Ladies: post wls armpits

Margo M.
on 4/24/09 12:32 am - Elyria, OH
this is a serious question !!!

since my wls; my pits have gotten quite saggy-sorry TMI!!!! --so---shaving such is difficult to make sure i get all the hairs....

what do any of you do?? did someone say they got armpit electrolysis???? wasn't it painful????? was it expensive????? did it help??? i'm young enough and have alwys been hairy--maybe i should consider it???

i could care less about shaving anywhere else-no problems i mean- and no one sees me in a bathing suit but my granddaughter and the folks-strangers- on the beach when she visits in the summer....

ok- quit laughing and help me here!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Karen The Papaya

on 4/24/09 12:45 am - somewhere

Sorry, but I haven't noticed a big sag there.... but then I don't usually scope it out unless I have my arm extended over my head trying to shave there.... LOL 

I never knew why they called them 'pits' until I lost my weight... the first time I used my electric razor under there I had SERIOUS razor burn because I couldn't get the hair out of the 'pit' part.... LOL 

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

Margo M.
on 4/24/09 12:52 am - Elyria, OH
you have changed your name!!!!

well- i have a few hairs which seem to lie deeply in there so it is a problem to me-moreson than the rest of my saggy body!!

i, too, wonder why they are called pits!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 4/24/09 1:19 am - Williston, ND
Oh Margo....You've gotten me laughing this morning!  Saggy Pits? That is tooo funny.  I guess I haven't experienced that but I can see where it would bother you.   Just hold the skin tight with one hand and shave with other.  What can I say.  I'm gonna have to pay more attention now when I shave my "pits".
Thanks alot!!!
Have a good day Margo ...Love ya,

on 4/24/09 3:04 am - Alexander, AR
Honey, I don't have pits, they're caves!! You could go spelunking in there, no kidding!  I can't shave them anymore because the razor just doesn't fit. one ever told me about this!

I use Nair on a tint brush and just bru**** in there the best I can. Leave it for three minutes and then into the shower and off it goes. Easy as pie!  



annette R.
on 4/24/09 3:04 am - ithaca, NY
Good grief Margo,
Did you read my mind? Raise The RoofThis has been a problem for me because I have developed caves instead of pits. To make matters worse, I can't see without my glasses.

Electrolysis sounds very ouchie to me - go for it  and let us know the results.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Karen S.
on 4/24/09 3:20 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Margo....OMIGOD! You have spoken about something I have struggled with but never even considered mentioning in here. I, too, have armpit problems!! LOL I have one pit that is sunken so far that I cannot get a razor in there....for some reason the other one is more flat.

I try to pull it taut and then shave but when I look later there are hairs in the canyon....Ha! Susan's suggestion of Nair is one I might try, although I've had no luck with Nair on my chin hairs AT ALL! I still have to run a blade over those every day. Oh, my, the sharing going on here today!!

Thanks for turning the light on yet another important subject that so many of us share!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 4/24/09 7:01 am - Tucson, AZ
This is so funny, I am having the same problem myself!  I just grabbed the razor, pulled my arm as far back as possible and went for it.


Teresa M.
on 4/24/09 7:52 am - Waterloo, SC
So I'm not alone on this. I have more trouble on my right side than my left. I've been just pulling my skin tight and I still miss. I will have to try the Nair that sounds less painful than tugging and pulling my skin all kind of way to shave. Thanks. 
This has been a good topic Margo. Info and a laugh at the same time. Can't beat that. Teresa 
on 4/24/09 8:31 am - Omaha, NE
Laser hair removal at a dematologists office is the best. Painless and it gets rid of all the hair, but it works best on darker hair.  I don't think arm pits would be too expensive but it varies so much depending on the area you live in and even from doctor to doctor. So if you go this route shop around and go to someone reputable.  The ladies in the office do it , doesn't require a doctor but I always feel better about going to a dematologist office than one of those fly by night spas. It takes two or three treatments to eliminate the hair altogether and then a treatment about once every 12-18 months. I had a lot of hair growth on the chin and neck area and my treatments were $150 each. I think I had three and that was it.  Of course now, the younger ladies and even some older ladies are having hair removal in places I wouldn't want anyone to see.  I don't know how they have the nerve to do it. 

Karen - Nair does not work on hair that has been shaved but it works pretty well on finer textured hair.  It's a pretty strong chemical and it really irritates my skin even if I only leave it on half the recommended time. 
Barbara D.

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