DH's First Fill - X post
My DH got his first fill today. The doctor doesn't tell how much he puts in. But my DH has the 14 cc band. He said the doc found his port right away and only stuck him once. But he said it burned in his abdoman when the saline went in. Not sure how it could do that since the saline goes into a sealed tube and up into the band, but he may have just been feeling the sting from the needle?
Also, the doctor gave him NO guidelines for post fill eating. Like the first 24 hours or so. He DID tell my DH to stop drinking soup and concentrate on dense protein, because soup was empty calories that just go right through his stoma. My DH has no restriction. I know soup is a slider food. My DH likes soup. He also likes baked potatoes, bread, or a 16 oz steak. He is still eating anything, and basically whatever he wants. I am encouraging soup, over the baker. His will power is shot!
BUT, since the doc told him no soup, and didn't give him any eating guidelines for this 24 hours, he decided we should go out to Logan's for lunch after the fill. He had a salad, a roll, and a 12 oz steak. I was almost hoping he would get stuck and barf!!! He does seem to be taking smaller bites and chewing better. But not small enough, or chewing enough for when he gets proper restriction.
His next fill is May 12th. I sure hope he gets some restriction then!! Oh, he GAINED 1 pound in this 4 weeks. The doctor was perfectly fine with that and said he didn't really expect him to lose any weight until he gets some restriction!!! So, of course, he isn't gonna try.
No soup is good advice. Soup goes down easy as does baked potatoes. Dense protein does not. That is why I chose not to have the band. If I could control what I eat I wouldn't have needed WLS. As human animals we tend to do what is most comfortable for us. As a result high calorie soups and loaded bakers end up on the menu too often. Next comes ice cream and shakes. I have a couple of friends who have gained back all their weight and more because they ate around the band.
Encourage your DH to eat dense protein first, chew chew chew so it is not so uncomfortable.