Cindy P.
on 10/16/09 12:55 am

Are you taking B12?

I, personally, think you should contact your surgeon right away about the numbness and weakness in your left hand.

I'm certainly not a dr., but from what I've read on OFF, a deficit in B12 can cause the symptoms you are exhibiting. I think it would be worthwhile to tell your dr. about it asap.

Cindy P.
Eileen Briesch
on 10/16/09 2:57 am - Evansville, IN

The B12 is one issue, but my brother has a similar problem with his back ... he has nerve impingement from disc compression and bone spurs. Don't want to scare you, but you might want to have this checked out if it gets worse. It got so bad for my brother he lost feeling in his left hand. He got back injections in his cervical spine (like I do in my lumbar region) and was on Lyrica for awhile too to help ... you might want to check it out.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 10/16/09 4:14 am - Interlochen, MI
Yes, I take B-12.  I'm leaving for Chicago in a couple of hours.  Will check with my surgeon on Wednesday.  Don't want it to be anything major...
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 10/16/09 10:41 am - Bradenton, FL
Margo Ill swing the coffee pot so you can get your house sold!!!!! Im thinking of you.
Jani I cant believe you havent been to Chicago. I lived there for 5 years and my daughter lives there now.
If you like Mediterrian food Reza's on Clark is the place to go. I love that restaurant. Portions are so big you can eat for a week!!!!!
I am trying to go to November 2nd for about 6 days. I wont know till the 24th if I am going or not. Waiting the results of 2 interviews I had this week. I am hoping to land a job at one of the hospitals. I interviews for admissions and they have 6 openings between the 2 hospitals. I think with 25 years expierience I am really hoping to get one of them.
I went to see G-Force and it was very cute and well done. Lily loved it.
Well nothing to much going on here.
image hosting site

Brenda R.
on 10/16/09 12:18 am - Portage, IN
Good morning everyone! I am hear before it is halfway through the day so I must be doing something right today!

Kayden is here and all he wants is Grandpa today and that is fine with me. It gives me a that I deserve to if you ask me! BUT....Bill had the nerve to say something to me about sitting here on the computer...boy did I light into him! I said that all I have done is sit with the computer then how comes I was up to get Kayden, get his bottle and feed him, change his poopy diaper, wash him and lotion him up, get him dressed for the day and everything else I have done while he sat and did nothing. He shut up really fast. I told Bill that everyone wants a piece of me and the pieces are getting mighty scarce.

Bill is leaving soon to go see a friend that he use to work with and hasn't seen in a coons age. Then he is going to several places for the application and resume thing....can we swing a few more chickens for him along with Margo? Appreciate it, my OFFer's.

It is dark and dreary here today. It is cold but the temps Monday -Wednesday is suppose to be in the low (mighty low too for that matter...but I will take them!) 60's. That is going to feel really good! I can tell it is going to pour down rain...and they said that we are suppose to get it in a bit.

I guess I should get going. Bill is going to be leaving soon and so that means that I am getting my sweet one that thinks he should be hooked to one of our hips at all times.

I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too. Have a super day and know that in spreading happiness and joy we get it back.

BTW: I still have heard nothing from Olivia. I am going to call again but I don't want to pu**** either if you know what I am saying...........

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 10/16/09 12:53 am
 Soooooo,  its gray, dreary, rainy and a miserable day weather wise.  What happened to global warming?  I could use some of that warm now....  lol

I have much to do to get ready for our sewing guild's Annual Meeting.  I'm the coordinator for the group and have several fun activities to oversee.  It sounds like more than it is.  The ladies (and gents) have been doing this for years.  

Our theme this year is:  Aprons, Let's Tie One On.  We will make & wear an apron to the meeting.  Some will be old, new, most useless, most decorated... etc.  I made mine out of old ties.  It is really neat.  Get it... tie one on... hee hee.    

There will also be a fashion show of the garments ladies have made over the past year.  Absolutely stunning outfits.  I'm always amazed at the talent of these women.  Quilters, knitters, crocheting all of it.... beautiful work.

Each neighborhood group puts together a basket of goodies to auction off.  Some baskets are sewing supplies for baby quilts, wall hangings, romantic evenings.... chocolates, this will bring in big bucks...  lol  it is a lot of fun.

It is easy to ignore the weather when I'm in my sewing room stitching away listening to a book on tape.  My world in the world....  lol

Everyone have a fun day..... make it a fun day..... smile & laugh lots.

on 10/16/09 1:20 am - Canada
Oh Millie, I love sewing and listening to books at the same time, too.  The last time that I did that, I was listening to Marley and Me and I cried so much that I had to stop listening in order to finish my sewing.
I haven't sewn anything in a couple of years because I don't seem to have the time when I'm teaching, but I envy you, and I'm glad to see that someone else gets the same pleasure out of sewing and listening to books as I do.  Have fun!
on 10/16/09 1:40 am
 Ohhh   Kindred Spirit,

This is my therapy.  Even if I don't sew, just sitting in the sewing room and "petting" my fabrics relaxes me.   

I too have to be careful of what I listen to. I get so caught up in the story that I've had to take out a few seams...  lol


Mary M.
on 10/16/09 1:56 am - Minneapolis, MN

I've been back at work for two days, and I'm glad it's Friday, too!  I just love the no alarm aspect of my weekend.  I'm off on Monday, too.  So I should be able to catch up on my rest.

Tonight Michael's cousin and her partner are coming over to pick up a ring they bought from him.  So we'll get a chance to visit.  Tomorrow we have coffee with some of the Minnesota WLS folks, which is always fun.

The rest of the weekend is up in the air.  I'm sure we'll fill it in - never bored around here. 

Have a good one, everybody!


"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
Eileen Briesch
on 10/16/09 2:55 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and my OFF family:

Here I am, bringing up the rear again. It's almost 1 p.m. I didn't get up until after noon ... I heard the phone ring sometime in the morning but didn't get up to answer it. It was my gyne's office, but she didn't leave a message ... odd. I guess she wanted to tell me about my biopsy. I am still bleeding from that procedure ... not a lot, but enough to be a nuisance. Plus, last night I had a lot of cramping again ... maybe gas, maybe pelvic pain, don't know. Fortunately, it was about the time I was getting off from work. I got home, took the vicodin I usually take for my knee/back pain, put a heating pad on my tummy, Nettie laid on my tummy for the extra heat and I had some peppermint tea ... that seemed to help.

I am glad it's Friday. I only had one day off last weekend ... now I get three! But one is because next week I work Saturday, and I asked for Monday off because I have a back injection ... I need it! My back has really been bothering me.

It's cold and dreary here too. It was really windy last night ... when I went to work, I stopped at Panera Bread to pick up a sandwich for work, and the door about blew off when I opened it up. The leaves are really bursting into color on the trees now ... if they stay on.

I have no plans for the weekend. I may go the farmers market (last for the season) or the craft fair at Grandville High School if I have money (which is questionable) ... I like craft fairs but it's no fun if you can't spend money. Other than that, I'll probably stay home and watch baseball and read, do laundry, relax, etc. Typical weekend. I'm tired and don't want to move out of the house. Mary Kay is taking me to the pain doc on Monday, and maybe we'll go to lunch ... I should treat because it was her birthday last week. It will have to be cheap ... maybe a buy one get one free ... she understands my budget constraints.

Well, I guess that's all. Have a good day. Margo, good luck on the house ... swinging chickens ... well, I have a package of chicken thighs in the freezer.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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