What's New- Sunday, September 27, 2009
Its a nice day here in Mi after a wet rainy dark day yesterday. Bitty woke me at 6 am wanting egg bread! Who in the world wants french toast at 6am on Sunday while its still dark out!!! She ended up with a banana and a promise of being allowed to dip the bread when we make it later. We are being quiet this am so Steve can sleep in as hes worked 70 hrs this week already, She thinks the coloring pages we can print off the net were created just specially for her. That's ok we all need to feel a bit special sometimes.
I have shank meat in the crock pot for soup. Mom wants beef barley veggie soup this week. we all like that though for hubby I;ll make stew out of his as he likes his soup thick.
Quiet day with church then maybe a picnic at a local park where hubby can enjoy a book and Boots can run of some energy,
Don't know what my week holds but that's OK I like surprises.
Prayers going up for all those sick, recovering or simply need the prayers,
Have a great peaceful day everyone
It's raining outside here which is kind of a bummer, because Vaughn's birthday party was supposed to take place at a farm where the kids were going to pick pumkins and go on a hayride, now it will be changed to an indoor location, but my DIL knows that no one wants a bunch of muddy, smelly kids tracking up their homes, so luckily she had a back-up plan. I will head over to her house to help her father with the food preparation for the adult, family members party that will be taking place afterwards.
Yesterday was fun, watching the young kids learn how to place soccer, though I think my grandson wanted to play like the other teams he saw instead, his group has a coach that is all about teaching them how to kick the ball and manuever, so Vaughn seemed rather bored by it all, he also had birthday parties on his mind, as he was going to one after the game and having his today. . . love them little kids. The meeting with my son and Tony seemed to go well, I just kind of stepped aside and let them talk common ground, men stuff, football, cards and such. . . now maybe my son can relax (lol).
Well I am going to have my coffee and breakfast and then get ready to leave here.
Prayers and postive thoughts to all in need, heck don't we all have some needs? Have a great day!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning, ya'll.
It is true that misery loves company. Our grandson was over all day yesterday (nothing new). On Thursday he went up to catch a fly ball, came down on the top of the chain link fence and ripped his lip all up. He required 5 stiches and his lip and face are still all swollen. He was supposed to have 2 games yesterday and would have played but they were called because of rain. He came here instead and admitted that he was in more pain than when he first was hurt. He and I sat in the 2 recliners in the family room, dozed and watched TV and felt miserable together. He has games today, as well. I hope he is feeling better.
I continue to feel better everyday. I am making small strides. I didn't need to sit down during my shower this AM, and washing my hair raising my arms was easier. MY DH is very special but I don't feel he rinses my hair as well as I think it needs to be done! I discovered that I am not ready for bending over to unload the dishwasher yet. I didn't get very far anyway before my DH caught me and made me stop.
Today I have got to tackle more of the Medicare/Doctor/EOB/Letter of Creditable Insurance Coverage etc stuff from my Momma's estate. Things that sort of got put on hold for the last 10 days or so. I know there are people that need to be paid. I know the insurance is gonna cover everything, it's just getting the two sides to mesh that is being a pain in the fanny.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
It was good to see you started the thread today, Julia. I was sleeping like a baby, and you hadn't even gone to bed yet.
Since I haven't been setting an alarm clock lately, I find that I wake up naturally around 8-8:30, after going to bed around 11:30-12. My body seems to like it. I enjoy lying in bed visiting with the kitties for a little while, then when I get up, I'm pretty much ready for my day. I know I'm getting a lot more done than I did when I worked day shift. And I'm not tired all the time. It's only been a couple of weeks, but the shift change seems to agree with me. I'm a little confused, as my "weekends" are Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday is my Monday, but I absolutely LOVE not having to get up at 5:30 am every day!
Maybe the new job was a good decision. Jury's still out...
Friday I mowed the lawn, and got lazy before doing some more of the Fall cleanup. Shouldn't have, because it poured rain for most of the day yesterday, and it's still raining. Mostly yesterday, I ate. Everything. Today is a fresh start. Gonna make a huge pot of soup to eat and freeze. It's definitely turning into soup weather.
I'm thinking about the Sistahs who are at the OH conference in Texas, and wishing I was there again. I miss them.
I hope everyone has a good day. I'll be swinging chickens (I absolutely love that!) before I stick them in the soup pot. SOMEthing's got to make this rain stop!
I noticed the board a little slow yesterday. I think lots of folks are out and about for the weekend. Not us, we're hunkering down and getting ready for the visting sister in laws in three weeks. Only two weekends left to get a laundry list of things done, and next weekend we have a wedding to go to, so that nixes a good part of Saturday.
The weather here has been just beautiful the last couple of days. We're going to do some gardening in the front yard, increasing the size of the flower bed along the front of the house. Hope it will make it look less like a mass market, uber subdivision spec house.....in my dreams!!!
Okay, that's it for me. Gotta hit the shower and start the day.
Hugs and love to all!
I had a jammie day. Did the housework in jammies, showered and put on fresh ones. Fantastic day.
Later we are going to see the M&M's. Matthew has been refusing to go to bed until he calls me on the phone.

One of the group members made me a pretty red bracelet. When Miss M saw it, she declared it must belong to HER. (Her birthstone is the ruby.) I try to wear a cheap piece of jewelery for her to try on when we visit. Otherwise, she begs to wear a diamond. Not smart because she doesn't want to give them back to me. Where did she learn that?

I had a great time yesterday afternoon at the "Garden Tractor Pull". They have all age groups. Some of those little ones were so cute....the tiniest little girl won that event...the crowd went wild!!
That was all I did for the day. I came home and crawled back in bed...still fighting this sore throat. Tomorrow I am getting ahold of my doctor. After two weeks I should be feeling better then this.
I am going to join some of my "Vikings" friends and try to watch at least some of the game with them today.
That is about it for me. Have a really nice day everyone.
Prayers to those in need.
Any word on Linda S???
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
so friday my pcp gave me my "note" to get back to work tomorrow- it was wonderful-he concurred that i had only sprained the ankle but enjoyed hearing my embarrassing story about falling off my bike! and sympathized after my break in 3 places i*****he also gave a new scrip for percoset-these new ones help!! the ones i was taking last week were years and years old!
yesterday; i went to lowe's for more roofing nails-and then to wally's for some groceries and dish soap-godforbid we should not be able to wash dishes! we own a new (less than 2 years old) dishwasher which we never use!anyhow- i rode the motorized cart cuz it hurts to walk..and today isn't much better but i am going to work in the morning--filled the gas tank and put groceries away then rested the remainder of the day- michael couldn't believe that i went back to bed-i pray i never have to have major surgery again while he is my caretaker- i'll have to go to one of those care centers to rest! he forgets all i have done for him-including changing his ostomy bag for 6 months!
well- we got RFD TV back today-yeaaaa-we both enjoy it and haven't had it since we switched from satellite to cable-
did i tell you about roxie stealing M & M cookies off the kitchen table?? i swear she is trying my patience! not to mention the chocolate in the m & m's! speaking of roxie-the vet's office called yesterday with news of her rabies test--yippee!! the absolute earliest she can fly to hawaii is now january 14, 2010---a far cry from our oct 19th goal date huh?!!!
i bought one of those roasted chickens yesterday-glad too cuz i did NOT feel like cooking! made some fresh mashed taters tho! yummo!
i want to go to big lots today but don't feel like getting dressed, driving there or walking around...hmmmmm
paid some bills today and need to clean off the kitchen table...then i think a nap!
i did manage to read thru the posts from yesterday and today and enjoy keeping current on everyone's life--hugs and prayers to all!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White