What's New SATURDAY!
Hello, everyone! We had such a gorgeous Friday but they are promising rain for the weekend…ah well, we do need that too. It’s HARVEST TIME and the apples are ripe and crisp, peaches are prolific and the grapes will be soon picked.
I’ve managed to make a bit of Concord grape jam, some peach jam and some peach upside-down cakes (some for Mom)…not nearly as much as last year because my garden didn’t flourish like it did then…..too much rain in the Spring, too cool all summer, a terribly wet August and now it’s just too late. We even have possibilities of FROST…where did my summer go? I see the squirrels running across our lawns with acorns and chestnuts and walnuts in their little teeth, preparing for winter. I intend to take in several bushels of apples as well…maybe make more applesauce and apple pies, the guys love them.
I have one more summer savoury bush to pluck clean and jar the dried leaves….mmm! I’ve made arrangements to tour a new facility for assisted living for Mom…..and she is almost eager to move, knowing she will be helped more in there than where she is now…I’m just concerned that she may find it a lot different than she expects. But I’ve started the process with CCAC and there is a long waiting list. By asking to have Mom re-assessed (she knows and is ready for this), hopefully they will move her higher on the list to get a room sooner. I’m trying to make this move as smooth and as little traumatic for her as possible…..It could take a year yet though, that’s how many seniors we have in the Niagara Region.
Today, I have errands to run and will stop by and visit Mom for a while and see if I can get her to eat better…she usually does when I’m there so I don’t worry. She says I fuss too much. I tell her that she should celebrate each day and she says.."well either I’m alive or I’m dead!"…how am I supposed to answer that?! That’s my Mom!
I’ve been working like crazy creating all these sentences for the literacy video game…wow…I’d forgotten how hard it can be to create GOOD grammar s but I’ve gotten about 500 sentences done now.
Having a lot of "head hunger" lately but I’m fighting that off with my subliminal CD and my EFT and self-hypnosis. Today, I was making a carrot and raisin salad for the guys and I ate a leftover raw carrot…..half of one actually…...a big carrot, mind you, but HALF a carrot…and Rufus kicked up such a fuss! After my pouch rejected the carrot, I laid down a while, wanting to just die…lol. Two hours later, I was back up and at it..but..er..no more raw carrots for a while s
That's interesting that you had a problem with a raw carrot. Do you think maybe you didn't chew it enough? I eat raw veggies all the time and they don't seem to bother, except raw cauliflower gives me flatulence, I still eat it!
I'm assuming you make your jams with sugar....wish we could get a good recipe for s/f jam....it costs so much to buy it. I love orange marmalade but they quit carrying the "sugar free" in the stores here.
It's my favorite.
I'm awake early - a little before 6 a.m. Took my synthroid and put on a pot of decaf.....have to strip the bed this morning, and do a load of undies, then off to a funeral at church. Baked a cake for the funeral dinner "sock it to me cake" oh my it smelled so wonderful baking and I know I don't dare touch a smidge of it.....loaded with fat and sugar.
Well better jump in the shower and get busy. Have a great Saturday.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Yes, strange, isnt it..but it happened before with a raw carrot....I will try again (when I get brave) and make a point of chewing even more..maybe that was it because salad are full of raw veggies and that doesnt bother me at all.
Yes..I use the "less sugar" pectin powder but it is still sugar so I dont use but a taste of them..I just get more joy out of making the jams and jellies and knowing my family and friends enjoy them. I tried once, substituing Splenda...LOL...didn't set worth a darn...I had to re-boil and add sugar to get ot to gel.
Would you share the recipe for a "sock it to me" cake? It sounds like fun *s*
Well I'm just doing a quick stop by, as I am off to watch my 4 yo grandson play soccer and Tony is on his way down to pick me up, it's going to be his first time meeting my son, DIL and grands, should be interesting, seeing as my son thinks he needs to be my dad (lol). Anyway, I'm off, have a great day, I'll be back later if I get a chance.
Hope George's Mary is ok, as well as prayers and good thoughts for everyone else.

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Our Friday was wonderful too. We've had so much rain lately that I wasn't really sure what that big glowing ball in the sky was...lol. Our weekend, the next week in fact, promises to be beautiful, so maybe we can get some things done in preparation for the "big visit" by the two sister in laws. Just three weeks to go.....

I hope you're able to find a good facility for your mom. It's such a hard thing to do, but usually ends up being the best thing. It's been a relief for all of us since Gary's mom has gone to live in a small group home. She's declining rapidly, and they take very good care of her.
I did a lot of SaintBella last night. Filling jars and labeling. Tonight will be more of the same. Tess is tied up with her new niece and a drug addicted mother (her own, not the baby's) who is causing lots and lots of trouble. Such a shame that she has so much to deal with with her mom. Pam is addicted to pain meds, shops around for doctors to give her Rx's and has been stopped three times by local police for driving erratically. Tess talked to them and they promised to arrest her if they caught her doing it again. She needs to be in a long term facility, but we haven't found a way to get her committed against her will. If getting arrested does the trick, so be it. The woman needs help, and needs to be off the streets!
Okay, that's it for me. Off to get ready for work.
Ahh..sounds like that visit will be quite the adventure..you will enjoy it, Im sure *s*
yes, Ive been touring alot of faclities for Mom and what surprised me is that she agrees that it's time. Right noe she has a kitchenette and abalcony but she wont be getting those in a new place. This are has a very high population of seniors here in Niagara and the waiting list for rooms is extremely long. One popular place in the city has FIFTEEN year waiting list!
I'm afraid I know all about drug abuse because of my adopted younger sister who is addicted to cocaine and alcohol. It's heartbreaking to watch how one person's addiction can tear a whole family apart : Dad died from the stress, mother continues to be an enabler, my only blood sister walked away from the family 25 years ago tho she lived four blocks away and I'm left to try and pick up the pieces. Thankfully, on the positive side, my two sons saw how drugs ruined my sister's life (and hurt so many others) so they never had any respect for drug users and heavy drinkers.
Good morning, ya'll.
Rain rain go away!
I'm moving better today. Got back from the hospital and the scale showed a 20 pound gain. I KNOW it's not food, since I was on clear liquids for a week. I have no restriction, but have no appetite, either. Nothing really tastes good. But I KNOW I have to eat, so I am.
I spoke with my band surgeon's office and they recommend coming down there for an evaluation and fill. Since I had the NG tube put in while I was filled, want to be sure there is no slip or other problems before adding saline. I was planning on my yearly trip down there for a look see in November, anyway. I really have no faith in the oncologist's office with a fill. But if my appetitie comes back and I can't control myself, I may opt for a SMALL fill on Oct 2.
I am devoting this weekend to catching up on my DVR shows. I have a bunch in the family room where Ray and I watch our shows. Then a bunch more in the living room where I record and watch the stuff he doesn't like (Food Network, etc).
Everyone have a fantabulous day!