Beautiful Saturday..What's New??

J Brown
on 4/17/09 3:04 pm - Omaha, NE
Ok, so I am 5 minutes early but I thought I may as well geta jump on the thread since I came in to check and see if baby Kayden had arrived, darn looks like  his b-day may not be the 17th after all. I have to be on the road at 6:45 AM and I still have to get my clothes together and a shower before I go to bed. Spring Conference for American legion Auxilliary. I am suppose to lead the elections of new officers and Ihave no idea what so ever what I am doing, plus I am short an officer..It may be the firing squad for me.
I got a good dose of snuggling in this evening as Hunter was left with me for a couple of hours. I put him in the stroller and "we" planted lettace,dill, spinach and mixed spring greens. Then went for a walk. Nice evening and a good excuse to put off paperwork. Seems everyone is having good weather, sure is nice to see. I only have a couple hundred miles to travel today, but I sure hope my poor ol Lumina doesn't choose today to give up the ghost.  Oh It is officially after midnight now..Happy Saturday..Blessings!!!
Nancy B
on 4/17/09 4:04 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Good morning, Family!!

Im back!  First Id like to thank everyone for their kind birthday wishes on March 28th.  I was away..down in Myrtle Beach at the time.

After finalizing all of my greeting card illustrations and handing them in to the Printer, JB surprised me with an annoucement.."pack up for warmer weather..we are outa here!".  Luckily, I was able to readjust my daybook appointments and I packed quickly before he changed his mind.

We drove down to Myrtle Beach, SC and stayed there a a FABULOUS deal  at the wonderful Crown Reef Resort on The Strand..a deluxe KING room over-looking the ocean..get this! FOR ONLY TWENTY-NINE DOLLARS A NIGHT!!

The weather was perfect but we watched the Weather Channel each night and morning to keep an eye on the nasty storms and that helped us decide where to go to avoid the tornados and severe thunderstorms. Doing this as we went along made it possible for us to miss ALL of the bad weather!  We are very flexible since JB is retired and he loves to drive his new Caddy anyways.  Because of the economy, the prices were lower and we never once booked a room ahead of time..always walking in and getting a great room.

I ate seafood the entire time we were away, we walked the beaches and the boardwalks.  I took all my meds with me, having my Matrix hot chocolate protein drink & my supplement pills each morning and just took my water pill & potassium at night when we settled down for the evening...avoiding stopping for a "pee-break" every fifteen minutes during the day.

Ive gotten very organized in making sure that I have my proper proteins each day while on the road. I loved to stop at "Bob Evans" because they have delicious SAUSAGE CHILI soup which is high in protein and very filling & satisfying.  Also I found that "Cracker Barrel" has an EGG SANDWICH  that works well for me...I ordered "2 eggs over easy  and toast the bread crispy please! " Then I ate them like a poached egg.  Ive found that scrambled eggs just fill me up way too fast.  Of course, at seafood places,  always ask for grilled or sauteed shrimp..yummy! And skip those tempting HushPuppies!

We have our special favourite places to see the animals in the wild and we drove from Myrtle Beach down the east coast to the Everglades and Miami(Okay, I looked at Miami in a completely different light now since I so enjoy CSI). We spent a few days on Key! 91 degrees..thank goodness for the wind!  We ate in some favourite places on the docks, of course.

Then we drove up the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, stopping in Naples for a while too, shopping in my favourite Tin City there and eating on the dock again. From there we moved up the coast to the Panhandle, then along the coast to see the rebuilding in Alabama & Mississippi after Katrina had left her mark. 

From there, we headed back to the Florida Panhandle and stayed there awhile, always mindful of the storms, before we headed to Georgia and upwards.

JB loves to play his CDs..sadly, it's all C&W.  Now I can handle SOME C&W but not that old twangy stuff for long...of course, the stereo being so potent, I cannot read.  So Ive discovered that I find crocheting soothing and it passes the time, keeps my fingers numble and it's actually productive!

During this trip, I crocheted one full-sized afghan, one baby blanket, eight cotton dishcloths and two potholders as well as having crocheted one quarter of another queen-sized afghan.

We enjoyed our trip but it's always good to get back home again.  I lost weight and  feel good.  Derek had held the fort as usual.  He was kept busy most of the time, snow plowing, salting and sanding.  Katie & LilyRose were happy to see us back too.

Yesterday, April 17th was our 39th wedding anniversary so after I returned my library books, bought Mother's groceries and went up tp spend time with her, I went home and made garlic butter sauteed shrimp, a baked vegetable penne & parm cheese casserole and steamed carrots and then made a lemon meringue pie for a special dinner.  I ate the shrimp, had two bites of penne and NO pie.. I ate an apple instead and Im okay with that.

I have a daffodil blooming!!  We know there will be one more snowfall here....ah well..It's almost over. *s*  I hope that everyone is well and doing great.  Ive got alot of catching up to do!

Nancy B


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J Brown
on 4/20/09 5:22 am - Omaha, NE
Oh Nancy what a FANTASTIC vacation. Thank you for sharing it, it sure out a smile on my face, WOW WOW WOW !!!
Jan C.
on 4/17/09 8:22 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
hi Jean and Nancy, i dont get in here to post a lot anymore i am so busy that sometimes i think it is me i meet around the corner. lol . and now is garden and flower time. We have been having great weather even if it does rain about every third or forth day...but our temps have been staying in the high 60s and middle 70s. i noticed yesterday that my beans are coming up and all the green veggies that we have planted are all looking great. 
My flowers are so bright and pretty this year seems like anyway....the daffodils are done but the double narcissis are still brightly blooming as are the tulips and the lillies both daylillies and the orientals, and other are all up about half their adult height.  The yellow jasmine has almost covered the trellis and leaves a drifting aroma that smells so good. ...Iris are starting to bloom with the early old fashioned ones first of course. but a lot of the others are getting buds on them...Redbud are about done blooming and the dogwood take up the color again everywhere.
I have been working on getting all my ponds and fountains working and going again. 5 of them...have 3 up and running so an all day job on getting some of the bigger ones cleaned out and all the rocks replaced around the edges. one of the ponds i will wait for awhile to do as it has a bunch of tadpoles  almost ready to be frogs in it lol....they still have their tails but do have all their legs. funny how they evolve and dont go any futher. doesnt make me believe in the theory of evolution any at all...other wise why wouldnt they go farther ...but that is just me. i think it takes a lot more blind faith to believe in that than it does to believe in God. 
Well guess i will get off here and get my protein in for the morning.  the rooster is crowing , i wonder if he really thinks he is making it morning?  We have a big day of cleaning out a shed today and throwing away a lot of unuseable stuff, it is our lumber and building supply shed...
as you can see not a lot has changed with me except that i now am able to do so much a lot easier....i have found i can take my naproxin sodium as long as i take a Pepcid with it so have gotten my arthritis under better control. am getting back to walking every morning my 2 miles hope to get it up to five one day again..... well got to go....see you


on 4/17/09 9:59 pm - Alexander, AR
No good weather here!  Supposed to get about three inches of rain over the next couple of days. We got three just on Easter Sunday alone. Eighteen inches so far this year and counting. Man, when we lived in San Diego I don't think we saw 18 inches of rain TOTAL in our lives...LOL

Not much happening here. I'm going in to work today, should be off by 3:00 and then might make a pot of FF clam chowder for dinner. Rainy night, nice hot soup.....nmmmm.

I need to rant about Bariatric Advantage. A couple of months ago when they announced the release of the new Chewy Bites Citrate chews, I bought the "buy 4 get one free" deal. Around $50 I think. They shipped the 27th of March and when I didn't get them by the end of the first week of April I called them. Seems they sent them to a town in CA that even I hadn't heard of, no telling where they got the address. Anyway, they said they'd ship out another box at no charge. DUH!! Why would they charge me?  Guess they thought they were being nice? So, THAT order hasn't come, now almost 2 weeks later. So, I called them again on Thursday and they said they'd send another one, priority mail. What should I do with the other one, I asked. Send it back they said. Well, I gotta tell you, I personally think they should either let me keep the extra one for my trouble, or at least give me a credit on my account or something. Does anyone think that I'm wrong here? I'm giving it until Tuesday(benefit of the doubt) to get here and when it does I think I'm going to call their customer service line. I'll wait to taste them first....might not WANT  to keep that extra

You all have a great day. Time to hit the shower



Margo M.
on 4/17/09 10:15 pm - Elyria, OH
wait wait mean you are now waiting for the THIRD shipment and haven't rec'd anything?????? if # 1 went to CA and you didn't get it that is their screw up--if #2 still hasn't arrived- they should be tracking....if # 3 doesn't show-i would blow up----- returning anything at this point is totally moot.....

ok- um...i'm going back to my corner....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 4/17/09 10:36 pm - Alexander, AR
Yep, this is #3 I'm waiting on. I should have just kept my mouth shut and not asked, but trying to be an honest person, and wanted to give them an opportunity to "do the right thing" by offering to let me keep it. We'll see what Tuesday brings.

About the lap top. I contacted my internet carrier (dish network) and they walked me through the steps to set it up. You'll really enjoy it. What a nice thing for Michael to do for you. And, yes, you need to get a real mouse for it. I paid about $30 for mine at Target. Made a world of difference.



annette R.
on 4/17/09 11:38 pm - ithaca, NY
 <--- that's what I would be doing!!!
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Connie D.
on 4/18/09 12:03 am

Susan...I got my chewy bites...yummy!!!! They were $39.32 with shipping and handling.(4 boxes) I didn't have any trouble getting mine. Yes they should give you a deal!!

Hugs....connie d
Margo M.
on 4/17/09 10:11 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning!
jean and her snuggly time!!!! i envy those of you with small/young grands!!! mine are all past teh snuggly stage!

jean you will be fine with the elections thing- i have faith!!!

so good to see nancy and jan !!! nancy your trip sounds wonderful...and so much accomplished- losing weight and all of the handiwork!!! jan, your garden stories always make me dream.... my own bulbs planted last fall must have been too old- didn;t come up--i had that fear when i planted them --ah well...i did get some new daffs up tho- and the hostas are starting to appear--i need to get my freecycle hostas into the ground- hopefully tomorrow- as today i MUST work on my DAR costume-

my costume- i found a cute black strawtype hat at goodwill for $3 and bought some black satin and feathers and a few flowers so i need to get the hat made --it should look nice-i hope!!! also bought  at tassle for the little purse--i still need to find a long white slip for friday nite's formal--oh no! where is my gluestick??????

we thrift shopped  abit-found some great shirts for michael for our Panama trip and i found a skirt-shoulda bought it but feared trying to find a blouse to go with....maybe i'll stop back there on tuesday-if it's there it's meant to be! OH!! i found a gorgeous dark blue formal i wish i could have bought- was $25 at st vincent de paul's--i almost bought it but i have my peach one and not sure when i'll ever dress up again!!! hmmm...maybe a cruise would be a good opportunity????

yesterday-my michael surprised me with an HPOmnibook XE2 laptop!!!! he got it from somone about 40 miles away--i cannot believe it! he won't tell me how much he paid but it is wonderful!!! just need to find out how to connect it to the internet now-and probly get a wireless card )???) for it.....i am trying to adjust to the lil mouse but i may purchase a seperate one--- suggestions on the internet thing?????

today i need to work on the DAR clothing stuff that i have been talking about all week- get that done so i can move on to things like working in the yard! sposed to be 70* today and tomrrow so i want to take advantage of some of that!!! it's only 39* right now and i want to open windows- a bit early i guess! yestrday, we saw many many folks sunburned- bright red burns--i need some tan but don't wanna burn to get tehre!

need to get my buttocks in gear and get some protein into the system as well...i'll check back as i love reading what everyone is doing!!!!!
hugs and many good news things yesterday tho a few still really need prayers! --and where is debbie g?????????????
and baby kayden???????

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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