Still no news on my end...
I don't want to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong, and I may be wrong BUT....on one of Linda's lasts posts wasn't there something about her and Olivia having somepretty serious problems? If so, Olivia may be avoiding you on purpose and/or just have no intention of letting us know about her Mother.
I just don't want all hope of any news to rest totally on hearing from Olivia unless she is our only contact.
I just don't want all hope of any news to rest totally on hearing from Olivia unless she is our only contact.
Is anyone on here have a husband, son , daughter or any relative that could and would check with the police dept where she lived or where the nursing home is or anything????they might be able to check with the police in that area to see if there was anything that happened to her....they could give them her address where she lived and all the phone numbers and see what they could find out for us. I know she has a brother in New Mexico but that is all i know about where any other family is. dont even know his name....I have this awful feeling that something bad has happened. may be just my overworked imagination. and i watch way too many crime shows. and who done its. (in which i can always come up with who did it and why before the end just saying.....
I think the first thing we sould do is get the name of her apartment complex, call the office and ask them to check Linda's apartment. Terri should know the name of the comples and if she doesn't want to call or go to the apt office someone here could do it. If no results from that maybe the police should be called. I don't think Olivia would be too concerned about letting us know about her mother.
Barbara D.