the message thingy is broken again--it said i had 3 unread messages- so i read them--and i still have 3 unread messages!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Yep, I see what you mean, Margo. The same is happening for me. No matter how many times you hit refre**** still says I have messages. Oh well.
Big hugs,
Pat A
Girl,I have been showing I have 4 messages for months,I have up and only look when it says 5. Of course we did have those few special days when it just said "check your messages".
I am sure they are doing their best to fix it.
How u doing otherwise sistah?? (I love to talk Black sometimes)..