I too have thanked Dr. Foote for saving my life ... I always figured I'd be dead by age 60. Now I figure I'll live longer (hey, if Aunt Bernice can be alive and kicking at 91, I may have some of her stamina in me ... if I can deal with the pain).
You and I, we have come a long way together. Stay on the right path, and that weight will come down again. I am dealing with 10 nasty pounds I can't get off, too ... I think some of mine is water retention in my legs, because my jeans still fit, but I still don't like it.
But, if we stick together, we can lick this again.
thats right eileen!!! i forgot to mention meeting up with you and carla and joyce and john not long before my surgery!!! we sure did have fun meeting didn't we? seems like just yesterday we met for breakfast and had a blast visiting!!! joyce gave me a sweater and i wore that for a little bit then it got waaaay to big for kept me in clothes most of my journey and still are....and i thankyou for that!!!!
yeah i know what you mean about living longer than extected since we had pcp told me i would be dead in a few short years if i didn't have this surgery and that did it for me!!! i am able to do more things than i ever thought i would again!!!
i am with you sister!!! we CAN and WILL do this TOGETHER!!!! the weight will NOT return this time!! we have each other and the rest of our OFF family to help us through!!!
thanks a million eileen for being my friend and being there for me!!!!
hey big sis!! thankyou!!!! i sure have had some changes in my life haven't i?! WOW!!!! never in a million years did i ever think i would do what i did!!! but i AM glad i DID!!!! in another month it will be 2 years that i met rick face to face and it just felt right...after chatting online with him and also the phone for over 7 years i guess it was meant to be for us!!! he makes me happy and yes we do have fights but then we wouldn't be normal now would we? lol i love him so much and he loves me more than i ever felt before!!! ahhh life IS good!!!! ;-)
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
ALOHA!!!!!! and thankyou!!!!!! good gravey karen!! i stress ate for years how do you think i got to be 334 pounds?? man i am sooo glad those days are over and done with!!!! yes there is still stress in my life but its not the same that would have drove me to stress eat!!! i always said through my life I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!!! well that woman finally emerged from under that rug and look at me now!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
yes maybe some day i will get lighter but i doubt it...i am thinking this is where i was supposed to be...maybe if i had plastics done i would feel better but i don't see that happening at all. rick loves me just like i am...even when i don't have make up on or when i have hair color on my head...he loves me no matter what!!! he is my rock!!!!
i guess i fascinated myself with all the happenings going on in my life....hard to believe all that went on isn't it? glad that book is over and done with and a new one starting....;-)
thank karen for being there for me!!!
aloha nui loa
ps not suffering from lack of nookie now.... ;-)
You have gone on and remade a life for yourself and you are happy with had the guts to step out of your box with nothing but faith and walk on to make a new life for yourself. I am proud of you and the guts that you have shown doing that. I am so glad and happy for you that things have gone so well and you are content and have so much happiness in your life. God is a wonderful being and blesses us are living proof of this.
Keep on doing what you are doing and you might be amazed at what happens in the time to come. Congratulations and love and hugs come to you along with prayers....
(((brenda))) thankyou!!!! YES i AM proud of me!!! still think at times its just a dream ya know? i sure did take a giant step out of the box and its the best step i ever took!!!!!
you know something brenda? if my boss at the time didn't give me a computer i would never have had one....and look at what that computer did for my life!!! it brought rick to me one day in the nascar chat room and he instant messaged me and we started talking everynight for about 7 years and finally we met face to face almost 2 years also brought me info on WLS and also look at all the new friends i met and chat with daily on here!!!!! yes GOD works in mysterious ways doesn't HE?!!
thanks again brenda and congrats to yourself too!!!!