Hey...what's happening this wonderful Sunday???
He's doing a photo shoot with a model today here at the house. I'm dreading it, but at least he got the house cleaned yesterday in preparation. So, all I have to do is make the tabbouleh for dinner and clean the kitchen. Nice.
Gentlemen, I'm about to discuss "girl stuff" so now's the time to say ta-ta to you.
I don't suppose that vaginal bleeding 25 years after a partial hysterectomy is a good thing, hm? Not a lot, not bright,not even enough to make it to a pad, so possibly left over from fooling around Thursday night. I've had some difficulty with that since menopause, so I'm trying VERY hard not to freak out. Man, it's always something, huh? I promise I'll call my Gyn tomorrow, but if anyone has had experience with this I'd appreciate some input.
Good Morning Susan and Friends,
Nothing much new to report. I'm packing and getting ready to go "twinsit" most of the week. Erin our daughter and her 3 college roomies are headed to Maui for 5 days. The packages from Seattle are just too hard to resist. The girls will be in daycare during the day freeing me up to have lunch with a childhood friend one day and hopefully see Sharon A another day. (Sharon are you out there lurking?) Mike will catch a ride with a friend on Friday so he'll be there for the weekend. Josh my son in law teaches and coaches baseball so he doesn't get home til about 7pm and that's on non game days. I'll pick the girls up from daycare. The only hard part is they don't seem to sleep much at daycare so when they get home at 5pm they are cranky. Erin said she can't even get them to eat or drink much before they want to go to sleep. They used to wake up to eat about 10 but she said on Thursday and Friday they slept from 6pm to 6:30am! She's worried they aren't getting enough to eat, but if they are sleeping that soundly they must not be hungry. They aren't losing weight; not gaining either. They don't want anyone helping them to eat and it's a slow process and if they are already tired not a happy scene. Mimi Karen will see what epicuriean treasures she can concoct for them.
We've been doing a lot of container planting or should I say getting containers ready to plant so tomorrow if it's nice we're going to take a break, pack a lunch and go fishing. Mike uses a pole; I don't even pretend. I take a chair, a book, my hat and sunscreen. Don't get much reading done, but I walk and look for sticks for Mike's walking sticks and just generally have a great time. I love spring and it has finally arrived I think! Shouldn't be too long before we see ducklings along the canal that runs behind our house. I pretend it's a river. At least it's water. Lots of ducks are enjoying it since it filled a couple of weeks ago.
The paper just arrived. I still love the Sunday paper. Eileen, if everyone were like me about "turning pages" you wouldn't have to worry about newspapers. I still love to physically turn pages in books, magazines, and papers.
You all have a nice day.
Karen C
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
That's too funny because we used to have alot of fun in the corvette! And there's litte room in that car! Now I doubt that I could get in and out of that small space. Talk about claustophobic!
There's a great story about that but I'm not about to share except that we still laugh about it even today.
On Friday, we were married THIRTY-NINE years! Where did time go? I've spent more time with JB than with my own parents..married just after my 22nd birthday..darn, I was way too young.
Karen C
it is a beautiful sunday morning-46* and slightly overcast but the window was open all nite in the computer room and it feels good! went to bed shortly past 11 and slept thru til 830!OMG!!!
so- i got my hat decorated-add milliner to my resume! how do i add a pic to the body of a post here?? made my little velvet purse for the costume- took the formal gown to the dry cleaners- found a purse to use with that and the long slip i needed...took the collar off my white blouse and dolled it up with a thin piece of lace...had to do all of the stitching by hand last nite so fingers are sore today--need to hem the skirt still-just could NOT see to stitch another thing last nite- and it is dark fabric so that's even harder on the eyes---all in all- almost done!! who hoooooooooo !!!
got my laptop straightened around -i think i told you michael got one for me- it's an adjustment making it work!!!bought a mini mouse cuz i have trouble with the built in one!
roxiethewonderdog lived up to her name AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -michael was tying her up as usual and she bolted- so this time we let her go -about 2 hours later he went out looking and a neighbor we had yet to meet had her on a lease and was looking for "home"...sheri had taken her in the house, given her doggie treats, gotten roxie lovins and decided she had to find home ...i suggested she could have her but she has 2 15 year old chihuahuas (sp?) --i do not know what to do with that dog! wish our backyard was fenced in.....
today's excitement is the skirt hemming project...it's a huge hemline so it will take a long time..better get sewin i guess!!!
sure wish weekends had one more day in them!!!!!
sending hugs and prayers ...........
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White