i think i have picked up a cold somwhere, yucko on that. im taking zicam that
seems to help me a bit if i start as soon as i feel sniffly.
mom is a little better, thanks for all the good wishes you have all been sending to
annette i like the idea of a donation for your friend.
margo i hope those ppl. come back to see your house again, and george enjoy
your weekend and your many activities.
hugs to all in need, and hope everyone has a good weekend
be safe and well, jacki
I have errands to run today. Bank, store etc. I have to take my son to work and pick him up. He lost his license due to a DUI. Stupid. His friend was drunk and he thought he was able to drive after drinking three beers. Got into a terrible accident and totaled his friends car. He refused the breathalizer test and they put him in jail for awhile. No license until January. I am sick of taking him to work He goes to dog grooming school and it takes me 45 min to get there when he goes to school. This grooming job is not in a building, they drive to peoples house in a truck ( mostly rich people) and do the dog on the premises. He is going to make pretty good money once he is done with school. I can't wait. Maybe he will move I have boomerang kids. Both back at home. My son already graduated from college and can't find a job in his field. My daughter works but her hours are being cut due to being slow in the bad weather. We have no privacy. lol. They are up at all hours of the night. I remember when I did that too.
I have five dogs, he can groom them, I can hardly wait. They all need baths. They are all big dogs except one chiahuaha.
I hope all of you are ok and don't work too hard.
Margo good luck on your house, I will keep my fingers crossed.
Mary G
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Trevor is coming home with my husband when he goes up to haul the car back. He will be home for the weekend and I won't be here. He is coming home to lick his wounds I guess. I won't get to see him much since I will be gone. Oh well. I will see him tonight. He and his Dad will enoy spending time with each other.
Margo, sorry that things have not yet turned out the way you had planned them, but hopefully in the right time, all will be as you hoped and better!
Today marks 2 years since I had my surgery and changed my life for the better.
Maybe the change in season and weather here is not helping (rainy, gray, raw); but I am struggling with a bit of depression right now due to my job conditions and I know "this too shall pass" and that I simply need to show up daily and let things be, but it's hard to accept the situation as it is and I am grateful to be employed and have a paycheck, but the people there are just so, well, in a word, clickish. Anyway, for those who know me here, I am very friendly and outgoing and just not used to this sort of environment, but then again I never worked in an office this small before and many of them have worked together for a really long time, so I try to keep that in mind, but it's been almost 5 months now and I still feel like an outsider and there just is no sense that I will ever be a part of them. So I pray and hope to stay the course, do my job and realize that I have a very full life outside of the office. Hard to believe at the age of 54 I still can feel like that little child who was last choice on the playground. . .
Thanks for allowing me the venue to vent my feelings. I am looking forward to this work day being over and the weekend beginning. Have an appointment for an oil change and tire rotation after work, then I'm off to a Woman's AA meeting and home to hang with Mr. Dil.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and as always, if you are going through difficult life situations, please know you are in my prayers and positive thoughts.

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
All you can do is be yourself. You'll win them over, I know you will!
Have a great weekend!
I'm sorry you are going through this BS at your office, and it is truly BS. I'm the type who goes out of my way to make someone comfortable, but the older I get, the more selfish and self-centered people seem to be. Shame on them! I didn't grow up that way and can thank my wonderful parents for raising me to be a thoughtful human being. I wish so many more in the world could put others first, even if just once in a while.
Please hold your head up high, and don't let the clickish clucks get in your way. Hopefully, they will come around and see you for the beautiful person you are. If not, their loss. Try not to let them rain on your parade or your job, and focus on brighter, better things. I know, I know, easier said than done - lol - but I want to support you and hopefully uplift your spirit.
CONGRATULATIONS on your surgiversary!!!!!
Love and blessings,
Ten years ago, I found I didn't fit in at the newspaper in Macon, Ga., and that's one of the reasons I moved up here ... well, the money was way better too. I had found some friends there ... I have found some friends everywhere I've worked. But that paper was the worst for cliques. And I was the Yankee too, so that made things even tougher.