What's New, Wednesday????
Good Wednesday morning everyone....I am up and getting ready to go to the gym to work out, but I keep waking up at 4:30 am and trying to sleep again until 6 am...I never do. I had my 3 year labs done and they were not so good....but then I am not so good.
Last night I went to a lecture about weight loss through Detoxification. It costs about $200 and it takes 3 weeks. I think I am going to do it as soon as I can find 3 weeks where I am not on vacation or going some where important like a family wedding. I think the 3 weeks before Thanksgiving might work out., I will let you know how it goes. I think I really have lots of contaminents in my body and this will definitely help my liver. I try to eat healthy, but I know I do injest bad stuff. He and his family do it twice a year, and you should see his family, the pictures of health and he looks 35 and yet has to be 55.
My doctor [my chiropractor who is also into exercise and nutrition big time] is ordering a subliminal CD for me that he says will help me with my wine intake, because there is no wine for 3 weeeks, and hopefully beyond that. I don't seem to be doing well on my own.
Well, I best get my butt moving to workout. Today is my weights day. They just brought in about $500,000 worth of new equipment, but I don't care for the new bikes, they have lots of gadgets etc, but the back of the bike is immovable and ridgid, so I need to hunt out the old recumbent bikes. I do 30 minutes as I watch the morning news, then I put on my I-pod and listen to music the rest of the time. I time my workouts, by songs, not minutes, like it is 3 songs on my knees, 4 songs on my back etc. I definitely feel that the workouts are saving my body. I stood at a wedding reception last Sat. for hours, except when we ate dinner, in heels and had no problem. I also feel lots safer goin up and down stairs. So off I go.
Have a great day.
Love, Marti
ps. Candy, I also love to iron things.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
It was ironing day on Tuesdays when I was a kid.....yes, I remember well the nice smell of freshly ironed clothes.
Did 20 minutes and 2.7 miles on the recumbent bike this morning....will try for 15 min. more this afternoon....It's hard getting back into doing it everyday, but I know I must if I want to lose more wt.
It's really windy here -- 22 to 26 mph winds and in Grand Rapids they had much higher winds and a lot of power outages, according to the news this morning. Waiting for a nice day to get started cleaning up my garden and flower beds...
Time for my wt. control oatmeal and get ready for work.
Have a good hump day.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
I tried a new bike today and it had a "cross country" program that went up and down hills...oh boy, I broke out in a sweat...which is extremely unusual for me....i just don't sweat except on my head, but it felt very good.
I am now making Chicken pot pie for dinner, lots of good fresh veges....and I also have to make a meal for someone at church's family. She fell and broke her hip last spring and was hospitalized for weeks...and now she has broken her other hip....she is just a little thing I don't know why this is happening, but someone said they are finding that sometimes women on Fosomax are running into this. Has anyone else heard this?...I am making them chicken and dumplings...I figured the Father and 2 boys would like chicken and dumplings.
Must run again, meeting a girlfriend at La Brioche for lunch....fab new restaurant here in Madison, .tapestry booths and chairs, big wooden tables....very Tuscany!! ...and the food to die for.
Love, M
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
great minds think alike!!
the restaurant sounds heavenly!! i love the tuscan colors and smells and all....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I also use Rottiserie chicken and pick all the meat off. However I did have homemade chicken broth on hand and that is so much more healthy......AND I get my husband to chop up all my vegetables....I keep telling him he is the very BEST sous chef in the world and he keeps chopping my veges...ya' gotta' love that.
I must confess also I talked him into making the chicken and dumplings......also flattery wins over....I told him I just can't make it as good as he does.....However, I delivered it to the family, I even still had my apron on......They were happy.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Wow, I just realized how many of us are at or around the 3 year mark. You, me, Annette, Evelyn, Marti. Busy time of the year for our surgeons!
I don't bake. If I bake, I eat. Once, I tried putting home made peanut butter cookies into the freezer as soon as they cooled from the oven. Who knew how good a frozen peanut butter cookie could taste? Bread's the same way, if it's around it won't be for long.
The white tornado continues to blow through my house. Yesterday I cleaned all the baseboards in the house, our bedroom, the guest bath(including emptying all the drawers and cleaning them), AND took care of a sick hubby. Should have gone to work, it would have been easier.
Gotta get moving for another day. Sure hope everyone has a wonderful one. Margo, Linda S, you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs to all!