What we are eating and what's eating us Tuesday!

Linda S.
on 4/13/09 5:46 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Good morning ladies and gents.I hope your flowers are starting to bloom,the hummingbirds are here,they are so beautiful.
B- Western omelette L-The rest of the omelette D- Split pea soup with ham S- don't feel snackish,but if I do,a few ozs of Cottage Cheese.
I hope for smiles for everyone,and that we should not let our worries overwhelm us. Oh...my MRI is fine!! There is a piece of metal that no one knows where it came from,could have been there since childhood.I am fine though and through God's grace should still have a job.I am going down to 32 hours though for my health.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


George T.
on 4/13/09 6:09 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Goodmorning Sunshine!

Not a good day for me yesterday.

B - Omelet
L - Chicken with cream of chicken soup gravy, 1/4 cup pork and beans
S - Meat Loaf
Snack - 2 yogurts, too much SF Candy - I did not stuff myself with it, just know I ate too much.  Cheese

Happy to hear about your MRI.  32 hours a week?  Do what you gotta do, your health is important.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Linda S.
on 4/13/09 6:46 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
1st response got wiped out,gonna try again. Sorry to hear about the candy,I had a bad run in with some like a year ago. I hope it had low glycemic,because that messes with your body. Live and learn,huh?
Cutting down to 32 hours will mean I never work more than two days. I may be able to join the senior citizens for water arobics on Mondays and Thursdays. Whoa that sounds strange,58 sounds strange,but it is what it is.
Take care,and rest well.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Connie D.
on 4/13/09 10:40 pm
Good Morning Linda....love the crazy cat!!!

I am so glad the MRI turned out well. I was so worried.

I had a rough night last night and don't think today will be any better. This is Nic's testing week. I am always so stressed out when he has this done.We never know what the outcome will be.

Protein shakes today as I have no appetite. Plenty of water too!!

Love you dear friend...hugs...Boo..to you!
annette R.
on 4/14/09 4:19 am - ithaca, NY
Blow Kiss
Prayers and kisses
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 4/14/09 5:52 am

Thank you Annette....that means a lot to me!!

Hugs and love back at you....conine d
Linda S.
on 4/14/09 5:12 am - PHOENIX, AZ
My sweet Connie,you know you have my prayers. I feel so badly for Nic,I hope God helps him and hold him in His care.
Love,and hugs.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Connie D.
on 4/14/09 5:53 am
Thank you sweet Linda. I know I am never far from your mind. My Nic will be okay....he has to be!!

Love you...hugs....Boo...to you!!
Brenda R.
on 4/13/09 10:41 pm - Portage, IN
Linda, I am so glad that things came out well for the MRI. Working 32 hours a week is not so bad. You will get to do some things that you would like to do and still work. I know what you mean about 58 sounding strange. I am turning 55 in about a month and I just can't believe it. Time goes by so fast doesn't it? Life goes on and that beats the alternative........oh does it ever.

Carol goes to her last doctor's appointment this morning. I am taking her and if all goes well Kayden will be here in a just a wee bit. She is suppose to be induced tomorrow but she was experiencing what I sure think is labor last night when I was taking her home. No call yet though. I got to see him in the ultrasound and he is up to 8.5 pounds now. He sure can't get much bigger......they would have to go C Section if he did. He is putting on weight like mad with the diabetes. Things went well with the ultrasound but they couldn't get him to breathe. Stubborn little Russell baby just wouldn't do it no matter what they did to get him to. He is so like father and grandpa!

Food is on the fly this morning and this afternoon. Oh but I shall eat.

B: slim fast low carb shake mixed with milk
L: low cal frozen dinner of some sort
D: I have to look in the freezer to see what is there and take it out but with     steamed veggies for sure
S: one pack of cookies

I got some packages of 100 calorie cookies and then when they are gone they are gone. I can stop at 1 pack with no problem. They are just enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. One is baked chocolate wafers and the other is baked chocolate chip.

I better go. Gotta make a trip to the church office and then go get Carol for the doctor. The last time she went to see him it took her 3 hours to get in to see him. He must be mega slow but he is good.......he does high risk pregnancies.

I am sending love and hugs to you along with so many prayers.....and one was answered will by God wasn't it? Have a wonderful day and smile........

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Linda S.
on 4/14/09 6:10 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hiya Bren,I just got your message this morning,my phone is so high tech it is almost useless. I will call you in a few days when your life calms down (if ever LOL). That's a BIG baby!! They better get him out before he walks out.
I will pray for Carol and your family.
Yes,God does answer prayer,I have high anxiety,but keep praying,I am afraid for my job,they tell me I am ok,but it is hard for me to trust business.
I will talk to you about Romeo when we get the chance,I did honestly consider him a friend,and I regret he tried to push that. He has disabilities and I wanted to be his friend.
I talk a lot of foofoo,but when it comes down to it,I am a Christian,I can not have casual sex.
God love ya girl,hang tuff!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


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