Freezing Veggies
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I do celery, carrots, onions, green peppers. I also put up a bunch of grated and chopped zucchini. I didn't have any but a neighbor on the corner was selling small ones for 25c each and large ones for 50c. I buy and process a big bunch of celery and carrots and always have a couple of quart size freezer bags ready to use. I know some people blanch them. I don't. I just wash them good, peel, cut to size and throw in freezer bags. My favorite size are the quart sizes.
When I have time I cook down my tomatos after steaming the peelings off and coring them. When I don't have time or they are little at the end of the season I just wash them and throw them in freezer bags. When you throw them frozen in boiling water the peelings slip right off. Then I core them and do what ever I want. I love adding them to soups in the winter.
About my favorite is a pot of what my mom call "frigerator soup". Anything that was left at the end of the week went in the pot. If there wasn't much Mom would throw in a handful of barley, or rice, some lentils, beans, just about anything and I do the same! It's never the same two weeks in a row.
(Oops not sure I know how to cut and paste here. My mouth got ahead of my head. Read around this and try to figure it out) Like Margo I just "whack" them and take out what I want for soups etc. Not fresh like certainly but better than anything in the store. Thinking about raw cabbage. Anyone try that? I know potatos don't do well cooked or raw unless they are processed partially first and potatos are alway cheap around here: Like about a dollar per 10 lbs sometimes.
You know what freezes great? Breakfast casseroles that you cook ahead and then freeze. Put into small packages and microwave. You can add all kinds of meats. I haven't tried adding plain protein powder but I wonder if you could. Some of them call for milk?
I also like to freeze soups in the quart freeze bags afte they cool. They stack so easy and slip right out of the bags in the pan. Much easier than thawing jars or containers.
Sorry this is such a mess. I'll try to edit it, but I think I've gone on long enough. I must be feeling better!
Karen C