It's Monday - and I am here and Carla is not LOL - What's New?
I have to get moving to go to an appt with my family doctor. I had my 3-1/2 year labs done two weeks ago, and he gets a copy of them, and he's not happy. I'll be going to my WLS surgeon in 2 weeks, but my PMD wanted to talk to me NOW, so will probably get yelled at twice. Sigh.... I knew I wasn't following the rules with vitamins and supplements. I guess the labs proved it. There's a reason I've beem so tired the last 6 months or so.... I do get lots of protein in my food, but got lazy. There's no other excuse.
I just made plans with a friend to go to a concert in early November. It's called "Dancing Queen", an ABBA tribute band. Supposed to be pretty good. I need to get out more, and this friend goes to a lot of live performances, which I love. I missed "Chicago" because I had to work. I'll plan better from now on.
Nothing else is exciting in my life. I work all week.
I also have to have a node on my thyroid checked out. Another doctor. I really am not fond of going to the doctor....
Thanks for your support. That and a swift kick in the ass will get me going.....
well its a chilly morning again...had to scrape the windshield OMG!!!!!! supposed to warm up for next few days and that will be nice for a change!!! i HATE this cold!!! BRRRRRRRRRRR just south of us there is a frost/freeze warning too!!! another BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saturday was ricks birthday and his mom and grandson came by. that little boy is sure a pistol!!!! soon as he felt comfy here he was off and into when he went behind the lazyboy and got near the speaker wires i told him to get out and he wanted to play try and get me out of here....omg i had to squeeze behind the chair to get him to go out the other way away from the wires....he thought that was great fun!!! NOT!!! but would i have been able to do that 3 years ago?? NO!! another good thing having WLS!!!! :-) after that grandpa got some chips out and anthony wanted some. he came out by me and i asked where mine was...he went to grandpa got another chip came out toward me holding his hand out with within a foot of me i put my hand out and the little stinker turned away and ran with chip still in his hand....ROFLMAO now that he thought was really funny...LOL was fun seeing him again...but i know i am glad i didn't have to watch him....he is a handful for sure!!!! after they left we had our crablegs and man were they ever good!!!! we will do that again on another special occasion for sure!!!
talked to my sister last night and she was talkative for a change...i asked her why she was back in hospital and she said she missed the strawberry shortcake....sighs...said it didn't taste as good as she remembered...LOL she said the infection was back again and i asked her howcome it keeps coming back all the time. she said her kidneys are bad and also her bladder might have to go now also...sighs....she said her urine is like cream of mushroom soup but no mushrooms. yuck!!!! she is still going to UofM for the appointment about kidney transplant on the 21st. so please keep her in your prayers and thoughts that this works for her!!! thankyou ever so much!!! i told her we were all doing that for her and she said to thankyou all so "THANKYOU" from my sister bonnie.
got another star yesterday for a job well done....yippeeee!!!! can't wait til its time for a raise again...hopefully i get a nice it will be 25 cents i am sure...its as high as it goes at a time. and still nothing on the job i applied for either...they sure do take a long time to hire for that position!!!! oh well good things come to those that wait....;-)
friday i talked to the boss and told him about people stealing the pop cups and getting free pop while we were busy in the back doing dishes. asked if it was ok to move the cups behind the counter so they couldn't get the cups. he said YES!! so i moved them and made a nice display and later when he came by he said it looked like they belonged there!!! my manager also said it looked good!! so now the deal is this morning when the old lady comes in and sees them moved...the other manager made up a sign stating the cups were to be kept right where they are at now. soooo i am still glad i am not there when she got there this morning and raised holy hell about the move!!!! i am sure there will be loads of her *****ing to her thats what i call the morning crew at the service desk...they are also known as her henchmen...LOL they all hate me and i don't care!! all i did was tell that she was not following the food safety rules on handling foods and cooking them. they didn't like that at all but hey i am trying to keep the members health safe!!! :-)
ricks moms last cat was put to sleep saturday morning. she was sick and also old. all she has left now is the mean dog. and the 2 birds. we are trying to get the birds but so far no go. the parrot is ricks but its exotic and we aren't allowed to have it here...but why can others have a snake???? i told rick if other people can have more thean 1 fur animal he can have his bird!!!! i am so sick of this place not inforcing the rules on pets!!!! i even asked if we could have ricks cat here while she was sick and dying so he could be with her and they said NO!!!! we are sick of this place let me tell you!!!! i have to call the office and see about the stove burner getting fixed SOON!! and if they laugh at me there will be hell to pay that is for sure!!! we pay rent on time each month and now they raised it and things are broke...they need to fix it NOW!!! ok off my box...LOL
well i rattled on long enough here so i best get going and shower and ready for work. today its 1-5 then off tuesday and wednesday...yippeeeeee sleep in days lol like i get to sleep in...seems 8-830 is it. oh well better than 630 and
ok have a great day and remember to SMILE!!!! :-)
Well my hubby and I did the Ren Faire at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI
We had a blast and made a little over $400.00 selling Hummer's walking sticks, they are really beautiful, he draws on the sticks, then burns the design in. On some of them he paints them.
It was so cold, I had on my fake fur vest, a fake fur winter coat, then a real fur stole I brought at the Salvation Army that I threw over my legs to keep warm. I also had on tights, sweat pants, 2 pairs of socks under my long skirt I wore (and a heavy sweater tooo!!)
I love being around the college much energy and creativity.
Sending prayers to those in need and laughter and hugs for all around!
We watched a movie - an oldie - Harold & Maude - Saturday night. Sunday we took Jack (our Australian shepard) to the off-leash dog park and watched him romp. Then we did house chores and before we knew it, Sunday was done! Boy, the weekends go fast.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Sorry to hear of your loss George.
I had a great weekend with my ten female matriarchal cousins on our Cousins Weekend. We had two kids under five with us which started getting sick on Sat. morning and were sick the whole weekend. When the mothers got back home yesterday, they found one of their other kids sick as well. Then my cousin emailed us late last night that one of the parents of the kids in her Montesorri school said her child tested positive for H1N1. Great . . . I have a little throaty thing going on this morning but I feel fine, so I'm wondering if I should be at work contaminating anyone.
We had to make some adjustments for the sick little ones so we didn't go out for Sat. dinner like we usually do, but stayed in our rented cabin and used up all the food and appetizer stuff we had brought. Believe me there was plenty.
Those of us who could, went to town and shopped in their little antique and collectibles places and farmer's markets. We also took some walks on their hiking trails.
When I got home, hubby had shopped at Costco and got something easy to make for dinner. I did all the driving for some of us so I was tired when I got home so that was nice.
I have Tiger Cubs tonight. No plans the rest of the week.
Hugs to all who need them.