Thursday's Whats new
well its a start of a new day for me and i am feeling sooo much more at ease after the loss of my ex...guess going to the funeral service was good for me. again THANKYOU!!! TO ALL THAT POSTED TO ME ON HIS BEHALF!!!
had a scarry thing happen while in michigan...heard a weird noise coming from the back drivers side tire...took it in to the mechanic i used when i lived there and he found that 4 out of 5 lugnuts were only finger tightened!!!! the 5th one was on so dam tight he couldn't loosen it at all and he also said i had some damage to my wheel because of the loose lugnuts!!! he said i was lucky the wheel didn't come off while traveling!!!!! so i will be making a inperson call to the NTB tire place soon!!!!! OMG!!!!! i can't believe that they didn't tighten ALL the lugnuts!!! the other tires were on ok but this one was not done right!! did they only tighten the one 5 times???? well they WILL pay me the repair bill and ALSO fix my wheel for free or i WILL get a lawyer!!!!! my mechanic wrote a note to these people for me to take to them and let them know what they found.
had a nice visit with my mom and brother tuesday and had a nice dinner also. my sister was in dialisis so i didn't get to see her then but i did see her wednesday. she is doing pretty good considering all she is going through. had to wait til wednesday also to see my younger brother. man is he ever getting grey!!!! WOW!!!! so all in all i had a nice time back home seeing my family again!!! told them we would have christmas this year and they said ok but laughed about making the long we shall see what happens. not really expecting them all to come but maybe some will even if its not ON christmas day.
also while traveling to michigan rick got a call from his daughter...ricks cat sassy passed away. he took it pretty good considering but he did cry over his loss...i was crying also and was afraid driving but i managed ok. she is burried in his moms backyard. poor cat had some health issuses toward the end she couldn't walk good and then lost control of her potty habits. she is in kitty heaven and i am sure happy there.
well i have to get ready for work so will say again thankyou to all that cared. (((OFF))) :-)
Hubby will be up Friday, so I'd better get going and get a couple of boxes emptied again, or not.
Hope everyone is blessed with something good today.
Ill bring up the rear. Disreguard my messy typing today as I ahve aMigraine from hell rom the shots and the rediation pill I had to take yesterday. I am having my thyroid cancer scan tomorrow and I am very uptight about it.
I slept most of the day and tried to get rid of the headache.
My praners are with carolyn, connie and Judy g.
Nothing much going on here in the gulf coast of Florida. Looks like rain for a minute and it is 1848!!!!!
Our truck is being looked at tomorrow. I think we need a new starter in it.
Always something.
My weight is back down to 145 and I am siked!!!!!1 I haved being at 158 to 160. so I am on the downward side . Maybe I am on track again.
Well I need to go and lay back down.
See ya all later.