TGIF - What's new?

Margo M.
on 4/16/09 7:53 pm - Elyria, OH
talk away......

weekend plans???????????

hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Margo M.
on 4/16/09 8:00 pm - Elyria, OH
helped michael get some pics onto ads on craigslist  yesterday...

hit the library for a book that was on hold and they are having their book sale- oh darn! i had to buy 6 books! and i really did NOT take time looking as michael was out in the car-could have spent a lot longer looking....

finished up the last project (traffic tickets) at work and am back to my Common Pleas Court documents-how dirty they are!! but i am good with them....job security!

today is work- i will be there alone from 7am -about 12:30 --kyle will come in and we both will leave at 2...plasma tonite and some shopping  then the weekend is odds and ends projects to get ready for next weekend's DAR State conference ....

yesterday, we woke to frost on the car and the deck was slippery walking..went up to 64* and gorgeous sunshine! today is sposed to be the same.....

well-....have a great friday!!! waiting for baby kayden report today.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 4/16/09 8:39 pm - manchester, NJ
goood morning margo

love your pic!!

sounds like your life is busy busy.  good luck with the DAR conference. i am sure
you will have a wonderful time.

things here are quiet.  my sister is coming down for the day,  she will meet me
at physical therapy and we will go out for lunch and maybe i will try a store with her.
im missing walking around a store, the things we miss huh.

seeing friends and my mom over the weekend.  will continue to look for a new
car since i hope to try and go back to work part time in early May.

be safe and well, hugsssss, jacki



on 4/16/09 9:06 pm - Alexander, AR
Morning Sunshine,

My weekend plans involves hair. Lots of it. Work tomorrow, as usual, then Sunday Gary is doing a photo shoot and Tess will be doing her make up, I'll do her hair. He's been planning this for a couple of months, and while it's "play time" for him, it's work for us. Oh well, it will make him happy.

Really nothing else going on at all. We're expecting rain, rain and more rain the whole weekend. Gee...we've already had 18 inches this year!  Such is life in the South.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day/weekend. Yes, waiting for little Kayden's arrival. Aren't we all like a bunch of old maid aunts, though??  We do love babies!



on 4/16/09 9:33 pm - Kempton, IN
GOOD FRIDAY MORNING ALL! I am going to take all the advice I received from you all and put it into action today. I am going to do some work around this apartment and then go to the mall and walk around or maybe since it is going to be sunny and 70 this afternoon take the dog for a walk. Then when my DH gets home I am going to help him unload the SUV so it can be empty for another load from storage soon. Then tomorrow I am going to oreintation at the animal shelter here so I can start volunteering there. After that it is a 3 hour drive to the house for a final cleaning before the young man takes possesion. He is going to rent it so we do not have to let it go into foreclosure. I hope it works out with him. He is just moving out of his parents house for the first time so he has no references, Some one has to give him a chance so it might as well be us! Pray that it goes well with him if you will please!
 I hope Brenda Russell has that grandbaby today! I will be checking in to see! I know she will be  when it gets here! Good Luck Brenda! Ya'll have a great weekend! Michelle
annette R.
on 4/16/09 9:33 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning Margo & OFFers,

Margo - your new avatar makes me smile each day.

I talked to my oldest (Anne-Marie) last night to finalize the dates for their trip and our babysitting. We will be there from May 4th - 13th while she & Don are in Hawaii. This will be the first time in over 3 years that I have taken off time from work except for illness or surgeries. Long over due.

Waiting tapping my toe and waiting to hear from Brenda. Babies sure take forever to get here.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Jo W.
on 4/16/09 9:35 pm - Owosso, MI
Morning everyone.
My weekend plans are to put my house back to gether!!   My sister and I exchanged spring cleaning chores this year,   It was fun to work together but we discombobulated the house to clean but ran out of  time to recombubate it. because it was time to take her home to do  her house.    My house smells nice and clean  just everything dislocated!
I enjoy volunteering at a clothing closet on Saturday mornings so this afternoon and to marrow afternoon  Ill get my house back in order.    Hubby will help to marrow!
Have a great weekend everyone~!    and I'm  looking forward to the baby news too even if I don't know you  Brenda!
karen C.
on 4/16/09 10:19 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Margo and Friends,

I've been in "genealogy land" for a couple of hours. It's almost too late to go back to bed now.  We've been busy in the yard this week. Mostly "hurry up and wait" if you know what I mean. Contractors call, make an appointment then either show up late or call and reschedule for the next day. Meanwhile we've already rescheduled for them that day. Anyway, finally got the two side sidewalks in the back yard so that we can get the lawnmower down into the backyard easily and up and down from the lower yard to the hot tub. They managed to break two sprinkler lines in the process. Got those fixed yesterday. Then we filled 3 wine barrels 1/3 full with old milk cartons, cans, water bottles and then  added compost, soil, "clay buster" and more soil. So I'm now ready to plant containers. But since I'm headed to Erin's on Tuesday I think I'll wait til I get back home the 27th. It's slowly warming up out here but still far behind our usual spring.

We live in a desert area and I'm just sure we'll go from winter to summer almost overnight. One May we were right at 100 by mid May. I heard that Spokane got dumped on yet again with about 8 inches of snow.  Cheryl, are you dug out yet?

Nothing else much going on. Finished sorting my mom's pictures. My brothers and I have gone through them and selected ones that we would like copies of. The rest we will have a "free for all" picture sorting party the end of May. I'm expecting 15-20 adlut "kids", nieces and nephews (all grown with their own). All will be here for the "picture sorting weekend". Should be fun. I won't have to do any picture stuff as mine will all be out of there. They will be free to take any and all of the rest. It's amazing out of all the many albums and boxes that she had saved through the years. . . how few my brothers and I actually wanted copies of. Sad how so much money is spent and how much time is spent putting them in albums only to discard many. The saddest part is those old "sticky albums". They seemed like such a good idea, but the pictures are welded to the pages and often tear when you try to remove them. In order to keep one picture you have to destroy the one  on the back.

I've decided after all this that I'm taking all of mine out of albums, sorting for just the best and then putting them in year order in picture boxes. That way they can be looked at and then refiled. I find with the digital camera that I don't print nearly as many.

Speaking of pictures. A friend showed me how to make a "picture slide show" screensaver for my computer. Really easy if anyone is interested email me. Now all of the pictures that I have on the computer just randomly pop up when it's "resting" and I get to enjoy all of my pictures. Wish I had done that years ago when I got this computer.

Well it's after 5am think I'll start the coffee pot and start my day. I really enjoy this alone quiet time but it sure makes for a long day when I start at 3am! Sounds like the paper just arrived so Maggie and I can go snuggle and read. I get a cup of coffee and our blankie. She jumps up and snuggles under the blanket and sleeps while I read. A pleasant way to start the day.

Hope you all have a good one.

Karen C

on 4/16/09 11:44 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.


Today I am going to the doctor.  I HATE the doctor.  I wait til I have had a problem for years before I go in.  I am going to ask about this pain in my right chest and the heartburn that accompanies it, when I eat high fat foods. I'm thinking gall bladder.

ALSO, In 2006 I had the rotator cuff in my right shoulder repaired.  At the time, my left shoulder was also bothering me but it wasn't affecting my life.  Well, it is time.  I can't lift the left arm more than 3 inches and I am in pain all the time.  Only problem.  Last shoulder surgery cost me $5000 (after ins, including pre and post doc visits, mri's and physical therapy).  I don't really have an extra $5000 laying around.  I was hoping to survive until my Medicare and TriCare For Life kicked in in 4 years, but I don't think that will happen.  Maybe I can get cortisone shots or something to hold me over.  Pain meds have NO affect on it.  We shall see what the doctor has to say!

The really good news.  I got out an outfit to wear to the doctor today.  It was new last summer.  The shorts are like clown pants!!!  Luckily, they are easily taken in.  I think I wore this 4 times last year.  The top is only slightly too large.

Everyone have a fantabulous day!!

Grammylew in Jax


on 4/17/09 12:29 am - Donaldsonville, LA
will try to get in some much needed R & R.  Although, we have to make a trip into Baton Rouge to pick up the monster t.v. we purchased for DH for his b'day.  The weather is supposed to be yucky so we'll have to pack a tarp and such,  but I plan to sleep late tomorrow.  I never get to sleep late and my body is screaming to sleep late.  Will do the Saturday chores--laundry, groceries, cleaning and Sunday after church hopefully pack up and head to the camp for the night.  We're off Monday to celebrate Paul's b'day and his favorite place is the camp so maybe that will work out.  It's crawfish season and what cajun's birthday would be complete without boiled crawfish, so I'm sure we'll fit some into the celebration somehow.  I am so looking forward to this weekend to get away from the stress of the workplace.  I want to say again, how glad I am I found this forum!  It looks like you all know how to behave!

Anyway, big hugs to those in need!  and a cheer for you too!

Never Give Up!  We win by losing!  Nannyre

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