What to expect??
Your body is just adjusting...this is not unusual at all. Don't be worried...even when you don't lose pounds you will be losing inches. Keep doing everything you doctor tells you and the pounds will fall off. Trust me....you WILL lose the weight!!
I am sure you will hear from many others here that will have good advice for you....glad you decided to join us!
Hugs....connie d
Boy, you're not alone here! There have been a couple of other ladies in the same boat, asking the same questions, and getting the same answers. First of all, get rid of the scales, hide them, have someone hide them for you, because right now, they are NOT your friend. It's so exciting to see the pounds just fall off the first couple of weeks, it's almost intoxicating every time you step on the scale. So, when your body goes through an "adjustment" period, that "fix" you get from seeing the numbers going down all the time stops and you go through withdrawl.
You rearranged your innards for more than 19.5 lbs, I promise. Be patient with yourself. Take your measurements, they will change when the scale isn't. Do exactly what your medical staff tells you and you'll be fine.
Besides, when did you ever lose 5lbs a week before?? Trust us and relax. Please!

During the first 6 months post op I went nuts saying that I had lost weight faster before I had the surgery. And to some extent that was true. I was also younger and it was not for the prolonged period of time that I am losing now. I have had many stalls along the way. Water weight and muscle weight would make my weight fluctuate. I learned to only weigh in once a week and to take it as it comes. It seems slow and I know I was VERY anxious for the weight to fall off. I heard and read so many wonderful stories of people losing 100 lbs in 3 to 4 months. I wanted to be one of those people. I wasn't. I am 10 months out and I weigh 140 lbs less. I was in a size 24/26. I now wear a 10 or 12. I am off all meds. I feel great.
You weight loss will happen. 19.5 is just the beginning. As your body recovers and eating gets easier, it doesn't seem so unfair. Eating is just natural now and no longer troublesome nor does it really seem like a diet. So, losing weight now is nearly effortless because my way of eating has become habit. I say nearly because I go to the gym 5 days a week for cardio as well as weight training. I also am very careful about what and how much I do eat. Anyway, what I am trying to say is that it is a better picture when looking back on the experience than what you are seeing now. It does become rosy. Be patient, it will happen for you too. and stay off the scale except for once a wee****il you are maintaining. Then it helps to keep a careful eye on the numbers. Good luck.