pacing and talked a bit...he said that him and Carol talked and he told her what he thought. He said that he didn't yell or get angry and I told him that was good. I guess he told her that she deserted the baby and if she thought that she was going to get custody she was nuts. I just stay quiet and let him talk...I think that is what he needs right now. No one to offer advice right now and when he wants the advice he will ask for it.

I took Trudy to WalMart to return something and she got a cart full of stuff. I am glad that Bill went too...he carried her stuff in for me. ha ha We went through the drive thru at McD's and got iced coffee and the woman a couple of cars ahead of us paid for the coffee's. I am beating my head against a wall to figure out who it was. It was a silver car and they just bought it since it had a paper plate on it. I told Trudy now I will pay it forward and hope that it just keeps going that way.

I better get going. I have a meeting at church tonight and one Wednesday and Thursday too. I am meeting out this week. This coming Saturday we are having a retreat at Lindenwood and it is so peaceful and serene and the peace that you feel is amazing. I need that right now.

I am sending love and hugs to all along with prayers being said for everyone. Have a great day...what is left of it. I sure hope that I can get on here sooner tomorrow but something is telling me that I shouldn't expect it! ha ha

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 10/19/09 8:15 am - Canada
I paid for a woman's coffee (and something else she had ordered) who was behind me at a Tim Horton drive-thru (very popular coffee/doughnut/soup place) a few weeks ago.  It cost me very little and the look on her face was priceless.  She didn't know me nor I, her and that made it even that much more fun.  However, I think that I had more enjoyment than she did because it made me smile all day.
I have to remind myself to do it again soon.
Glad that someone did that for you today.
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