What's new Monday?
I was missing yesterday ... didn't get up til almost noon and then I spent most of the time on the phone gabbing ... talking to mom, then my brother Gary, then my friend Roxane. Then I had to hurry up and get dressed and go out ... my coworkers were treating me to an afternoon out for my birthday (a little late, but I'm not complaining). Not a big deal, but it was fun. A couple of our coworkers have a band and they were playing at a benefit for the local food pantries at this microbrew/pub in Grand Rapids. It was loud, but fun. I had one beer, but the one I picked had 8 percent alcohol ... yikes, a third of the glass down and I was snockered. I had to get some food in me and fast! I spent a little money on the group's CD and some 50/50 raffle tickets (also to benefit the food pantries). But everything else, Kim paid for, so that was nice. We split an appetizer tray of a really good cheesy spinach dip to go along with the beer. The music was nice ... the first band's drummer was our religion editor's son. The second band, the Honeytones, featured the religion editor, our rock music critic and as a special guest, one of copy editors as the drummer (he used to play with them). Then there were two bands after that (I stayed to hear one more before my knee started to really hurt). Like I said, it was very nice.
Gary just got back from visiting his friend Bruce, who's dying from Hodgkins. It's probably the last time he'll see him. In fact, on Friday, Bruce had surgery to relive fluid in his lungs (the cancer has spread to his lungs). Bruce is in hospice care now and is in a lot of pain. I've told his story before so some of you old-timers will remember him ... he's the guy I watch the seven dogs for in Lubbock, TX, while he was at the Mayo Clinic having stem-cell treatment (that didn't work). I just hope he goes peacefully and without too much pain.
I'm off today but have to get my bone density scan this afternoon. My boss is having heart surgery today .... and don't forget that Brenda is having her surgery today and getting rid of Harriet Hernia. Please keep her in your thoughts. I'll try to call the hospital and update everyone when I can.
I'm still wide awake and needed to do something online, so I decided to come in here. Hope everyone has a good day. We finally got out of the rain for awhile, although more is forecast for today (and I can feel it!)
Thought of you a lot this weekend, as I spent the whole weekend cheering for my grandson's baseball team. I took about 150 pictures. My new camera has a setting where you can hold down the shutter and it will continue snapping, storing the last three taken when you release the shutter. I can get 3 pictures of a batter on one swing. Pretty neat. Got one of Eddie as he wa**** by a pitch. Tried to get out of the way, but it got his calf. He has a bruise, but he will be ok. The team won the first game 15-4, lost the second 17-1. Won the third 15-2, lost the fourth 13-3. At least there were no nailbiters.
Eddie made a diving catch at shortstop that was awesome.
The team they played today was really good. There were two batters that swung at and missed a pitch in the entire game. TWO! These guys make contact and put the ball in play.
I was so busy out there that I did no****ch one out of the Rangers games. I am going into serious withdrawal. Fortunately, I have tickets to 5 games this week. LOL.
Eileen, when you said 2 of your co-workers have a band, I was thinking lap band! Until I read further. Many years ago we mentioned to my Dad that we had just bought a new CD and he asked 'what interest rate'? I said, huh? George Strait!
George, you are so lucky to be able to watch your grandson play his sports. We have 2 we watch here in NC, but can only hear about the ones in Oregon!
I have been up since 3 AM, despite my Ambien! My Sis and I have decided we have GOT to go to Texas and look into Mom's situation! When we spoke with her yesterday we could hardly understand her! Slurring her words, she was very out of it when she spoke with Sis. By the time I talked to her, she seemed to be a little clearer. She says she is ready to go to the nursing facility in the place she lives. Sis and I talked it over, and both spoke with her again. About her just going down there temporarily, keeping her apartment and seeing if they can help her get better. She has 24 hour sitters now, and that will break her if she needs them for very long. About 4 hours later she called my Sis and then me and frantically said she had spoken with the chaplain and he doesn't feel like she should be put in health care permanently, she doesn't want to give up her apartment, etc. Then the director of the retirement place she lives called my Sis and said the chaplain had just talked to her and Mom thinks we are trying to force her out of her apartment and into the nursing home. Sis reassured the director that is NOT the case. She did agree that Sis and I need to come down and talk to Mom, and take over some of her stuff and see about her going to the health care for awhile. We BOTH called Mom again and reassured her that we aren't closing up her apartment!!! She gets so confused, she is on so many meds, she doesn't know who is doing what for her. Her 'girls' are making out her checks and Mom is signing them for things like groceries and their pay, etc. WHO KNOWS how much, or what for, really. Sis and I are frantic! I guess we have to pull up our big girl panties, get ourselves down there and see what is going on!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day! Mine has got to get better, it can't get worse!
I am keeping you and yours in prayers that this whole things gets taken care of.
It is cold to me this morning. I know that it is getting to about 75 today and that is it. It got to 85 yesterday and it was beautiful out. I guess it is only getting in to the mid 50's tomorrow so I am glad that I am going to be snug as a bug in a rug tomorrow and I don't have to go out. From tomorrow on it is going to be in the mid 60's for the pretty much the rest of the week. The wind is suppose to pretty high today too. Alright....so much for the weather report of NW Indiana.
I have to leave for the hospital in about 45 minutes. I had to use some wipes last night and rub them on my skin about a hour after I showered and then had another 6 of them to use this morning too. I used them last night (some with the help of Bill) and then boy did I start to itching.......it was making me go nuts. So here I am taking yet another shower to get that off me. I am not going to use them this morning that is for sure. They said in the directions that if you itched or had any skin irritation to discontinue and to rinse off. I had to use my shower get to get it off my skin. I personally never heard of doing this stuff until I went to Methodist Hospital and I have still never heard of it. I had to do it for the wls and it didn't bother me but such is life and me with allergies.
I had a rose in a vase for Kayden at church yesterday. It turned out beautiful and I know that we talked about it but I brought it home and put it by the television. Well, Misty struck there last night. She is such a little stinker.....but what is a mom suppose to do? Last night after we went to bed I was talking to my sister on the phone and heard a big noise. Bill go up to check things out because we knew that she got into something. Bill got back and told me that he didn't see anything but I found it this morning. Here it was laying on the floor and all the water was soaked into the rug. I told her that she was a bad girl and she just sat there looking at me. It was if she was saying that she would rather deal with Dad since he is half blind when he looks for something she does wrong.
I better get going. I have a few things to do before I have to leave. I know I am forgetting something that I should have packed but for the life of me I don't know what it is. I hate that with a passion....it is hard when you get old and forgetful. ha ha I am sending you all love and hugs and know that you all remain in my prayers. Take care of yourself until I get back home and know that I wish I could just freeze time until I am back. Keep smiles on your faces and make the most of your life.......after all it is the only one that we get.
morning eileen and OFF peeps....
well its a beautiful morning here in willoughby ohio...73* with a nice breeze...ahhhhhhh been very warm here last couple days but i will take it for sure!!!
want to welcome all the new comers that have shown up on OFF!!! WELCOME!!!!!! glad that you all found the best board that OH has to offer!!! i can't post individualy because ricks PC is SLOW!!! (i hate that with a passion!!!)
worked all weekend and had to train a new girl to work back there...cooking and closing for the night. then sunday one that SHOULD know how to do things had to practially teach her the ropes also!!! sighs...sooooo many people are such slobs its unreal!!! makes me wonder if they are like that at home!!!! oh well i keep telling myself its job security!!!! LOL two more days and i have been there for 9 months already!!! wow has time flown by or what?? but i would never go back to michigan again thats for sure!!!! i love it here and plan on staying a long time unless we move further south....
rick showed me his bunny hop on his BMX bike the other day...awesome!!! wish he could show me more tricks on it that he could do...but we don't want to get his leg sore or his back so he doesn't do them!!!
oh!!! the aunt is gone out of our apartment!! she left friday after she got here to pick up her things!!!! yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! we are now alone and happy once again!!! ;)
not much else happening here....just me working and rick still looking for work....have to go to unemployment again tomorrow for him and they are going to help him get his CDL so he can drive a truck...hopefully that will get him a job!!!!
time to make out a couple more checks to pay the bills so better get going....have a great day everyone!!!!
Eileen....Bruce continues to be in my prayers. I have been wondering how he has been doing.Thanks for the update.
George....I think it is great that you can spend so much time watching your grandson play ball. I have had to miss so much.
Grannylew...I am hoping you and your sister get things resolves for your mother. It is hard being in that situation. I wish you the very best!
Brenda...my thoughts and prayers are with you!! I am so glad you got to spend time with that sweet little grandson of yours....I am anxiously waiting for a pic of him to be posted. Also...nag, nag, nag.....you need an updated avatar...we want to see how wonderful you look!!
Today is another COLD and rainy day in MN...ugh!! Not even 40 degrees today. My fibromyalgia and arthritis is killing me. I actually had to break down and take Vicodin this weekend.After I finish work today I will take another. This time of year is just awful for any kind of muscle or joint problems.
Other then the pain I had a nice weekend. Went to see my friends band play yesterday for a couple hours. That was fun!!
I best get to work now. I am behind because I had so many posts to catch up on here today....hahahaha...I hate when work gets in the way of my OFF time!!!! I wasn't on here since Friday morning and I was having withdrawl!!
Have a good day everyone. Prayers to those in need.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
I know what you mean about joint pain. My knee and back kept me up all night. I took a vicodin when I got home from the band outing, then another one before I went to bed ... then I got up at 3 in so much pain I had to take another one. Got up at 5 and was still in pain so I used some BioFreeze on my knee. Still in pain this morning, but I have to go out today for my bone density exam, so I can't take anything too strong because I have to drive. So I'll just suffer until I get back. We have been inundated with storms lately, so I know that's the reason.
Fibro's a ***** ain't it?
Take care of yourself.