Happy Thrusday - It's Almost Friday!
Good morning everyone!!! I've been MIA recently..school has been so busy and hectic, its a wonder I can remember my own name!!!
My gall bladder surgery is Tuesday. Piece of cake and none too soon. Then I guess I'll take a little vacation to heal. SO trying to do my job and get ready for a week of subs, and running around for pre-op and all has taken its toll. I"M EXHAUSTED.
George I love reading your posts..don't stop. And after all we all have been through with our surgeries, WL and trials and tribulations of life and family, I'm sure we have thick skin. I know I do..so I really seldom take things negatively.
Well got to run...I have forms to fill out for the school, something we have to do every year, and every year I hate it but do it. Everyone have a great day.
Think of something fun to do this week end...it makes everything else feel better!!!!
My brother came for a couple of days and he'd had the RNY about 5 years ago, so was glad to help his sister get on the right track. I am enjoying the time off work and can't believe a week from today I'll be back to the grind!
Fall is cold here in Minnesota, but the trees are just beginning to change - it'll be beautiful here soon. Then all white for months. That part is hard!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Gee, your case brings back memories of days gone by when Gary was practicing law. I thought I'd miss those days, but NO.... the stress, long hours and more stress is gone from our lives with good riddance. More power to ya for being the good soldier! I'm glad you have a good crew to work with, which makes it so much easier.
I'm coming in the home stretch with the pre company cleaning. Gary is putting up the valance rod over the dining room window tonight, then will fininsh the paint trim over the weekend. That will just about do it, except for the last minute stuff next Thursday. It will be nice to have this done for awhile after they're gone.
Rain coming in tonight, and lots of it. Maybe up to 5 inches before the storm leaves tomorrow afternoon. We're at over 70 inches since the first of the year. Gosh, I don't think the entire time I lived in San Diego we had 70 inches of rain total!!! What a lifestyle change....but we love it.
Alrighty then.....time for me to hit the road running. Hope everyone has a wonderful day full of laughter and happiness. Good thoughts, swinging chickens and prayers going out to all.
Ouchies ... an all nighter. Laughter makes everything seem better. You will sleep like a baby tonight.
What a pretty Fall day. Chilly but very nice. Makes me think of apple pie. Notice I said "think" not "bake".

The wind kept knocking out the power yesterday. I turned on the kerosene heater, curled up with a book and didn't mind at all. The cats were in heaven. Tom stayed in his office to keep cool.
This afternooon I am helping my friend with her 100 year old mother. It is fun to listen to her stories of the old days.
I'm freezing - lol - fingers are almost too cold to use the keyboard. I've been up working since 4:45 a.m., so it's time for a break in the action now.
Weighed this morning and down, what a GREAT feeling. DH can't seem to keep his hands off of me - lol - he says he feels like he has a new wife and wants to constantly touch everything so he can "feel the thinness." He's a goof! I love it!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Sounds like you've really got your work cut out for you today. I really don't miss those long days at all.
I've been up for a couple of hours now and still haven't ingested anything. I'm doing laundry right now. Maybe I'll get dressed soon and take the dogs for a walk. Just don't have much energy this morning.
After reading George's post, I should probably apologize to everyone. I'm a very sarcastic person and sometimes don't realize that my comments could be constrewed as nasty. Please know, I'm sarcastic, but not nasty. I guess you could say I have a warped sense of humor too.
I made a hair appointment to get a cut and highlight when I'm downstate next week. It really bugs me that I finally find someone that I really like, and then I move away. Can't win for losin these days.
Hope you all have a great day.
a few years back i answered soemone about something on this board and then all hell broke out between myself and one gal--the oldsters know what it's about -and well- nuff said.... when actually- i was simply explaining the "situation" --but i was misunderstood....ah well....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
morning laureen and OFF family....well it is another chilly day here in ohio...BRRRRR but it isn't raining...YET caling for rain later on i think haven't turned the weather channel on yet to see so i may be wrong...yesterday the wind was strong and the waves were crashing high over the breakwall at the pier....OMG it was awesome to see!!! ;-)
george you didn't mention the deep fried butter....did you have some? what type of dough do they use to make that? glad you had a good time!!!
talked to my mom last night to see how my brother made out at his dr visits...well not sure what they did monday but yesterday he was given some drops for his eyes and they told him they THOUGHT his eyes would go back to where they were before the stroke!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! he goes back in 2 months for another check up. also my sister has appointment for the 21st in ann arbor to see if she is eligible for a kidney transplant!!!!! that would be great if she is!!! will have to talk to her more on this to find out more about it...mom wasn't up on all the info as usual...her being 88 she just doesn't grasp it all i guess.
margo i am glad michael is doing so much better now!!! may he continue to keep getting better!!! and you take care of you too!!!!
have to call maintenance people today to come look at our stove/oven...one of the burners isn't working at all and i am not sure about the oven heating right...heck if we have to pay $715.00 a month now they can come fix what doesn't work right?? not sure how we are going to make the rent now most of the money is all used up. just made rent by the skin of our teeth before it went up and now that its higher....OMG the stress of worrying to make ends meet.....sighs
haven't heard from my secret pal yet but then i didn't get in touch with mine yet either so i can't really complain now can i....just trying to figure out this darn pc on how to make a new name and then i get that figured out i can't figure out how to get ecards with the new name....its so frustrating!!! i am computer idiot that is for sure!!!!
well best go get my shower and ready for work. long day today 1-9 and also tomorrow 1-9 and saturday 8-430. long hours but atleast it will be busier with these hours than the ones i had tuesday...5-9 yuck!! that is the stand around and clean up...i did make more than i thought i would....$63 so not to dead....lol
have a great day everyone and remember to SMILE!!!! ;-)
I don't know what kind of dough they use, but everyone I know that has had it says it is like eating a bisquit with butter. When you bite in, the butter has melted and seeped into the batter.