What's New, MONDAY!?

Nancy B
on 9/27/09 4:30 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!

Wow the weekend sure flies by fast! It rained all last night and into this morning but the day turned out perfect! I see some of my trees turning colours in the yard. We planted 250 saplings, over 35 years ago when we first built this house….many of them survived, even thrived…some as high as 90 feet now. I love trees, they cleanse the pollution from the air, they provide homes for the many songbirds we are blessed with here in the country. Even as a child, I had a particular affinity to trees.

Early afternoon, I gathered up a basket of tomatoes, garlic, peppers, celery, summer savoury and onions from my garden and made homemade tomato soup…mmm..tastes heavenly!

Sunday afternoon and evening were devoted to my LifePath groups.   The young ladies that I mentor every other week amaze me.   One young woman has severe depression and is rather difficult to talk with because she keeps herself so "shut down".    I gave an assignment last meeting to list things that each liked about herself…..at the time, this particular young lady couldn’t think of ONE attribute about herself that she liked.   But today, she solemnly read her list…..I was stunned and so proud of her! That was a HUGE step for her!

 The three young ladies in this group have bonded…..they are all three energetic, creative and needing focus and I felt honoured when the one exclaimed "isnt this amazing? All FOUR of us are artistic and creative!" (referring to me too)… I was close to tears that she included me in "her group".


Again, a big step in her attitude..wow!    Today we talked about setting realistic and fair boundaries to honour ourselves.

This week’s assignment : since they are all so creative, they will create a POSTER with an affirmation of their choice presented in their own form of expertise…to be laminated and placed where they will see it daily and be reminded of what they need to know. They will bring their projects to group and share them with the others. They said this is actually FUN!   Makes me feel good.

My second group of three young ladies, different personalities..…not so unfocused but more needing accountability and courage to stand up for themselves.  I have deliberately grouped them together according to their needs and personailities.  

I’m not sure what assignment they will get next time but it will be appropos.   But  I’m always open to ideas…….I’ve never done this before.

Nancy B

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George T.
on 9/27/09 7:18 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

Good morning all.  I am back and among the living.

First, Nancy, I may want to move next door so I can raid your garden.

Went to the OH Conference in Dallas.  It was about what I expected.  I did learn some stuff, but other stuff did not have my interest.  That is to be expected.

Don't know what today holds for me, as I will be cooking for myself the next couple of days.  Hmmm.  That may be a problem.  Do I hear Sonic's calling my name?

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Margo M.
on 9/27/09 7:51 pm - Elyria, OH
i woke at about 130 and laid in bed til almost 5 -when the alarm went off-and darn it if i didn't fall back to sleep AFTER the alarm!

looked at my foot and ankle unwrapped last nite-blue and red...hmmmmm

i must say that even tho i accomplished NOTHING lall ast week whilest lying in pain with my foot propped; i rather enjoyed not getting dressed and going to work...this could be an issue...easily......nah..that pay check thing is my incentive....really wish i had a job that i enjoyed going to...(not complaining really-am blessed to have what i do)

so-today is work--have to turn in my "note" !

i think michael is going back up on the roof-that still scares the beejeebers outta me-sposed to be cool today-nice for him-but rain so maybe he'll stay down..

my absolute favorite time of year is when the trees are changing colors--always has been...i'll miss that in hawaii but not enough to stay in ohio!
hugs and prayers to all.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Connie D.
on 9/27/09 10:51 pm
Margo....you send me pics of the beautiful beachs in Hawaii and I will send you plenty of pics of the changing seasons....especially the leaves  turning colors!!

Don't like the sound of of the way that ankle is looking....hhhmmmmm!

Love and hugs sweetie....connie d
annette R.
on 9/27/09 8:48 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning -

The Summer clothes are packed away at last. I never wore most of them because it was too cold.

Our support group meeting should be good. The new bariatrics coordinator is making her first appearance. This is usually the lap-band night but I opened it up to both groups. I hope the room will hold all the people.

Busy day. I need to get moving and be productive.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 9/27/09 9:58 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

Nancy, you make my mouth water.  And I can just smell the herbs and spices!

Yesterday was another sleep in the chair and catch up on DVR shows.  At least the rain had stopped.

Today I am driving for the first time since my surgery.  Just a quick trip picking the grandson up at school and taking him to meet his Mom at a doctor appointment.  Should not be a problem.

I have no restriction but also no appetite!  My weight is still up.  But I know it is swelling, etc.  It is certainly not from eating!

I think fall has arrived here.  I love this time of year.  AC off, windows open, fresh air!

Everyone have a a fantabulous day! 

Grammylew in Jax


Pat R.
on 9/28/09 12:28 am - Sturgis, MI
Make sure you are drinking lots of fluids -- that will help rinse the bad stuff out of your system...


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Done! Your Ticker: 
on 9/27/09 10:16 pm
Good Morning OFFers,

Nancy, I sure could smell the soup you made.  I don't have a garden but going to the Farmers Market is second best.  Sounds like you have a unique group of ladies to work with.  I think it is great when women encourage women.

Grammy, I sure hope you take it easy.  You've been through a lot lately.

Fall is sure in the air here too.  The weather was sunny but crisp yesterday.  I was under the weather, so to speak.  Not sure what was going on.

I had my grandson for the day/night Sat.  He is such a joy. Smart little bugger and so much fun at age 3... almost 4.

I had lunch Friday with my oldest son, just back from Iraq.  We had a one on one and it was so nice to just chat about little things of no importance.  I overate on French Fries.  I love the fries at Red Robin.  I should have known better... I do know better.... I just ignored the warning..... sigh.

I think this week I'm going to clean house and put out fall decorations.  It is fall after all.

Hope everyone has a fun day,  or at least try to make it fun.

Laureen S.
on 9/27/09 10:54 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Nancy and the rest of your early risers and those to come!

Nancy, I'm with George, wish I could raid your garden, it sounds like you got lots of yummy stuff growing, next year I hope to have a garden, of course, I will start small to see how well I can do it, Farmville is good practice (lol)!

Well I'm thankful for the fact that I have this day off, it is beautiful day here and I have so many things to take care of around this house due to the fact that my weekend revolved around happy events, such as Tony meeting my family at my grandson's soccer game on Saturday (it went well) and then yesterday, Vaughn's birthday celebration, so I am grateful to the fact that I have an extra day off this week to do the things I had no time for this past weekend. 

So far I've put on a crockpot of Stuffed Cabbage casserole, done two loads of laundry and am trying to figure what to do next, probably vacuum and cook up some spinach and possibly put my hand at some of those delightful recipes one of my local board members cooks up every month when she hosts a cooking support group!  I do intend to get myself outside to enjoy some part of this beautiful day, so we shall see how quickly I can everything else done, hopefully by noon, at which time I will probably attend a noon time AA meeting and then from there I will be doing some fun stuff for me.

Hope you all have a good day!

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts to all, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Connie D.
on 9/27/09 11:04 pm
Good morning Nancy and everyone.....

The Vikings won yesterday and I am sooooo HAPPY!! What a great game!

I am calling my doctor AGAIN today....my throat is just not any better....ugh....week #3 of the MN crud!

I am going to go for now....I need to get to work. Luckly I work from home!

I will check in again later....have a nice day everyone!

Prayers to those in need...especially Karen C....get better soon!

Love and many hugs......connie d

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