Good Morning Its Friday!!!!!April 24, 2009
I am sure the cats are healthy, HER health has to be compromised. For now I shall do my best and keep in touch with the animal control people.
This is a mental health issue which has strict laws protecting her "rights". Totally archaic, unrealistic and down right STUPID!!
Sorry for the rant and thanks for your suggestions.
This is a mental health issue which has strict laws protecting her "rights". Totally archaic, unrealistic and down right STUPID!!
Sorry for the rant and thanks for your suggestions.
Janet's reply to you makes the most sense. Get a doctor's note, attach it to a letter you need to send (return receipt requested) to your "friend," her daughter, Animal Control AND at least the Mayor of your town/or a council person for your district.
Describe in the letter what you've told us and that for health reasons you will be ceasing
your daily cleanup and feedings, etc. on such and such a date. This way you're putting the onus on them, where it belongs.
I'm not a lawyer and this is only a blog, but you need to get yourself out of that unhealthy mess now.
Enough already.
Good luck,
Katherine B
That's an excellent idea - put it in writing.
At this point (late afternoon) I have lit enough bon fires to get the legal wheels in motion and the cats will be removed soon.
The SPCA has somebody going in daily until the cats can be taken away. I hope they wear a HASMAT suit and oxygen tank.
That's an excellent idea - put it in writing.
At this point (late afternoon) I have lit enough bon fires to get the legal wheels in motion and the cats will be removed soon.
The SPCA has somebody going in daily until the cats can be taken away. I hope they wear a HASMAT suit and oxygen tank.
i'm up and need to get in the shower-get my packing done and get on the road-not sure when my gf will be ready-she is at work this morning-long story-she cares for a quadreplegic and had to go get her up and showered before she could leave-and she (gf) was up all nite waiting for new grandchild to be born (at 4:08 am finally) --so i may have quiet on the drive as she sleeps or she may be a chatter box!!! am taking the (newtome) laptop and will check in tho i have no clue when!
it is so nice here that we actually left a window open all nite!!!
the whole cat situation annette talks about is horrid- and animal control is -well--nevermind i need to be polite!!!
if i don't get on here-everyone have a great weekend and know i'm sending hugs and prayers!
it is so nice here that we actually left a window open all nite!!!
the whole cat situation annette talks about is horrid- and animal control is -well--nevermind i need to be polite!!!
if i don't get on here-everyone have a great weekend and know i'm sending hugs and prayers!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good morning Carla and everyone.....
Carla have a nice drive to Ft Lauderdale. Enjoy being with your cousins! Prayers for your friend's dad...bless him!
Annette....the cat situation stinks in more then one way! I can't believe nothing can be done. Things sure aren't like they used to be!! Take care of you!!
Brenda...prayers and good wishes to you!
TGIF is right....I sooooo need a relaxing weekend....hope I get one!! I only have to work a couple hours today so my weekend starts early!
I have a doctor's appointment at 8:50...just a follow up. I best get in the shower and get ready to go.
Have a wonderful day everyone....the sun is almost shining here. It was over 80 degrees yesterday. Today only a high of 64...the rest of the weekend in the 50s...UGH!! Can't we have more then one day of nice weather!
Special prayers to those in need.
Thank you to all that wished Nic a Happy 16th Birthday yesterday....he was so happy!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Carla have a nice drive to Ft Lauderdale. Enjoy being with your cousins! Prayers for your friend's dad...bless him!
Annette....the cat situation stinks in more then one way! I can't believe nothing can be done. Things sure aren't like they used to be!! Take care of you!!
Brenda...prayers and good wishes to you!
TGIF is right....I sooooo need a relaxing weekend....hope I get one!! I only have to work a couple hours today so my weekend starts early!
I have a doctor's appointment at 8:50...just a follow up. I best get in the shower and get ready to go.
Have a wonderful day everyone....the sun is almost shining here. It was over 80 degrees yesterday. Today only a high of 64...the rest of the weekend in the 50s...UGH!! Can't we have more then one day of nice weather!
Special prayers to those in need.
Thank you to all that wished Nic a Happy 16th Birthday yesterday....he was so happy!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d