Tuesday's what's new revue
Good morning ya'll.
My little foray out into the world with the car went well yesterday. After we got home and put things away, our older grandson stopped by between classes (as usual). We got to talkin' about salad bars, and off we went. My DH, the grandson and I. It has been a very long time since I have been able to REALLY enjoy a salad bar. It was so delicious. Of course, the grandson had something other than salad. He says he didn't get that big eating green stuff!
Today I am taking the younger grandson to school and picking him up. Back to the regular routine. I'll be glad when he gets his license in November.
Only problem I have is wearing pants that go across my belly button area. There is an incision there and after awhile it gets sore. I don't have dresses that are appropriate for public (just 'house dresses'). I have no where else to go, so I'll stay in my house dress, in the house, til my doc appt on Friday.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Slept in this morning until 7:15....late for me, but nothing on the agenda to get me up. Need a few items at Wal Mart but other than that I have a free day.
My DS came by in the afternoon and got my flag down for me....it had blown over the top of the flag pole and was tearing. Today I will try to repair it, but will leave it down for the winter......flags are almost $30 at Wal Mart.
Good day food wise yesterday and got in 32 minutes on the bike and 4.6 miles.....a little sore this morning, but must get back on and continue the exercise.
Hugs and prayers to all.......sure do miss our Brenda!
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Margo - sure hope your foot feels better soon! Be sure to keep it elevated.
George - YAY! So glad that Mary is feeling well!
I hope everyone else is feeling well, is happy and enjoying life!
It's a little chilly in the house this a.m. I'm getting ready to eat some breakfast and then walk on the treadmill.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Slept like a baby last night. Played cards at a friends house with the girls. She has cats and I'm very allergic to cats. All of a sudden my eye started watering and itching and I remembered she has cats. I reached for my purse and she asked if I needed a benedryl, she had some on the counter that she gives to her dog for her itching. She asked if I wanted one or two. I said two, thinking they were children's benedryls. I give my dogs children's benedryl at times. Well, come to find out they were adult strength. It was really hard staying awake for the evening and driving home. When I hit the bed I was out like a light. It was rather nice actually, because I slept like a log, no tossing and turning or waking up. Hmmmmmmmmm, might be something to keep in mind for those sleepless nights!
Hope everyone has a blessed day.

I have had a busy and productive morning... I cleaned the bird cage, fed my son the cat, vacuumed and dusted...made the bed.
Then I gathered canned goods for my neighborhood food drive, & brought the food to the community center. Then I worked out in the fitness center... After that I walked home and now I am doing laundry and talking to all of you. Not a bad day at all...