I am getting rid of Harriet Hernia.........
Harriet Hernia is leaving my house on Monday! I have my surgery for the hernia and the tummy tuck on Monday at 10:45 a.m. I am so glad that she is going......I am sick her living her and sucking me dry! I have had a lot of problems the last several days and it isn't getting any better like it did all the other times. I finally called the doctor's office and talked to someone different and she got the whole thing going and she called me about a hour after I first talked to her and told me that she set it for Monday. I was shocked but thought that it was a good things since now I don't have time to stop and think about the whole thing and dwell on what is going to happen to me. Boy am I grateful for that......I am basically a big chicken at heart!
I would really appreciate any good thoughts/prayers that you have for me while we bid Harriet a not so fond farewell and good bye! I am going to be one happy lady to see her bee hind hit the door! She has been unwelcome company around here!
Love and hugs to all.........
I would really appreciate any good thoughts/prayers that you have for me while we bid Harriet a not so fond farewell and good bye! I am going to be one happy lady to see her bee hind hit the door! She has been unwelcome company around here!
Love and hugs to all.........
You know that you have my prayers Brenda. Wow, that was something, them setting it for Monday. I bet it rocked you for a moment. Well, good-bye to Harriet, she had overstayed her welcome a long time ago. lol I'm hanging out with you Monday, you will be in thoughts and prayers. Sending hugs,
Walking with you on this journey, Mary
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."