What's New Thursday?

Eileen Briesch
on 10/14/09 4:02 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi my OFF family:

It's after midnight, nearly 2 a.m., and no one's started the thread? Well, I'm just sitting here waiting for another page to proof from sports. So I thought I'd start something.

Not much going on with me today. Just going back to work, talking a bit with my boss about the coming weeks here when the other copy editors from the other newspapers come over here. And my desk may move over to be closer to sports (although I'm already close enough) ... but he wants me to do more sports at times because I have experience there and know something about sports (although tonight they wanted me to write something about the NHL ... I don't know nothing (much) about the NHL. So I faked it. It was short ... I hope it worked.

I'm getting tired, so I hope I can go home soon. Anyway, chat away ... I'll check in later.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 10/14/09 5:32 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi Eileen,
Wow you beat me to it today!!!!! Ya all know Sleepless in Seattle, Well Um Im Sleepless in Bradenton......Wish I could hit the streets for a walk at this hour, But not here!!!!! Not sure what the deriliks that are out and about will do.
Tevia took over my pillow and he thinks that it is his domain. I just might go out to the living room and see if I can sleep on my sofa!!!!!!!
Dillards is closing 2 stores here in our area. I found a pair of shoes for 17.00 marked down from 100. Now that is a bargain in this day and age.
Been thinking things for my family reunion again. I need to get a post card out to about 250 relatives on Save The Date!!!!!! Not sure what I am going to put on it.
Hopefully some ZZZZ;s are comming my way for a while.
Talk Later,
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Jo W.
on 10/14/09 5:57 pm - Owosso, MI
I'M  a member of the  non sleep brigade tonight also!  Tonight it is me though  not my little one.  Dr gave me a mild sleep aid that will help Scooty bug  sleep with out the night terrors.  Night mares are so much easier than night terrors.   Heading for  moms today.  She thinks  i haven't been to see her for months,  Its been 2 weeks only  but she don't remember.  She just wants a visit and  some homemade potato soup and dumplings.    Then  Its off to benzonia for a girls weekend out.  Cooked enough good food to keep hubby happy for the weekend  since he is working 12 hrs through the entire weekend.  The little girls are excited about  the hotel and a pool!   Yippee I get to  go swimming  in a chlorinated pool that gives me the wheezes  but that only lasts till I get away  from the chlorine so the  little ones will enjoy it.   Aunt  Carol even promised a new book~  blessings on good sisters~   
No idea what the weekend holds for the big girls,  This is the first time Ive taken kids with me  so I might spend more entertaining the  bitty ones than big girl stuff but that's OK.   
I don't know what the weekend holds for all you folk  but hope its a peaceful and happy one.   Prayers going up for the missing ladies and all facing illnesses and other problems.   You know who you are and so does the Man upstairs even if I cant remember all the names and facts.
Have a great day everyone. 
Margo M.
on 10/14/09 6:35 pm - Elyria, OH
jo--enjoy your weekend-you need the time with "the girls" even if some are lil ones!!and they will probly make it THE BEST!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Margo M.
on 10/14/09 6:40 pm - Elyria, OH
morning eileen and OFF. ...

ok- yesterday dragggggggggged butt all day at work--not me- the day!!!! so i'm truly hoping today goes a smidge faster! today and tomorrow still on the 6 am shift....

yesterday, i found two more Patriots!!!not one but TWO!!!! so utterly cool in the grand scheme of my life!!!

trying hard to not dwell on the fact that we had wante dthis to be my last week at work with us leaving this weekend for hawaii...ah well...there are reasons for these things so i am trying to be patient!

nothing else to talk about-sorry-boring life when ya only work and TRY to sleep!!!!! napping didn't work again last nite....

hugs and prayers...............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/14/09 7:01 pm
Good morning Eileen and OFF early birds, or shall I say night owls - lol

I woke up at 1:46 a.m. and tossed and turned until about 4:15 a.m. and then decided to get up and start work early.  All the morning stats are caught up, so I've been reading/answering e-mails until the coffee is ready.

Not too much happening here today so I won't ramble on.  Have a wonderful day everyone!



on 10/14/09 8:08 pm - manchester, NJ
good morning to everyone

i slept till 6 am which was nice for a change.  its cold here today and its going to
be rainy the weatherman says.  oh well, nothing i can do about that.

my life is not exciting at the moment (yeah when is it, i forget), just working
and going to the hospital, although today is my off day, my sister is going.

mom was a little more alert yesterday, but she is so so weak, i hope physical
therapy gets her out of bed today, she has not been out of bed for a few days
again now.

nothing new to report otherwise, hugs to all in need, our missing friends and
to all those posting later, and to all the earlybirds hope you sleep better tonight

be safe and well, jacki



(deactivated member)
on 10/14/09 9:05 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good morning everyone.  I really hope today is better than yesterday.  I don't know if you remember my post but I mentioned how my 18 son at college got a citation for underage drinking when he blew a 0.01.  Well later yesterday after going to student health, he has strep throat, he was in a car accident.  His was the 3rd car in a 3 car pile up.  He got a ticket for not avoiding an accident.  The car is damaged and both air bags went off.  Now, he is fine which is the important thing.  My husband will be going up to haul the car home tomorrow and while there he and our son will look for a lawyer for the court case for under age drinking.   This son of ours, has always been fairly good and has had decent grades.  Not an angel, but he never really got into any trouble either.  I know he is going through the freshman growing pains but I think I am done now.  Can I quit?  Is that allowed?  Anyone want an 18 yr son?  He is a mess.  He feels soooo bad about things.  I told him to pray and then gave him the "this too shall pass" speech. 
Other than that, most is good.  I have to go in for the repeat of my July mamogram today.  Gyn doc says she felt a lump.  Not really worried about it but I have to leave work today for my appt.  So, juggling time so I don't have to take any sick/vacation time. 
Other than that, all is good. 
on 10/14/09 10:51 pm
Hi S.S.

Trying to offer some positive support with what's been going on with your 18-year-old son.  Maybe he learned his lesson early on about drinking and the hardship it can bring.  Maybe he will be able to drink responsibly and let the other party animals learn their lessons the hard way.  Lots of drinking going on during these college years, for sure. 

Early on in college, my daughter was at a party, took a drink of champagne from a bottle, and someone walking by in a crowded environment accidentally elbowed her, and she chipped her tooth - it was both expensive and embarrassing for her, but it could have been worse.  She made it through those college years with her degree in psychology, and now attending graduate school, very mature and responsible.

Hang in there, mom.  It does get better. 




(deactivated member)
on 10/15/09 6:54 am - Jacksonville, NC
Thanks for the support.  I talked with my son today and he is feeling better.He said that the insurance man told him that they (he and the company) are not accepting responsibility.  They feel it was due to inclement weather or such.  Anyway it boils down to his insurance will not go up since insurance did not find him at fault.  DH is going there tomorrow to help get all sorts of stuff settled (car, lawyer etc)  Trevor feels better knowing that Dad will be there to help.  I am sending brownies. 
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