((there are days that i think they can't wait for me to move to hawaii to be rid of me!!!!!!))
hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh-and i want you for MY team!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Its a cold snowy morning here..Annette was right. At this moment my cats are going crazy, running through the house as if I had a ton of mice in here!!! They're just playing!!
Still sore...the incision at my belly button is the WORST!!! My gosh I could never have believed that could hurt so much. The others don't hurt, but this one could double you over. Yesterday, one of my cats stepped on it. WOW..did I move fast.
So today...I'm just resting and trying to get back into the swing of things, sipping my protein shake and watching a little tv.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week end. Keep warm everyone..especially here in the northeast.
Keep smiling

Margo...good luck with the house. I'm with you right now..I'd much rather be on my way to Hawaii than sitting here in the snow!!!
Is it the one on the left side? Because it seems everyone who had laproscopic RNY has that issue, must be the size of the tool they use to move things around so they can work, but that one seems to cause the most discomfort. As I recall from my own and other's experience, it usually does not last beyond the 3rd week, but don't be a martyr and take your pain meds if you need to, and also don't overdo things, because I guess I was home 3 days and felt better than I thought I should and overdid and I paid the price for the next couple of days. . .
Take care and happy healing!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
They say we are going to get down into the high 20s here this week end and possibility of snow. that isnt right , the middle of Oct and snow flurries???good lord ,now where is the green house effect????
I have been digging up and getting into my greenhouse plants that arent pereninals and making new ones for next year. started 40 small pots of different coleus and put 20 cuttings of passion flower in root stimulator , along with two seed flats of white hibiscus....i have lots of red ones and pink ones but no white ones so will get them started this winter to plant in the spring....i am trying something this year. i have been saving milk containers. and been painting them black ...will fill them with water and they will sit in the green house and collect heat from the sun and then emit heat from them at night in the winter...we will see. but this is what i read will work. dont know if i can get enough of them to make a difference. the green house is already packed . i wish we had made it about twice as big when we made it. I love it but it is just not nearly big enough...
Today i have a friend coming that just bought a new house and wants some seeds and plants for their will be spent talking and walking and showing them pictures of plants ....i will go to her house in a couple of weeks and do some drawings for her to follow on landscaping her yard. she said she just didnt know where to start....
the lady that is sewing the awning and new cushion for my swing has the cushion done and it looks so pretty and clean....i have a new empty big plastic tub that i will keep them all in until spring.
today will spend time power washing the lawn furniture and repainting all the metal chairs ...I paint them to protect them and then do crackle finish to age them lol Joe just shakes his head at me. and then i will put them up for the winter. we need another building just for lawn furniture and cushions etc. Before we leave for the winter we will get out all the garden equiptment and clean and oil all of it. Joe will sharpen the shovels and hoes and then they will be put up out of the weather.
will be praying for all the needs that everyone has. and with a board this big there are lots of them....from health to wealth, and emotions. know that we all care deeply about all of you. take care. enjoy the week end
Just a short drive-by - Margo I'll swing two German shepherds

Today is my last oncology visit!!!! (Again, I'm Canadian, so I won't emote too much - you've got to know Canadians to get that) I am five years away from the initial diagnosis of breast cancer, so I am a happy woman today.

such sweet news about your longevity to celebrate your 5 year anniversary--hope that came out right!!! tired and words are not working well right now but wanting to share your joy!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
We leave on Amtrak at 5:55 I think for Chicago. I'm really excited. Ive never been there and we have so many suggestions from everyone on where to go... We'll just have to go back a few more times to get everything in that we want to see.
I'm getting a bit concerned. I mentioned that my left baby finger and ring finger were numb. Well yesterday when I was trying on my new jeans I found I didn't have the strength in that hand to pull the jeans together to button them. I wonder if it could be a reaction to my meds or something. I' going to ask my surgeon when I see him next Wednesday and see if I should be concerned or just live with it.
Gotta get going to the salon. Later guys.