Happy Thrusday - It's Almost Friday!
after i straightened the kitchen and the living room, made myself two eggs and was actually sitting at the table eating them when my phone rang- was my michael ready to come home! did all of the "get out the door stuff" including getting dressed and rushed up to bring him home...he sounded wonderful and had a very good night at the hospital-including eating two box lunches before bed-wow- bottomless pit! they allowed him to walk out which is important to him! brought him home and after a bit went to walmart alone to get two new scrips and a few refills for him-napped together awhile then made a chicken pot pie for two dinners...tv and genealogy -i found another patriot! it will take work cuz he will be new to the DAR-so i have to establish his service; more research needed than someone who is already in their database.
he headed to bed at 11 and said he didn't know why but he suddenly lost his zip...ummmm....heart procedure and stress of same?? anyhow- a good nite's sleep ..not sure how he'll keep self occupied today since he can't lift, drive, vacuum...hope he stays outta trouble- i am going to work while they still pay me.
oh-he bathed roxie yesterday while i was at wallys.
my ankle is hurting like a sob again.
so-that musta been really boring to read -but he is home!
watching the weather channel is a bit nerve wracking for all of the potential flooding out west (missouri etc) hope all of our OFF family are ok....water can be such a devastating force...the tsunami watch that was out for hawaii had us interested/concerned...
also-this is a bit unnerving to me- i work 8 miles from home -the courthouse sits in a very tightly built old area of the city -by that -the buildings all seem "locked" in- no vast parking spaces etc, many churches, etc--tuesday, while i was at the hospital with michael; there was a bomb threat at the local high school and a bank (2 blocks from my work) robbed at gunpoint--( i am a fromer teller- and loved banking except for that fear!) --yesterday- i went to walmart and the dollar tree from about 1215 til almost 2--afterward they were both robbed at gunpoint--i am not feeling so hot about this---also a bank about 6 miles from work robbed at gun point yesterday--one of my co worker's SIL works there, i'm sure there will be "stories" today.
on a positive-my daughter went to florida last weekend for a huge networking conference of her work and facebook has 100+ photos- she is tagged in 1 or 2 but actualy is in more- she really looked like she was enjoying herself- i think it's her first BIG conference like this and she was part of the "vendor" system if you will- very proud of her!
well i have definitely rambled enough to bore you all to tears....
laureen-hang in- sleeptime will come!
george the fair was fun when we were in dallas a few years back with janet and the sistahs--i'm glad you and mary could enjoy your day!!
everybody else-enjoy the day--
so often i want to post quick notes to so many and just don't do it-laziness? time? dunno-but i think of all of you often!!!
hugs and prayers....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I think we are all guilty of that. I try to post as much as possible and I hope everyone realizes that I do read most threads. Just don't comment on that many. Nothing of substance to add. But I do say a prayer when they are requested. And even when they are not.
edited to add:
(Sometimes I think of a smart aleck comment, but do not post it because I don't know the person well enough. But it is never my intent to hurt anyone here. You gals are all sweethearts.)
i unnerstand george !!!!!!!!!!
i swear ya must be my brother from another mother!
ok i played around the comp long enough- stole 25 minutes in genealogy land-found some awesome stufff-gotta get to work!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Ok, I'd better say cyah!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Super happy Michael is doing so well.
Smart alec is my middle name. I try to filter everything I say especially since I am so new to this forum. If something slips, please know that it was said in humor. I think this is the best forum arounds and you all are the greatest! nuff kissing up. Here is my day today;
I am supposed to have my annual gyn appt. I have not had one in at least 6 years. Bad I know but I just didn't care about my health before. Now that I am taking my life back I figured it was time to get all my stuff done. I had a mamogram and all turned out well. I had my eyes checked and got new contacts. And I made my gyn appt. I have not gone through the change yet but I am not real regular either. Without going into details (TMI) I am just going to say that I have to reschedule. That is not as easy as it sounds. I don't want to take time off of work and Thursdays are my only early day off. Around here Dr Offices are not open in the evenings or on weekends. Not like when I lived in PA! It took me about 6 weeks to get this appt. So, what is another 6 weeks after not having one for 6 or so years. ack!
Nothing much happening around here. The Twins bombed last night.....George you were right..hahahahaha!!
I have my cleaning fairy here today....what a blessing!
My daughter sees the surgeon today and will then get her surgery date. I misunderstood....I thought her surgery was today. Great...now I can stress out even longer!!
I sure wish we would hear from Linda S....Brenda too.
I best get to work...have a good day everyone.
Keeping you all in my tyhoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs to all....connie d