TGIF, It's Friday, What's New?
I'm still at work, finishing up Friday pages or Sunday pages (some advance stuff). Busy night, but I like it like that. Our big news tonight was the conclusion of ArtPrize, which if you're interested, you can read about at It even came across as a bulletin from the Associated Press, which meant it was pretty big stuff. An artist from Brooklyn, N.Y., won the big prize. It was pretty cool stuff.
I've had a busy day and I'm tired, but I still have to work Friday and Saturday nights, then I'm only off Sunday. I hope Laureen gets to rest after today when her big case is concluded (or at least the filing for it ... is that correct?).
We have had a lot of rain again today. It's definitely fall and heading into winter.
Well, post away. I'll check back later. I have to get back to work.
It was a great idea, attracted a lot of excitement to the city.
eileen i'll go to the link later-i'm off to work early today and got lost in the ironing thread!!
it is truly wonderful to have you folks to share things like that with--if i would talk about ironing or the coke bottle sprinkler to my kids they would roll their eyes! and the bond that a simple conversation can spark between folks all around and in diff countries!!!! even a marriage proposal! ((((george))))--unfortunately my fond memories of ironing ended when my parents divorced- after that it was a chore-still calming tho i guess!
so-boss man is letting me go in two hours early today and 4 days next week to make up 10 of the 14 hours i missed this week with michael in hospital--my sick days were all used when i fell on my ankle...he is kindof begrudging this but i appreciate it--i mean- what are sick days for if not to use them when you are sick????? so not laureen's allniter but 9 hours is a long day at what i do-and a long weekend coming up-one of the only perks to my job is the paid legal holidays!!!! so i'll work hard today to show appreciation!!!
roxie was restless-we went to bed at 8 and i think it was too early for her- so at 3 --i had been awake since 2--i got up; put her out and left her in the kitchen-she's not happy with me right now-it's pouring rain and she is one of those without sense enough to come in ...i would have preferred to have slept thru til the alarm at 4 but whadda i know????
i threw together 3 turkey rolls to take for mid morning snack--what IS the secret to making them nice and uniform?? anyhow i was hurrying and no one will see them but me!
nothing special for the weekend here ...letters to write cards to send ...sleep!
michael is doing well but lazed around all day-which is fine with me-he can't stand it!
hugs and prayers..............
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
It sounds like your boss has changed his tune a bit. At least you still have your job, I know how you worried about that a couple of weeks ago.
How's the ankle doing?
I pat my turkey slices dry with paper towels before spreading the cream cheese onto them. I also have the deli slice them a little thicker, too....keeps them from tearing when I'm putting the cheese on them.
ankle swollen like nuts last nite-between the rain and not being elevated at work--it's a nuisance to keep raising it and lowering it on the current project-much more standing up and sitting down than normal project....sorry for the wahhh
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
are having troubles.
i am as well, my mom has been in the hospital since tuesday, and
they do not seem to know why she is hurting so much. they are
giving her anti-biotics since she has some type of infection, but they
cant seem to pin it down, and why the pain? they dont know.
anyway, ive been back and forth to the hospital after work every afternoon,
and you all know how tiring that is, as many have been in the same boat.
yesterday she was so out of things, it was scary. she did not know me
when i came into the room, and kept on asking me why did i come to
the hospital. then, she thought she was eating lunch(first time she ate
yesterday since admission) at her assisted living and had to keep the
lunch receipt for her records. it was very disheartening, because they
have taken her off the heavy pain meds and i dont know why she is so
out of things.
anyway will talk to her doc again today, but this is too wierd, as she was
fine on saturday( we had lunch together) and fine on sunday.
hope everyone has a good weekend, and thanks for listening
be safe and well, jacki
the unexplained when a loved one is sick or hurting can be worse than whatever the diagnosis actually is...
we're here when you want to drop know that!! hugs !!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Morning Off
too early morning! Ive been awake since 4 and no reason to wake that early! now I could go back to sleep. and for once I get to. My baby sitter angel has to stay with us for a few days because of problems at her apt unit so she will watch Bitty boots while I get another 3 hrs of sleep. What a rare treat! See why I call her our angel?
After my sleep in I have a busy day, shrink session for the little one Dr for my wrist and grocery shopping. Major grocery shopping! Hubby is threatening to move in with Old mother Hubbard in hopes of finding something in her cupboard!
I want to go see mom but we are having colds here still so that is off till first of week. Ill talk on the phone but that isn't the same. She is obsessing about not having her Halloween candy for the grandkid parade and I have it here. Oh what joys our elderly parents give us.
Hope everyone has a great day. Adan weekend
Prayers going up for those hurting and in need. I can't remember all the names but If I pray for all God knows the ones I mean.