It's Wednesday, What's new with you?

George T.
on 4/14/09 7:36 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning everyone!  Happy Wednesday.  Don't know what is so good about it.  My Rangers have lost 5 in a row.  I am going to the Ballpark tonight.  Maybe that will change their luck. 

Had doc appointment Tuesday.  My platelets, hemoglobin, etc are all just about back to normal.  Glad to hear that.  Blood pressure was 120/60 and heart rate was 60.

Margo - get any sleep?
Shoutjoy - Is your hand okay from that mirror?
Susan - Hope they get your foot cramps taken care of.
Debbiejean - How did Maggie's surgery go?
Connie - Prayers are with Nic.
Brenda - Best of luck Granny.
Marilyn - How did the interview go?
Mona - Did you get your money allotted by the board?
Jean -Did you get your taxes done?
Eileen - How much longer are you on vacation?  Enjoy the baseball while you can.
Carla - Hope you get that cell phone quickly.
Jeane - How long will it take to get your blood test results?
Barbara - I think about 98% of us would retire if we could.  You always have those strange folks that have to work or they would go crazy.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

George T.
on 4/14/09 7:36 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I guess you can tell not much going on at work tonight.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Margo M.
on 4/14/09 7:45 pm, edited 4/14/09 7:46 pm - Elyria, OH
yes; i got sleep-howevever it's rainy and my roxiethewonderdog anf i were snuggled so close and comfy that i hated to get up!!!
speaking of roxie-she got loose AGAIN yesterday-in the rain for about 90 minutes and was covered head to tail in mud when michael finally caught her- he thinks she was too cold and wet to keep running.....not good....

plasma went well...state taxes are done- we do get a refund tho it's half of last years--not surprising as our income was half of last years!!!!

at plasma, they weigh us each time--i did some quick figuring- i am still 60# down from my presurgery weight-so even with my 30# regain in 2005 (of which i have re-lost 10) i am still 60% lower--i feel good about that today!!! wouldn't be so if i had simply "dieted" there is hope!!!!!!

today is work and a DAR planning mtg- my gf is sposed to pin up my hem on my long skirt so i can sew it-i'll pin hers as well....

we're (michael and i) planning a trip end of may and it's falling into place fairly well....i need to get back in the groove of the planning for the one with my mom which is over memorial day...

and carla is coming soon!!!!!

gotta go...
hugs and prayers .....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 4/14/09 9:25 pm - Alexander, AR
Hi George and my OFF family,

George, so sorry about your Rangers, but heck, the season is young yet. Take your mojo to the park and maybe you can help them turn it around. Congrats on those labs coming up, and your BP being so good!

Not a lot going on here but beautiful weather. Too bad I'm stuck inside all day, but at least I can look out a window and see the sunshine. Yesterday we had some birds around the salon just singing their hearts out to each other. It was so lovely to listen to them. Then, while we had the door open for the fresh air, one of them flew in!  Left as fast as it came in, guess it decided it didn't need a trim. Maybe we should change our sign to "fly-ins welcome"?

Well, that's all the excitement I have for the day. Another busy and long day, but I'm off tomorrow. Having a bone density test in the morning, guess I better go study...LOL

Everyone take care and know I love ya!



on 4/14/09 9:55 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

Yesterday was my DH's first fill.  Another story entirely  Had thunderstorms and heavy rain all the way up and back.  I hate driving in that.

Today is the last day of the baseball tournament for the grandsons.  They are 1 and 1.  Yesterday's game was called due to the storms. 

My DD called yesterday.  Her hubby wants some 'get away' time.  My DH and I MAY be going to babysit for a couple of weeks (usually I go alone, but with his weight loss, he is feeling like he can go).  If they 'get away' together they will need us.  If our SIL goes alone, she will need us.  The SIL is a 'stay at home Dad', and ferries the kids up, down and sideways.  I can understand him needing a break.  Our DD has a very demanding job that requires lots of traveling, but it is hard for her to 'get away' for very long.  I think she is leaning towards a short get away for the both of them, and then SIL going somewhere alone.  Probably to Scuba Dive in HI.  Either way, we will be needed there.  But she is a very last minute kinda gal, so we will just be ready.  Luckily, she pays for all of this!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Marilyn C.
on 4/14/09 11:50 pm - Bullhead City, AZ
Good Morning George & All
 Sorry George about those Rangers, What's up with that? Hopefully your wonderful
presence will change their luck.
 As for the interview. The Bad news is the job I wanted was filled, but, the good news is I am on rehire status. I did work for them before & it's one of the Casino's in Laughlin. So I just have to wait a little longer for the right opening & go for broke, then.
More waiting, Tired of the circus, but, with the economy crap, just have to have more
patients, which is running thin for sure.
Not much else happening in my world. It a lot cooler here today as the cold front hit last
night. What's up in your world on this Wednesday?
Marilyn C (Bearlady)

Connie D.
on 4/14/09 11:55 pm
Good morning George and everyone.....

George...thank you for the prayers for Nic....I really appreciate the kindness.This will be a rough few days.

I don't have much to say today. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Prayers to all in need.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

Brenda R.
on 4/15/09 12:53 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, George and my OFFer's. I hope that you enjoy today.....the blessed HUMP day. I am glad that this week is half over. It has been a very busy one and I am so tired today. My bee hind is dragging the floor today. I just don't have any get up and go. Oh well, I am sure it will come back sometime...I just hope that it is sooner rather than later.

I am planning (and we all know what happens when we plan at times!) on doing a few things around here and then going to the library and doing some me time. I just love to sit there and just read and love the quiet. That is when it is quiet. Sometimes mom's bring their little ones in and we all know that at times those little ones are not library quiet. ha ha  I have a book on order and I got a call yesterday that it is in so I am going to pick it up and start on that one fro sure. It is a Kate Collins book. She is the one from Valparaiso, IN and writes light mysteries. She includes a lot of things from around here and I can picture all of it so well. I guess that is one of the reasons that I love reading her books. Besides the fact that she is an excellent author.

Today is going to be in the high 50's and then for the next couple of days it is going to be in the 60's. So for the next week at least spring is depositing some spring like weather here. It is about time. I was so cold matter where Carol and I went I was freezing and so was Carol. Then the heat would go up in the car and I would be loving it and then she would get the hot flash and then tell me she was sweating to death and down would go the heat. Of course I was freezing all the time. But we ladies know what it is like with raging hormones.

I better get to going. At least while my get is willing to go. I am sending love and hugs to everyone. Prayers are being said for everyone too. I hope that today is special to everyone and don't forget to smile.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/15/09 1:18 am - Danville, IN
Hi everyone. Just thought I would pop in here.

Not a lot planned for today, Im thinking about going through one of my closets and digging out stuff for the consignment shop that just opened nearby. I found it Saturday and found a 200 dollar Spencer Alexis dress there for 25 dollars! I was stylin Easter Sunday for sure! that was one of my goals when I had my surgery, to wear a Spencer! Well,,I did and got it cheap. So now Im gonna take some things in and make a few dollars.

Its in the fifties here and I am so anxious for warm weather! I have been freezing for days, wearing sweat shirts and flannel. Im ready to work in the yard or sit on the patio swing. This has seemed like the longest winter!
Guess Ill go putin an exercise DVD and work off some of this stress and anxiety..and build up some sweat! LOL

Have a great day all!
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Cajun Angel
on 4/15/09 1:24 am - New Orleans, LA
Hi George and Friends.  Haven't had a chance to check in much.  Hope everybody is doing well.  I'll try to catch up reading the posts off and on throughout the day if I can.

We had an enjoyable Easter, spent at home bbqing with our two sons, Ethan, and my mom.  Lots of leftovers, so I didn't have to worry about dinner Mon. or Tues.

Yesterday we put my car in the shop - the anti-lock brake light kept going on, and there was a horrible grinding noise.  Problem solved.  The mechanic found a pair of very badly ground up Mardi Gras beads twisted around the anti-lock brake system.  Only in New Orleans!  This had been going on for several weeks.  So, $300.00 later, all is fine.  The mechanic did some a/c repair, rotated tires, changed oil, gave the old girl a thorough going over for her almost 100,000 mile check up (actually early at 93,000 miles).  She's working like a youngster again.  Wish I could say the same for her owner!

Monday I had my stress test and cardiologist visit.  Blood work came back great - no anemia, no thyroid problem, calcium and potassium levels normal, blood sugar 96...  The lab failed to perform all the tests the doctor had checked off, namely the lipid panel and B12.  Stress test proved my heart works at 99% capacity.  So, what the heck is wrong with me that I keep getting lightheaded, have shortness of breath, etc.  He ordered more blood work and included what the lab failed to do the first go round and scheduled me to return in three months.  Of course, if I need him, call immediately or in an emergency get to the ER.  I refuse to let this stop me from doing anything I want to do.

Please keep my neighbor in your prayers.  She took a tumble down the stairs in her house two weeks ago and is still in ICU with a head/brain injury.  At one point she was able to speak and thought the year was 1998.  Shortly after she had breathing problems and was intubated.  It is unknown what caused her fall.  She had had the flu for a few days and could have been dizzy, it could have been the medication she was taking for the flu, or her very hyper golden retriever could have tripped her.  In any case, she has an 8 y/o son who needs his mommy and misses her terribly.

Back to work!
Have a great day, Debbie
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