yuppers 3 years ago today i had WLS and i thank GOD and dr foote for letting me have a better life again!!! ;-)
i remember going to grand rapids really early in the morning and was so excited to be finally on the way to being lighter!! i wasn't nervous at all...told the dr to git r done!!! LOL my angel diane was there to see me through and gary was also there to wait it out. eileen was there also after i went into surgery and she was kind enough to bring gary some of her chili so he didn't starve. she had to leave before i could see anyone after i got out of recovery. i hardly remember waking up and seeing applepie, cheryl and her husband there. i have pictures to prove so i guess i wasn't dreaming...LOL yes gary was still there and being a total jerk trying to be funny...sighs...the next day after i saw dr foote and he told me he wanted me to stay another day or so because i was having a slight problem drinking?? not sure but i think that was soon as the dr left gary couldn't get out of there fast enough to head home. yeah he was there for me alright...sighs....i remember nancy coming to see me also. i had a nice stay in the hospital up until the last day. nurse from hell was there and it seems everyone dissappeared from the floor...i was sick and BP was up and they wouldn't let me go til it came down. gary and my mom were on their way to pick me up and no way to get ahold of them so they could turn around and go back home. so they got there and had to BP kept up and ofcourse gary was the cause of that staying high...i kept trying to tell the wicked witch nurse but she wouldn't listen...but finally i got through to her and she finally let me go home. after being home a couple days i felt great!!!! why did i have to stay away from work so long?? well dr said i had to wait til i saw him before going back so i did that and after my checkup and i was pronounsed well enough to go to work i went...;-) i felt like a million bucks thats for sure!!! my weight took its sweet time to come off but it DID come i am off my BP meds and my antidepressant meds and also my refux problems all gone!!! i never did go any further down in weight than 180 pounds. i am always up and down 180-195 back and goal was to be under 200 again and i did it!!! my only regret...i didn't do it sooner!!! losing the weight gave me the courage to up and leave gary who was constantly critisizing my every word, movemnet and whatever else he could do to me. i guess it was verbal abuse. i had enough...i wanted a divorce!! most of you know the full story and i won't go into it again...but life IS good once more for me and i am healthier and SOOOO much happier than i ever thought possible!!! so again...."THANKYOU GOD AND DR FOOTE FOR SAVING MY LIFE!!!"
and also a huge THANKYOU OFF FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have seen me through alot in the last 3 1/2 years and without you all i don't think i could have done it!!!! (((OFF))) :-)
on 10/17/09 11:59 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
thankyou!!! i used to see myself as thin but lately i see myself as fat once more even though the weight is the same...not sure whats up with that...head games??? but yes i AM proud of myself for going through all the hoops to get where i am today...and my life took a good turn for the better because of it!!!
Happy Surgiversary, amazing what WLS helps us accomplish.
Wishing you many more.

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland