What's New, Wednesday????

(deactivated member)
on 10/7/09 2:06 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Good Morning!

One of my weekly chores as the oldest kid was helping with the laundry, hanging out on the line to dry, and then ironing.  I remember standing in the middle of the living room ironing pillow cases, sheets, my fathers undershirts, mom's skirts.....but I hated doing dad's Sunday shirt....I still had ironing shirts.  I love the smell of laundry dried on the line.....I often buy room fresheners with the "fresh linen" scent.

Right now I'm feeling a little tired.  Today is the first day I got back on the treadmill since my surgery.  Let me tell you, almost immediately I could feel the pulling all up and down my stomach were the incision and muscle tightening was done.  After that I cooked a big breakfast (eggs, veg, cheese, toast) and then took a shower and put ointment on the incision.....now I'm pooped so I'll be resting with my feet up for at least an hour or 2 if I can.

I know I must be pretty much healed because the clutter in the house (boxes still unpacked from the move 3.5 months ago) is started to bug me.  I really need to talk to Matthew about it because it's starting to really annoy me.

Still no serious job leads....I'm going to take the Real Estate agent course and see if I can do something in that arena.

Think I'll go get some more green tea and do a little reading......need to go to the library for a new book.....

Hope you all have a great day.

on 10/7/09 2:45 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi All,
I have a serious job interview on Monday at Lakewood Ranch Medical Center as a registration clerk. I did that for 25 years.....I am so excited to maybe get back into working at the hospital again. Ill do hair on the side!!!!!!
So please say a pray or what ever you do so I get this job. I think it is partime or fulltime not sure.
If I get it my trip to 'chicago is on hold.
well Im on my way to the grocery to get Honey crisp apples!!!!!! and maybe get my hair trimmed.
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Margo M.
on 10/7/09 9:59 am - Elyria, OH
this job sounds like what you need, carla!! you know you will have my best wishes and prayers if it is meant to be yours!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 10/7/09 2:46 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Candy and my OFF family:

Got to bed about 4:30 a.m. ... we had incredibly high winds this morning /last night. When I was at work downtown, the winds stunned us, they were so loud it sounded like a jet landed on Michigan Street downtown in Grand Rapids. That's how one of my coworkers described it.

Of course, there was a somber mood in the newsroom after the Tigers lost to the Twins. The copy desk is now back by the sports desk, so they are all watching the ballgame and cheering/crying, etc. It was an exciting game. I told one of the sports copy editors, Gretchen, that the Tigers had nothing to worry about from the White Sox earlier in the season, that it was the Twins they had to fear. She laughed at me. I don't think she's laughing now. One of the sports copy editors is a Twins fan (his name is Jerry Ford, like the president ... they call him Pres ... everyone there has a nickname).

Meant to tell you yesterday that my psychologist is getting married. She was widowed about 3 1/2 years ago ... her husband had a stroke or heart attack in his sleep, and she woke up to find him dead in bed. Anyway, she met her new hubby in a ballroom dance class and is getting
married Oct. 24. I'm so happy for her.

Candy, I had to iron my dad's hankies and our family's pillowcases and sheets when I was younger ... it was one of the ways I earned my Girl Scout housekeeping badge. I hated ironing. I had to go into the basement to do it, and there were always a lot of spiders down there (still are). I still hate ironing ... I don't iron my own hankies and rarely iron anything else unless it really needs it. One, I have to stand to do it and haul the ironing board out of the closet ... I can't stand that long usually because it hurts too much ... two, it's boring!

I do love to cook and bake ... bake mostly. I bring a lot of my baked goods into work, just keep some home for me and I try to keep it healthy, like my apple muffins. I'd cook more, but I have to stand too long (even with my stool in the kitchen, it's uncomfortable).  Most of the time when I cook, it's throw things in a pot, let 'em simmer and eat them at the end. Sunday will be chili day, it's that time of year.

Well, have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Laureen S.
on 10/7/09 3:28 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Afternoon Candy and Friends!

Candy, I used to love to iron and still don't mind doing it, matter of fact, my own brand of ironing story was that when the kids were little, I would do wash and at night set up the ironing board and while watching television iron all their clothes and ours (ex and me).  One day one of my g/f's was there to witness me doing the ironing and she said, why in the heck are you ironing their clothes, they are only going to get them all dirty, to which I replied, I don't care how dirty they get, when they walk out of this door it makes me feel good to see them look good and the dirtier they get, the more fun they've had. . .  most of my clothes today don't require a lot of ironing, but like you, I find it soothing to stand and iron.  As for baking and cooking, I love to cook, used to bake when the kids were small and now I am beginning to experiment with different things to make WLS friendly desserts, first attempts have been pretty good, we'll see how it goes as I have a few recipes I will be trying out soon.

Margo it's good to see that Michael is doing good.

Also nice to see a few "old" familiar faces posting more regularly.

I have to get my 2 year labs done in the next week or so, as I have my 2 year follow up at the end of the month, will be interesting to see what mine say, I'm pretty good about the vites, I do forget to take the 2nd calcium supplement sometimes, but otherwise I've been good about the rest of my vites. . .

Well I was at work last night until 11:40 and did not get to bed until 1 a.m., up at 7 and back to work, though the traffic gods were against me this morning and it took me 45 minutes extra to get to work.  Tonight is supposed to be an all nighter which I have not done in probably 8 years, it should be interesting, tomorrow we should all be ready to fall down and the case will be heard on Friday, so when this week ends, I will be ready for real sleep, brought my clothes, sleeping bag and a pillow with me for tonight and I am not kidding. . .  and Saturday I have a wedding to attend for one of the attorney's I work for here and that means no sleeping in because I will have to get my nails done, etc. and be at the church by 2. . .  well one day at a time, right!

Take care all, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 10/7/09 6:22 am

You sound like my sister-in-law - we got a huge chuckle when she told us she irons my brother's tee-shirts - WHAT???  They both always have that "crisp" look, though, so the laugh was on us!  LOL LOL



Connie D.
on 10/7/09 3:47 am
Good morning Candy and everyone....

I had a busy morning today. I went and worked out at the gym for two hours. I then went to Walmart to pick up vitamins and protein bars. I had to start work by 9:00...whew...what a day already!!

I know everyone won't agree but I am so happy  the TWINS won last night....wooohooooooo!!!  What a game!!

My granddaughter Amanda has the flu and they think it might be H1N1...I hope not!!  She has been exposed to it in school  so we will have to wait and see.

I have alot of calls to make for my job so I best get bake to work.

Margo....I am glad our prayers were answered and Michael will be okay.

Have a wonderful day...prayers to those in need.

Love and hugs to all......connie d

Judy G.
on 10/7/09 5:09 am - Galion, OH

afternoon candy and my OFF family!!!

BRRRRR its chilly here in ohio!!!! winds are blowing with gusts to 40 mph plus!! went down to the fishing pier and watched the humongous waves come in...OMG they were huge at times crashing over the break wall!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! and cars parked right by the very edge near the break wall...OMG!!! i was scared enough to be in the back area and was amazed at how hard tha****er hit!!!! have alot of big branches down around this complex too...glad none hit my car!!!

went to walmart to get a couple skeins of yarn to hook it together with...actually i went to "look" at the yarn and saw some on sale for $2.00 so i couldn't pass that up....now i have enough to hook it together and still wanting a few more colors to complete the look...its gonna be sooo pretty when it is done!!!

remembering the ironing back when i was a kid....LOL i used to do the pillowcases and dad's hankies...omg i used starch on his hankies and he would come home from work and ask how much starch i used....he said it was like using thin wood to blow his nose on...LMAO i told him i just thought he would like a nice stiff hankie for a change...he lol at that one and asked me to NEVER use starch on his hankis again....LOL

nothing new to report today just working on the afghan is all. so far no hives...wooohoooo

margo i am so happy for michael and hope he gets better fast!!! hang in there i am sure better days ahead for you both!!!

ok off to make more flowers...tailbone is hurting me like BIG TIME!!! sitting way to long i guess...not used to that!! i feel stiff all over when i sit that long and the tailbone omg its sore!!!!

george...what kind of dough do they use on the fried butter?? sounds good!!!

ok time to get back to making flowers...have a good day everyone and know i AM thinking of EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!!!

SMILE!!! :-)

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