
on 4/22/09 9:45 pm - Kempton, IN
 I read your update today and just wanted you to know that myself and others love you! As you know things haven't been going so easily for me this past year and now this year isn't going much easier but I have learned not to look to people on this earth but to focus on the Lord. SO I am sure if you pray on what has gone on with your family that you being the Christian that you are the Lord will point you in the correct direction. He has pointed me in a direction that got me away from the problems here on the Indiana board and he will do the same with you! I talked to him about what people have done to me and he has put in my heart not to get to close to worldly things including people. He wants me to direct my love to the animals so I started to volunteer at the local animal shelter. Animals are my passion and I feel dogs are the best people. They love you unconditionally and that is the kind of love I need, so in comes the animal shelter. Just look to God and he will help you. Thank you for being you and showing us your love! Michelle
Brenda R.
on 4/22/09 11:03 pm - Portage, IN

Thanks for the kind words, Michelle. We all need to hear our good points from others at times. I guess it my time right now. I am grateful that God has put wonderful and caring people in my life. Most of them are ones that I might never meet but they hold special parts of my heart and always will. That is what true family does. It doesn't desert just because bad times come and they don't want to see it.

Things are doing better here. Bill and I talked and he is working on things as I am too. We talked to Shawn and he told me that I am more than welcome in Kayden's life since I am his Grandma...that made me feel good. Bill and I are going to go over to the house to see both Kayden and Carol. I need to apologize to her for my hormonal outburst too. I feel that need. I need to do that not for others but for myself.

I know just what you mean about animals loving unconditionally. I know that each and every dog that I have ever had has done that. It is the kind of love that I feel from Misty (my cat) too but cats are so different. I know she loves me that way though since she has been with me through this whole fiasco of the past several days. She is much more attentive and affectionate with me through the past days. I am blessed to have her. Now all I have to do is remember that when she gets on my nerves!

I just have to remember that when God brings us to something He will and does get us through it. Praise Him in good times and bad times. Never cease to praise Him and He will and does direct out paths. I believe that nothing happens in God's world by mistake. He puts people in our paths when we need them. He gives us nothing that we can can't handle together because with His help I can accomplish anything.

Of course this is all my own personal opinion and take it all as such.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/23/09 2:53 am - Kempton, IN
Hey Brenda your opinion matters! Don't forget that! Sometimes we as women forget that. I know God is great and I do believe in God but is it a coincidence that dog is God spelled backwards? I think not!
 You know I had a step-grandpa and he was in my life from the day I was born, but to me he never was a step anything. He was my grandpa! That is the way Kayden will feel about you! So just don't let what your dumb butt husband said twice bother you! It is his problem not yours! Just love Kayden like you would your BLOOD grandchild and so no favoritism and everything will work out the way God wants it too! And your opinion counts! Love Michelle
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