It really was my son!

on 4/14/09 5:27 am - Danville, IN
Hi all, just thought for those of you who sent me prayers and good thoughts I would update you all.
The good news is,,it was my son that we found. We had put up a Myspace for him a year ago

in hopes that someone would see him or know his whereabouts. We had been searching for 8 years. He is 45 years old and has been homeless by choice, most all of his adult life. Well, Friday we got a hit on the myspace page, and a message. I called the man who left the message and followed up on the information he gave us. Sure enough, it was James.

Now the bad news,.James has been incarcerated in Alabama for 7 years, was released on March 13. on March 23rd he was arrested and sent to a mental facility in Huntington Alabama, where he remains at this time. He is mentally incompetent, violent and delusional. Due to the privacy laws we cannot get much information without his permission, but we cant get his permission due to him not being in his right mind. Thanks to a compassionate person involved in his case, my youngest daughter was able to call james on the phone yesterday. He did not believe she was his sister and hung up on her twice. The individual who made the calls possible, told her that he is a mess mentally. He said he refuses to co operate with the staff or take meds, is violent and dangerous.

James has always had mental problems, but due to years of drug abuse of all kinds,and alcoholism he is completely destroyed mentally. This breaks my heart of course, but does not surprise me. Our main concern now, is to get him commited permanently somewhere for his own good, as well as others. Apparently he had threatened a woman, and that is why he was picked up. My fear is that he will be released and hurt someone.

At this point, I covet  your prayers for wisdom and how to proceed from here. Right now we are waiting to hear from his doctor. We were told that he can only be kept in that facility for a max of 105 days. then a judge must decide if he is stable enough to be released.

I share this with you because you all have been so caring and kind,  and perhaps there may be someone out there who has been through a similar situation and can advise me as to how to get beyond this wall of privacy laws. Im so frustrated!!

Thank you all!
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

on 4/14/09 6:02 am - Scottsville, VA
Bless you Betsy!  My heart justs aches for you.  I know that you are glad you found he is alive, but also very very concerned about him and his future.

Please know that you and your whole family are in my prayers.


Connie D.
on 4/14/09 6:03 am
Betsy...God Bless James, you and all your family!!

I am so happy for all of you. He is alive and one day you will meet with him again. My prayers continue that he finds peace and contentment once again.

Amen...thank you God!!

Hugs....connie d
Brenda R.
on 4/14/09 6:20 am - Portage, IN
Betsy, when I saw your post I thought, "Thank you, God!". I truly believe that still. It is a mixed blessing but the part that is good is has to be. Just knowing that you dear son is alright and live and well as he can be right now.

Just turn the situation over to God, ask Him what you should do and He will direct your path. He will take care of the whole thing if you allow Him to. The door will open and the whole thing will be revealed to you in His time and no one else's. I truly believe this....and I think that you do too. Sometimes we just need things reinforced for us to get us to understand that we are on the right track.

I am so happy for you and your family. It must be such a peace knowing that he is alive and in a safe place now. In time you will know just where he belongs and you and your family will take care of it. Know that we are here for you and can be your sounding board when you need it.

I am sending love and hugs to you and your family and you all remain in my prayers that God takes all of you and wraps you in His loving and healing arms and brings peace, contentment, knowledge and love to all of you now and forever more.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/14/09 6:33 am - Danville, IN
Thanks so much for the encouragement! Yes, it was hell on earth not knowing for all those years where he was or even if he was alive. Now at least I know he is safe.  I spent many many nights online searching everything from the Joh Doe sites to notices and prison attendace rolls. I just never hit on the right one because I had no clue what state to search in. This is such a relief to me.

I have put Him in the Lord's hands and am taking it one day at a time..I know that "He has a plan", and that he loves James even more than I do. That is amazing..........

"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Pat R.
on 4/14/09 7:32 am - Sturgis, MI
Betsy, I feel in my heart that God is leading you in this situation with your son.....without God you would probably have never found James.

It's hard to let go and Let God be in control, even tho' we know it's for the best.

Keeping you and your family and your son in prayer.....a door never closes that God doesn't keep a window open.....

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 4/14/09 7:43 am
Your story is just heartbreaking.  My youngest son was so addicted to drugs that half the time he didn't know what was going on.  We experienced periods of him being homeless (by choice) and I was terrified he was going to overdose.  During those 20 years that he was using drugs we prayed for him and worried about him every day.  I finally had to accept in my heart that he could die.  What a terrible realization about your child.  He finally began to leave the drug life behind.  Then in Dec. 2003 he was killed while a passenger in a pickup.  Not drug related.  How did we get through it?  God's love and the strength of our marriage. 
I'm so sorry you're going through this.  You have our prayers with you.


Margo M.
on 4/14/09 10:20 am - Elyria, OH

betsy--i see another somewhat positive in this- while he was being looked for for 8 years-he was in the prison for 7 of those years-not such a wonderful place-however-not out in the elements either...

sorry if i am stepping on my tongue--i had a sister incarcerated and it is a horrid life...

i have no clues about side stepping privacy issues...

is it at all possible for you to visit with the doctor in person -or the judge? or send letters of personal character witness (of you)type thing to the judge - explain your situation of being in indiana and not knowing where he was and now wanting to see him /speak with's worth a try--

the best bet is prayer...and you have mine.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 4/14/09 10:50 am - Omaha, NE
Oh my goodness Betsy, this story is unbelievably incredible.  Although your son's mental state must be very painful for you, you must take some comfort in knowing where he is and that he is alive. God works miracles and this may just be the beginning of one. Who knows what will happen given proper medical care and when he comes to the realization that there are people in the world that love him. I am very hopeful this will turn into something wonderful.
Barbara D.

on 4/14/09 11:34 am - Interlochen, MI
    I agree with all of the other posts.  Give it up to God, which I know you're doing.  I don't suppose it could hurt to contact an attorney to see what can be done regarding the privacy issues.
     I read the facebook site and was brought to tears, because I know how hard it is to have someone you love involved in drugs and not know where they are, or if they're the unidentified body that was found.  You've gotten one answer right now, I'll pray for more answers for you.
Be Blessed.

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

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