surgery update
out in 3.5 hours. In ICU. My heart is giving them a run for the money - not too serous. My blood creatin levels as a bit on the low side. I am praying that is't just a fluke and they don't have to go back in.
I have some pain on my left side. More discomfort. I have walked the hall and 1 flight of stairs just now. I am on my clear fluids and water in little cups.
I may go home tomorrow if all stays this good.
More as I can -
thank you all for your prayers - keep them coming. I feel it and my body feels it.
Mary - Vashon
I had heart issues too ... they never did figure that one out. Cardiac doc who finally dismissed me said it was a "heart glitch" that often happens after surgery. I also had low potassium (and still do) both pre-op and post-op. They have you walking stairs, too? Gee, I'm glad I didn't have to do that ... couldn't do stairs on my bad knees ... don't think I could do them now on my surgically replaced knee.
Good luck! Take care of yourself. I was in the hospital for two days, too, most got discharged after a day.
Good luck! Take care of yourself. I was in the hospital for two days, too, most got discharged after a day.